Domestication of Animals - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Domestication of Animals


Eohippus was about a foot high and lived in swamps about 58 million years ago. ... include ear tags, ear notching, tattoos, electronic collars, electronic ear tags, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Domestication of Animals

Domestication of Animals
  • Domesticate to adapt the behavior of an animal
    to fit the needs of people

  • Domestication of animals began when humans had
    contact with wild animals long ago. Humans then
    started to confine wild animals to ensure a
    supply of food and clothing.
  • These animals were bred in captivity. Later
    humans picked animals with desirable traits to
    use for breeding.
  • When man started to domesticate animals he began
    a more settled way of life.

  • With a more consistent food supply came a higher
    population, therefore, the labor was divided
    amongst the tribe.
  • Some historians believe without the domestication
    of animals the human race may have never become

  • Bos taurus are domestic cattle that came from
    either the Aurochs or the Celtic Shorthorn.
  • Bos indicus are the humped cattle found in
    tropical climates. They are more tolerant to
    some diseases, parasites, and heat than are
    cattle that came from Bos taurus.

  • Early man used cattle for work, meat, and milk.
    Cattle were also a sign of wealth.
  • Selection and crossbreeding of cattle for
    different purposes began early in the history of

  • Cattle are not native to the US. Cattle were
    brought to America in 1493 by Christopher
    Columbus on his second voyage. The first large
    numbers of cattle were brought to America by the
    English with the founding of Jamestown in 1611.

  • The number of cattle began to grow. The pioneers
    took them with them as they traveled west. There
    was a major increase in the Great Plains of large
    cattle herds because of the plentiful grazing

  • Early pioneers took both dairy cattle and beef
    cattle with them on their journey west. Before
    the 1850s, every family had at least one or two
    dairy cows to provide milk and butter. By the
    second half of the nineteenth century, however,
    dairy herds began to become larger because of the
    increase in the dairy market.

  • The number of dairy cattle increased until the
    middle of the 1940s when they reached a peak..
    Since then, the dairy cattle population has been
    steadily declining.

  • Selection to identify and use for breeding
    purposes those animals with traits that are
    considered by the breeder to be desirable.
  • Crossbreeding the mating of animals of
    different breeds.

  • American breeds of swine come form two wild
    stocks the European wild boar and the East
    Indian pig.

  • The first use of pigs for food probably occurred
    in the Neolithic Age. Chinese were the first
    people to tame swine. Swine were brought to the
    US by Christopher Columbus in 1493 on his second
    voyage. More swine were brought later by the
    Spanish explorers.

  • English settlers brought swine with them also.
    Herds grew quickly in size and soon production
    was soon more than the local need.
  • The main expansion in the swine industry occurred
    in the Corn Belt states because of the available
    feed for finishing hogs for market.

  • Sheep were one of the first animals tamed by the
    human race. The ancestry of sheep is not as
    known as the other domestic animals. There are
    more than 200 breeds of sheep in the world. All
    of them are timid, defenseless, and the least
    intelligent of the tamed animals.

  • Most of the sheep today probably came from the
    wild sheep called moufflons and the Asiatic
  • The only sheep native to North America are the
    Big Horn or Rocky Mountain sheep. The
    present-day sheep were imported by Christopher
    Columbus in 1493 on his second voyage.

  • Sheep were used by the early colonist mainly for
    their wool production
  • The Northeastern part of the US was the
    sheep-producing center of the country by the
    1810. The sheep population increased until, by
    1840, there were 19 million sheep in the US. The
    center of the sheep-producing moved west when
    inexpensive rangeland became available.

  • Goats may have been the first tamed animals in
    Western Asia.
  • Goats are closely related to sheep.

  • Early goat importations into the US came from
  • Most of the increase in milk goat numbers has
    occurred since 1900.
  • Milk goats are found all over the US.
  • Many are kept on small farms, and there are few
    large herds of milk goats.

