Title: The Genetic Revolution
1The Genetic Revolution
- Nasim Monfared
- Genetic Counsellor
- Childrens Hospital of
- Eastern Ontario
- November 12, 2012
2- Today
- History
- Genetics in the news
- General genetics
- Genetic testing
- Ethical issues
- Career choices?
- Vampires thought to have a genetic condition
called porphyria - Porphyria
- Skin changes
- Teeth reddish tinge
- Pain
- Need to avoid sun
- Witches of Salem thought to have a genetic
condition called Huntingtons disease
- Huntingtons disease
- Uncontrolled movement
- Personality and intellect changes
- The Elephant Man had a genetic condition called
Proteus syndrome
- Proteus syndrome
- Atypical growth of bones, skin, and head
Joseph Merrick
- Greek mythology cyclops, mermaids, etc.
- Hemophilia in the Royal Family
8Genetics in the Media
9Why do I need to know about this stuff?!
- We all inherit genetic info from our parents
- We all pass on genetic info to our kids
- We are all at risk for something
BUT. Genetic does not always mean inherited
10General Genetics
Cells do the work of the body
Each cell contains a set of chromosomes inside
the nucleus
11Humans typically have 23 pairs of chromosomes in
each cell of the body
We get one copy of each chromosome from our
12Which species has the most number of chromosomes?
- Maple tree
- Dog
- Butterfly
- Chimpanzee
13Chromosomes and Genes
- A chromosome is made up of DNA
- DNA makes up our genes
- How do we maintain the right number of cells?
- Mitosis
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?vzGVBAHAsjJM
- What is Genomics?
- What is a gene?
- Genes are like recipes that tell the body how to
grow and develop - We all have about
- 25 000 genes in total!
Genes digest your food
Genes make your muscles move
16The Role of Genes
- It is important that our genes work properly
- Mutation A change in a gene that causes it not
to work properly
17Effects of Mutations
Genes digest your food
Genes make your muscles move
18Cystic Fibrosis
1 in 25 Caucasians are carriers
19- Sickle-shaped hemoglobin
- Anemia
- Recurrent infection
- Splenomegaly
- Painful crises
- Autosomal recessive inheritance
- Mutations in beta-globin gene
- Heterozygote fitness
20Achondroplasia (Dwarfism)
- Short stature
- Macrocephaly
- Frontal bossing
- Midface hypoplasia
- Normal intelligence and lifespan
- Autosomal dominant inheritance
- Mutations in FGFR3 gene
- Father diastrophic dysplasia
22Marfan syndrome
- Tall, lanky stature
- Arachnodactyly
- Aortic dilatation
- Joint hypermobility
- Myopia
- Mutations in FBN1 gene
23Muscular Dystrophy
- Continual loss of muscle
- Affects boys
- Will need wheelchair around age 10
24Not all gene changes are bad!
- Gene changes make us all different
25Genetic Variation
DNA is 98 identical to human DNA
26Effects of Gene Changes
Tongue rolling
Is this trait thought to be dominant or recessive?
27Earlobe Attachment
Free Attached
- Ear lobes are either free (detached) or
28Other Genetic Traits
- Mid-digit Hair
- Cheek Dimples
- Bushy eyebrows
- Freckles
- Widows peak
29Other Genetic Traits
- Red Hair
- Straight Hair
- Square Face
- Short eyelashes
- Long fingers
30Genetic Testing
- Genetic testing is available for over 1000
conditions - Reasons for genetic testing
- Diagnosis
- Carrier screening
- Newborn screening
- Presymptomatic testing
- Preimplantation genetic diagnosis
- Testing a pregnancy
- Forensics
31Looking at chromosomes
- Also called a karyotype
- Looks at NUMBER and SHAPE of chromosome
- Will often detect GENETIC conditions that are not
32Chromosome analysis - FISH
33Down Syndrome (trisomy 21)
34Features of Down Syndrome
Eye folds
No eye folds
Hand crease
Weak muscles, tongue sticking out
35Gene Analysis
- DNA is isolated from blood
- Chemicals and electricity are used to look for
changes in a specific gene
36 37 38Genome Sequencing
- Why would someone want their genome sequenced?
