Title: Henk Dijkstra (IMAU)
1Physics of multidecadal variability in the North
in a hierarchy of models
Lianke te Raa Institute for Marine and
Atmospheric Research Utrecht (IMAU), Netherlands
- Henk Dijkstra (IMAU)
- Jeroen Gerrits (OSU)
- Maurice Schmeits (KNMI)
2Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation
Annual mean SST averaged over 0oN-60oNx75oW-7.5
AMO index (Sutton en Hodson, 2005)
SST WARM (1950-1964) SST COLD (1970-1984)
What is the physical cause of the AMO?
Kushnir (1994), from Delworth et al (1993)
3Approch model hierarchy
1) Idealized model
-North Atlantic only -constant salinity -idealized
geometry -steady heat flux forcing
2) More realistic configurations
-continental geometry -bottom topography -salinity
-wind stress
3) Coupled climate model
-global -coupled climate model
4Idealized model (MOM 3.1)
Meridional overturning (Sv)
-North Atlantic only -constant salinity -idealized
geometry -no wind
P 50 yr
51) Idealized model (MOM)
t5887.5 yr
t5880 yr
Surface temperature anomaly (oC)
t5895 yr
t5902.5 yr
6Linear stability analysis (THCM)
Computation underlying steady state
Steady state meridional overturning (Sv)
7Spatial pattern multidecadal eigenmode
Surface temperature
Multidecadal oscillation results from linear
8Physical mechanism
Thermal wind balance
Te Raa and Dijkstra (2002)
92) Add continental geometry
(MOM 3.1)
P45 yr
Surface temperature anomalies
t3810 yr
t3800 yr
Mechanistic indicator
Zonal overturning
averaged overturning (Sv)
Meridional overturning
Te Raa et al (2004)
time (years)
103) Global climate model GFDL R30
Data courtesy T. Delworth
Oceanic resolution 1.875o x 2.25o x 18
Run 1000 yr Atmospheric resolution 3.75o x
2.25o x 14 Data Annual mean values of last
500 yr
THC index (Sv)
Delworth et al, Clim Dyn. (2002)
11MSSA mode, P44 yr
t600 yr
t606 yr
Anomalies potential density (kg/m3) and velocity
at 20 m depth
t618 yr
t612 yr
12MSSA mode, P44 yr
t606 yr
t600 yr
Anomalies potential density (kg/m3) and velocity
at 683 m depth
t618 yr
t612 yr
Dijkstra et al (2006)
13Comparison with observations
Ocean GCM (MOM)
P44 yr
P45 yr
SST (1950-1964) - SST (1970-1984)
SST (warm) - SST (cold)
SST (warm) - SST (cold)
Kushnir (1994)
Dijkstra et al (2006)
- Multidecadal variability in an idealized model
of the North Atlantic is caused by an internal
oceanic mode of variability
- The physical mechanism of this multidecadal
variability is a lagged response between zonal
and meridional flow perturbations, due to
westward propagating temperature (density)
- The signatures of the variability can be
followed towards more complex model configurations
- A dominant multidecadal statistical mode of
variability exists in the GFDL R30 climate model
15Our results seem to support the hypothesis that
The timescale of the AMO is caused by the basin
crossing time, and its pattern is that of a
deformed multidecadal mode