Philosophy and the Arts, Lecture 36: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Philosophy and the Arts, Lecture 36:


One point needs to be clear at the outset. We need to recall that just as the ... ii. the replacement of assuredly rigorous methodologies by open-ended critical ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Philosophy and the Arts, Lecture 36:

Philosophy and the Arts,Lecture 36
  • One Last Look Around.

Is this art??
How about this?? Or this??
This certainly is art!
  • One point needs to be clear at the outset.
  • We need to recall that just as the Philosophy of
    Science is nothing without Science, the
    Philosophy of Art is nothing without the Arts (no
    matter what John Wisdom said!!).

Have we lost our way??
  • I have been told this lecture should have been
    given at the start of the course. Perhaps so.
  • An attempt is made here to say where weve been,
    where we are today, and look at some guesses as
    to where were going in the discipline of
  • If nothing else, I want my students to remember 2
    names Max Dessoir and Thomas Munro.

We have to start somewhere!
  • Max Dessoir was editor of the Zeitschrift fur
    Aesthetik und Allegemeine Kunstwissenschaft from
    1906 until to onset of WWII.

Dessoir in Bigaku
  • This may be unusual, but permit a quote from the
    Japanese Journal of Aesthetics (from 2004).
  • Max Dessoir's allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft and
    The 1st International Congress of
    AestheticsKATAYAMA ManabuMax Dessoir, German
    aesthetician, played an important role in the
    idea and the movement of allgemeine
    Kunstwissenschaft (general science of art) which
    occurred in Germany at the beginning of the
    twentieth century. His merits consists of
    publishing the first journal concerning
    aesthetics and studies of arts, establishing the
    organization of studies, and holding the
    congress. Particularly the congress in Berlin in
    1913 which was recognized as the 1st
    International Congress of Aesthetics in 1937 is
    the climax in the activities of allgemeine
    Kunstwissenschaft and reflected Dessoir's idea
    clearly.Dessoir's idea about allgemeine
    Kunstwissenschaft is to make aesthetics and
    studies of art autonomous studies separated from
    philosophy and historical studies by uniting the
    various studies concerning arts. Dessoir's idea
    spread to other countries and contributed to the
    organization of aesthetics and studies of arts
    there.Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft was weakened
    by two world wars and at present is seldom
    reviewed. But Dessoir's idea about allgemeine
    Kunstwissenschaft is the origin of aesthetics and
    studies of arts of today.

Thomas Munro
  • During the 1940-1970 period, Munro was the
    dominant force in American Aesthetics.
  • He controlled the ASA, and, through it, the
  • Under his direction, Aesthetics was defined
    very broadly, to include historical,
    sociological, psychological (etc) studies, as
    well as Philosophical.

John Fisher
  • John Fisher was the editor of the JAAC from
    1973-1988. One of his first acts as editor was
    canceling the journals bibliography of
    Aesthetics and Related Fields, citing high
    printing costs.
  • Members of the ASA took this move to mean that
    the journal was to be now devoted simply to
    Aesthetics, narrowly defined philosophically.
  • Further, the only acceptable Philosophy was taken
    to be British Analytic Philosophy.
  • Fisher announced editorially that the journal
    would no longer accept bibliographies (such as
    the one I did on S. C. Pepper), or studies that
    were purely historical.

British Analytic Philosophy
  • The 20th century produced some great British
    Analytic philosophers Wittgenstein (who was
    really Austrian), Russell, Moore, Ryle, Austin,
  • It is a philosophy with certain advantagesit
    actually seems to solve problems. Further, it is
    usually done one problem at a time, in short
    essays, convenient for teachers.

More on Analysis , and problems
  • My course is largely devoted to this type of
    Philosophy it was in vogue when I was a student.
  • But it tended to neglect the history of
    Philosophyin favor of doing Philosophy.
  • And it was opposed to Metaphysics, and thus to

  • You can find some good accounts of what we did in
    the 20th century, nicely summarized by Joseph
  • But some good work was done in Europeby authors
    such as Roman Ingarden which would have involved
    us in too much system-building.

Is that all bad??
  • Wouldnt it have been good to throw in a bit of
    Kant, for example??
  • Maybe. But I would contend that we cannot just
    read a dozen pages from Kant, and be done.
  • To understand those pages, we need to understand
    Kants whole philosophical system, which requires
    at least a semester.
  • And the same could be said of Aristotle, or of

How the future will look from Margolis Radical
  • i.a preference for ontologies of flux over
    ontologies of invariance
  • ii. the replacement of assuredly rigorous
    methodologies by open-ended critical and
    explanatory practices opposed to a priori
    constraints on relevance and validity
  • iii.the denial that we can legitimate any form of
    objectivity or epistemic neutrality suited to the
    sciences or critical disciplines that is not an
    artifact of our habitual practices or that claims
    cognitive access to an order of reality not
    itself constituted in accord with the categories
    of human understanding
  • iv. the admission that human selves--human
    agents, human cognizers--are themselves emergent
    and similarly constituted by the enabling
    processes of history and enculturation
  • v.the further admission that human thinking is
    profoundly historicized, formed under the
    conditions of changing history and subject,
    through its own exercise, to further variable and
    divergent transformation and
  • vi. the recognition that a bivalent logic is not
    likely to be best placed to service the rigor and
    objectivity of truth-claims in accord with (i) -
    (v) and that it must be replaced or supplemented
    by some accommodation of relativism.

One mans view
  • Well, thats one view of where we are going.
  • How about feminist Aesthetics or Environmental
    Studies? Again, maybe. But I remain to be
    convinced that such things add much to the
  • It is clear that we are getting more studies of
    particular art forms music, film, the novel,
  • We are also, now that Analytic Philosophys
    influence has waned somewhat, seeing more
    historical studies.

But we dont do it that way!!...
  • AS might have been expected, in Europe and Latin
    America, different traditions mean other ways of
    doing things.
  • And we are largely ignorant of these traditions
    and ways.
  • Books such as this one, available online, can
    help remedy this problem.

Two final (almost) remarks
  • I add one negative and one positive reflection,
    both too personal.
  • First, as I once wrote in Leonardo, when I was a
    student, there were some great names in
    Aesthetics. Dewey had just died, Pepper was doing
    great work, Ames was busy, Beardsley and Margolis
    were coming into their own. Dickie, Kivy, and
    Marcia Eaton were just beginning their
    careersTruly, There were giants in the Earth
    in those days. I see no such on the horizon
  • But these may just be the ravings of a tired old
    man. Ignore them.

On the positive side
  • When I met this girl in 1951, I confess I was
    smitten. So I did the natural thing I went to
    the Registrars office, and had a secretary I
    knew pull (that means steal) her file. I wanted
    to know who she was, where she lived, her high
    school record all that I could find out!!
  • The point iswhen we care about someone or
    something (the Arts, perhaps), we ask questions.
  • In the end, thats what Aesthetics is all about,
    and why its so important.

In the end, once more, Philosophies change,
people die, but the questions remain, always
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