Title: The Genetic Counsellor:
1The Genetic Counsellor Sue Kenwrick
PhD Genetic Counsellor Department of Medical
GeneticsAddenbrookes Hospital sue.kenwrick_at_adden
brookes.nhs.ukTel 01223 216446
2Genetic Counselling
'a communication process which deals with human
problems associated with the occurrence, or the
risk of occurrence, of a genetic disorder in a
family. .
- My career path
- What genetic counselling involves
- Skills and qaulifications required
4The Journey
B.Sc. Genetics Ph.D. Cancer Postdoctoral
research molecular biology and human
genetics PI/Lecturer - finding genes for
human disease 20 years as a scientist, I
wanted a change
5Requirements of a new job
Genetics Global view, not specific Team
work Impact of genetics on health, mental and
physical ?Could I become a genetic counsellor?
6Where is Genetic Counselling Done?
Clinical Genetics Service East Anglian
Regional Genetics Service Addenbrookes
Hospital. The Team Medical Genetics
Consultants and Registrars Genetic Counsellors
-nursing or academic background with
genetic counselling training Molecular
diagnostic and cytogenetic laboratories.
7Skills attained Skills required Genetic
knowledge Counselling patients Teaching Health
service Supervision Solution Obtained
Certificate in counselling (general) Obtained a
Genetic counsellor training position M.Sc. in
Genetic counselling -GOAL
8Genetics is a Family Affair
Affected individuals Diagnosis and Clinical
Care Affected and unaffected individuals
Genetic Counselling
9Genetic Counselling 1
Information gathering
- Developing a family tree inc. ethnicity
- Finding out how much people understand
- Experiences within the family
- Finding out what they need or expect
- Getting a view of family relations and culture
10Genetic Counselling 2
Information giving -
- the clinical aspects of the condition
- the inheritance pattern
- implications for other family members
- the chance of recurrence
- the tests/options available to them
11Genetic Counselling 3
- Information not advice
- Empowering individuals so that they can
- -Make informed choices that are right for
- them and their family
- -Adjust to having a genetic condition in the
12Example 1 - Cystic fibrosis
- Counselling
- Affect of the diagnosis
- Chance of recurrence
- Prenatal genetic
- testing/PGD
- Implications for other family members
Amy 10y
Charles 2m Cystic fibrosis
Autosomal recessive, 1/2500 births
13Example 2 - Breast cancer
Monica 30y
- Counselling
- Affect of the diagnosis
- Risk assessment
- Genetic testing
- Managing risk
- surveillance
- surgery
- Implications for wider family
- Family dynamics
14Skills Required
- Good understanding of clinical and genetic
issues - Good communication skills
- translating genetics into lay language
- Sensitivity to a patients circumstances
- Good listening and observation (picking up
cues) - Ability to help patients explore their options
and choices - without being judgmental
- Dealing with emotional reaction
15Emotional Reactions
Low self esteem
16Becoming a Genetic Counsellor
- AGNC website www.agnc.co.uk
- Nursing or caring services
- - then specialise
- Academic background
- MSc in Genetic Counselling
- Experience in a caring service