Differences Between Goats and Sheep
  • Sheep have stockier bodies than goats.
  • Goats have shorter tails than sheep.
  • Goat horns are long and grow upward, backward,
    and outward sheep horns are spirally twisted.

  • Male goats have beards male sheep do not.
  • Male goats give off a strong odor in the rutting
    (breeding) season male sheep do not.
  • Goats do not have scent glands in the face and
    feet sheep do have these scent glands.

  • Goats are more intelligent than sheep and have a
    greater ability to fight and fend for themselves
    than do sheep.
  • Goats can easily return to the wild state sheep

  • The horse evolved from a tiny four-toed ancestor
    called Eohippus.
  • Eohippus was about a foot high and lived in
    swamps about 58 million years ago. The Eohippus
    grew gradually, and eventually adapted to the

  • The horse was more than likely tamed later than
    other farm animals. The horse was brought to the
    US by Christopher Columbus on his second voyage
    in 1493.
  • Early colonist brought saddle horses and draft
    horses to US.

  • Oxen had been the main draft animal of the
  • Draft animal animal used to pull loads.
  • Horses served mainly as pack animals and for

  • The early development of the horse was in the US
    was mostly associated with riding on plantations.
  • Horse racing developed into a sport in the 1700s
    and early 1800s.
  • With development of other power sources, the use
    of the draft horse on farms became less common.
  • Most Horses in US are used for recreation.

  • Chickens were being raised by the Chinese about
    1400 B.C.
  • Although poultry and eggs were used for food
    early in history, poultry raising has only
    recently become a major commercial enterprise.

  • In the past, most poultry were raised for the
    familys own use.
  • The turkey was probably tamed by the people
    originally living in America. Most of the
    American breeds were probable developed from the
    species found in the United States.

  • Ducks were tamed at an early date. The wild
    mallard duck is thought to be the ancestor of all
    domestic reeds of ducks.
  • The goose was probably tamed shortly after the
    chicken. It was regarded as a sacred bird in
    Egypt 4,000 years ago.

  • Poultry were brought to the New World by the
    early pioneers and colonists.
  • The American poultry industry grew out o f the
    small home flocks raised by early settlers.
    Poultry raising used to be mainly a small
    enterprise on the farm, however, as the
    population grew, the demand for poultry products

  • Today most poultry is raised in large confinement
    flocks and few small farm flocks remain. Much of
    the poultry industry is concentrated in the
    southern part of the United States.

Consumption of Livestock Products
  • In recent years, there has been a decrease in per
    capita consumption of red meats, dairy products,
    and eggs.
  • Per capita consumption of chicken and turkey has

(No Transcript)
  • Eating habits have also been influenced by more
    food consumption away form home and an increase
    in demand for meals that are quick and easy.
  • Milk and animal fats are a source of cholesterol
    in the diet.

  • A greater effort is being made to coordinate meat
    production among producers, packers, and
    processors to meet consumer concerns.
  • The meat industry is promoting and marketing
    meats that will meet the needs of the consumer.

Animal Identification
  • There are a variety of methods currently used to
    identify animals. These include ear tags, ear
    notching, tattoos, electronic collars, electronic
    ear tags, ear buttons, implants, microchips, and
    rumen boluses with microchips installed.

  • The livestock industry is in the process of
    developing a system of unique identifying
    numbers that can be utilized with one or more of
    the methods currently in use of livestock ID and
    that can be used to establish a database of
    information about individual animals.

Food Safety
  • Even though the US has the safest food supply in
    the world, food safety is becoming a major area
    of concern among consumers. Much of this concern
    is fueled by special-interest groups consumer
    groups, and the news media.

  • Some of the major issues regarding food safety
  • Bacteria contamination
  • Pesticides in food
  • Drug residues in food
  • Irradiation of food
  • Genetic engineering
  • Contamination of food by processors

  • Consumers are looking for zero health risk in
    relation to their food.
  • Most of the problems with food-borne illness are
    caused by bacteria (66). Other sources include
    chemical (25),viral (5), and parasitic(4).
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