39Sanger sequencing
- DNA sequencing - the Sanger method
- How the sequence of bases in a DNA molecule is
determined. - http//www.dnalc.org/view/15479-Sanger-method-of-D
40Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)
- Type of testing that can be used with in vitro
fertilization - In vitro fertilization Creating an embryo
outside of the womans body and then put it back
into her uterus
41Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)
- Removal of one cell from an embryo
- Test the cell for a genetic condition
- Pick the embryo that does not have the condition
42Direct-to-consumer genetic testing
- CF
- BRCA genes
- Tay Sachs
- Thalassemias
- Heart disease
- Diabetes
- Alzheimers disease
43- http//www.youtube.com/watch?v8JTw2RpDo9ofeature
44Stem cells in use
- Are There Different Types of Stem Cells?
- Somatic Stem Cell Therapy Using a Bone Marrow
Transplant to Cure Leukemia - Peripheral Blood Stem Cells
- Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cells
45Ethical Issues
46Ethics and Genetics
- Who should know your personal genetic
information? - Your boss? An insurance company? Your family?
- Who owns and controls genetic information?
- How does your genetic information affect the way
you think about yourself? The way your friends
think about you? - How does genetic testing affect different
47Ethics and Genetics
- Should we test for conditions if there is no
treatment? - Should parents be allowed to test their kids for
conditions that start when the kid is an adult? - How do we make sure that your doctors know enough
about genetics? - Therapies and Prevention- How are we already
putting our new knowledge of the human
genome into practice? - http//www.insidedna.org.uk/content/?tagtherapy
48Ethics Cases
49Case Mr. F and George
- Mr. F is 42 his son George is 21
- They come for genetic counselling for advice.
- George wants to be tested for Huntington disease.
- This is a progressive, fatal inherited brain
condition where individuals develop symptoms in
their 30s, 40s and 50s. - There is a 50 chance that Mr. F has inherited
the gene for Huntington disease and, if so, a 50
chance he has passed it along to his son George.
50Case Mr. F and George
- Mr. F has a 50 chance of getting the gene for
Huntington disease from his dad - If Mr. F has it, George is at 50 risk of also
having it.
Mr. F
51Scenario Mr. F and George
- Mr. F does not show symptoms and he does not want
to be tested. - He prefers to live his life and make decisions
without knowing if he has the condition. - George wants to know if he has inherited the
condition so he can plan for the future.
52Case Mr. F and George
- If George gets tested and is found to carry the
gene, his father, Mr. F, must also carry the
gene. - The two men agree that, since they talk about
everything, it would be impossible for George to
keep his test result a secret from his father.
53The Right To Know
- Does George have a right to know whether or not
he carries a disease gene even if it interferes
with his father's wish not to know his genetic
54The Right Not To Know
- Does Mr. F have a right not to know?
55Other ethical issues
- Testing children
- Sex-selection
- Abortion
- Adoption
56Ethics and Genetics
- The amount of information we have learned about
genetics over the past 20 years has raised many
ethical issues - Part of the Human Genome Project was to explore
these issues - We need to consider the impact of genetic
information on you, your family, and your
57Careers in Genetics
- Geneticist Clinical, Laboratory, Research
- Genetic Counsellor
- Bioinformatician
- Biostatistician/Epidemiologist
- Biomedical Engineer
- Forensic investigator
- Cytogenetic technologist
- Molecular technologist
- Ethicist
- Microbiologist
- Research Scientist (Biotechnology,
pharmaceuticals, etc)
58Where to get more information
- Online (not every website gives true information)
- The Hospital for Sick Children
- http//www.sickkids.ca/childphysiology/cpwp/Geneti
cs/geneticsintro.htm - Canadian Association of Genetic Counsellors
- https//cagc-accg.ca/component/option,com_frontpag
e/Itemid,1/ - Welcome Trust Foundation
- http//www.wellcome.ac.uk/
- American Society of Human Genetics
- www.ashg.org/
- Nasim Monfared 613-737-7600 x 1374
59Thank you!