Title: Aqueous Chemistry: Acids, Bases, and pH
1Aqueous ChemistryAcids, Bases, and pH
2Dissociation of Water
H3O hydronium ion
OH hydroxide ion
3Dissociation of Water
Dissociation constant
4Brønsted-Lowry Definition
An Acid can donate protons to another molecule
5Brønsted-Lowry Definition
A Base can accept protons from another molecule
6Strong acids dissociate completely
Example Hydrochloric acid
In 1 liter of pure water
Add 0.1 moles of HCl
7Strong acids dissociate completely
Example Hydrochloric acid
Add 10-8 moles of HCl to 1 liter of water
In 1 liter of pure water
8Weak acids partially dissociate
Example Acetic acid
What is the pH of a 0.1 M acetic acid solution?
9Bases bind to protons
Example Hydroxide
Add 0.1 moles sodium hydroxide to 1 liter of water
10Comparing pKa Values
pKa 4.5
pKa 10.5
Overall K for the reaction is
- Water dissociates into hydronium ions and
hydroxide ions. - The negative log of the hydronium ion
concentration is pH, a measure of acidity. - The negative log of the hydroxide ion
concentration is pOH. - pOH pH 14 for all aqueous solutions.
- Adding an acid to a solution always lowers the
pH. - Strong acids release nearly all of their protons
to form hydronium ions. - Weak acids release relatively few protons to
water, although addition of a base can remove
more protons. - Adding a base to a solution always raises the pH.