Title: Stakeholder and Public Involvement in Environmental Policy Making
1Stakeholder and Public Involvement in
Environmental Policy Making
- Ortwin Renn
- University of Stuttgart and
2Part 1
- A Systems Analytic View on Society, Decision
Making and Conflicts -
3 The Four Functional Systems of Society (Basics)
4- The Four Functional Systems of Society (Full
5Four Basic (Sub)systems and their Means of
Dealing with Conflicts
Acceptance Fairness
6System Dependent Conflict Resolution Models
- Economic System
- Optimizing allocation and distribution
- Pareto principle
- Distributive discourse(bargaining)
- Rational actor decision/game theories
Maximizing Utility
- Civil SocietySustaining Relationships
- Mutual understanding
- Therapeutic Discourse
- Social bonding theories
- Expert System
- Sustaining Meaning
- Methodology and Peer Review
- Cognitive and interpretative Discourse
- Theories of knowledge management and epistemology
Generalizable values and norms
- Political SystemSustaining Order
- Compatibility withuniversal or
positiveprinciples - Normative Discourse
- Theory of communicative action
7Part 2
- Basics of public participation
8Crucial Questions for participation
- Inclusion
- Who stakeholders, scientists, public(s)
- What options, policies, scenarios, frames,
preferences - Scope multi-level governance (vertical and
horizontal) - Scale space, time period, future generations
- Closure
- What counts acceptable evidence
- What is more convincing competition of arguments
- What option is selected decision making rule
(consensus, compromise, voting)
9Perspectives Table I
10Perspectives Table II
11Perspectives Table III
12Perspectives Best Suited For Water and
Biodiversity Policies
- (Habermasian) Deliberative
- Goals
- Competition of arguments
- Common good orientation
- Diversity but not representativeness
- Rationale overarching rationality by appropriate
discourse structure - Methods rational discourse, citizen panels,
round tables
13Part 3
- What is
- an analytic-deliberative approach in
environmental policy making? -
14Analytic-Deliberative Approach
- Characteristics of analytic component
- Legitimate plurality of evidence
- Need for joint fact finding
- But no arbitrariness in evidence claims
- New procedures necessary
- Characteristics of deliberative component
- Based on arguments not on positions or interests
- Key variables fairness, common good, resilience
and capacity building - Crucial factor inclusiveness and consensus on
rules for closure
15Characteristics of Environmental Policy Making
with Focus on Risk
- Complexity in assessing causal and temporal
relationships - Uncertainty about effects and vulnerability of
absorbing system - Ambiguity in interpreting results
- Transboundary and transsectoral impacts
16Model of IRGC
- International Risk Governance Council in Geneva
- White Paper on Risk Governance
- Comparisons of international and national risk
taxonomies - Development of a consistent and overarching
framework - Emphasis on risk governance
- Application to a diversity of different areas
- White Paper available
- Available on the web www.irgc.org
- Renn, O. and Walker, K. (Eds.) Global Risk
Governance. Concept and Practice Using the IRGC
Framework. International Risk Governance Council
Bookseries 1. Berlin and Heidelberg 2008
17IRGC Risk Governance Framework
Characterisation and evaluation
Assessment SphereGeneration of Knowledge
Management SphereDecision on Implementation
of Actions
- Risk Management Strategy
- routine-based
- risk-informed/robustness-focussed
- precaution-based/resilience-focussed
- discourse-based
- Knowledge Challenge
- Complexity
- Uncertainty
- Ambiguity
- Risk judged
- acceptable
- tolerable
- intolerable
19Need for different management strategies
- Dealing with routine, mundane risks internal
dialogue sufficient - Dealing with complex and sophisticated risks
(high degree of modeling necessary) emphasis on
analytic component - Dealing with highly uncertain risks (high degree
of second order uncertainty) emphasis on link
between analysis and deliberation - Dealing with highly controversial risks (high
degree of ambiguity) emphasis on deliberative
20Application to Deliberation I
- For routine management, communication should
include - Information on the process of environmental
management - Information on routine management actions
- If necessary, a hot-line for questions and
observations - For highly complex topics, communication and
deliberation should include - All of the above
- Discourse among experts on ranges of acceptable
evidence - Additional effort for collecting feedback
21Application to Deliberation II
- For highly uncertain interventions, communication
and deliberation should include - All of the above
- Involvement of major stakeholders
- Shift towards resilience approaches
- Possibly, public hearings
- For highly ambiguous topics, communication and
deliberation should include - All of the above
- Involvement of all parties affected by the
22The Risk Management Escalator (from simple via
complex and uncertain to ambiguous phenomena)
Civil society
Affected stakeholders
Affected stakeholders
Scientists/ Researchers
Scientists/ Researchers
Scientists/ Researchers
Agency Staff
Agency Staff
Agency Staff
Agency Staff
Reflective Involve all affected stakeholders to
collectively decide best way forward
Participatory Include all actors so as to
expose, accept, discuss and resolve differences
Epistemic Use experts to find valid, reliable
and relevant knowledge about the risk
Instrumental Find the most cost-effective way to
make the risk acceptable or tolerable
Type of participation
Dominant risk characteristic
As the level of knowledge changes, so also will
the type of participation need to change
23Part 4
- Evaluating public participation
24Evaluation Criteria 1
25Evaluation Criteria 2
26Evaluation Criteria 3
27Evaluation Criteria 3
28Evaluation Criteria 4
29Evaluation Criteria 5
30Evaluation Criteria 6
31Part 5
- A model of analytic-deliberative decision
making for environmental policy making - The Cooperative Discourse Model
32Candidates for Participation Models
- Organized stakeholders
- Hearing
- Round Tables (Forum, Dialogue Processes)
- Negotiated Rulemaking
- Mediation and Alternate Conflict Resolution
- General public
- Ombudsperson
- Public Hearings
- Citizen Advisory Committees
- Citizen Forum, Planning Cells, Citizen Juries
- Consensus Conferences (Danish Model)
33Basic requirements for deliberative participation
34Specific Requirements for Deliberative
Participation Models
- Clear mandate and time frame
- Range of available and suitable options
- Willingness of legal decision makers to give
product of participation serious attention - Willingness of all parties to learn from each
other - Refraining from moralizing other parties or their
35The Cooperative Discourse Model I
- Three components
- Criteria and values from organized stakeholders
- Facts and cognitive judgments from experts
- Balancing and assignment of trade-offs by
representatives of the general public (or
affected citizens) - Procedure
- Identification of values, concerns and criteria
through stakeholder deliberation - Assessment of factual consequences of each option
on each criterion though expert workshops - Option evaluation and recommendations by randomly
selected citizens
36The Cooperative Discourse Model II
- Methods and Techniques
- Value tree analysis for eliciting stakeholder
concerns - Group Delphi technique for expert judgments and
assessments - Planning cell methods relying on
multi-attribute-decision techniques for
incorporating public preferences and values - Advantages of three-step approach
- Fairness through random selection and systematic
selection of stakeholders - Competence through involvement of experts and
decision makers
37Application of the Cooperative Discourse Model
- Germany
- Energy scenarios for 1. German Enquete Commission
- Waste disposal management plans for the Northern
Black Forest Area - Switzerland
- Siting of a landfill in the Canton of Aargau
- Sludge disposal planning in New Jersey
38Part 6
- General Conclusions
- Requirements for deliberation
- Procedural Requirements
- Inclusion fair representation of viewpoints,
arguments and relevant groups - Closure fair competition of arguments, consensus
on decision making and assurance of adequate
processing of knowledge and values - Six concepts of participation
- Functional
- Neo-liberal
- Deliberative
- Anthropological
- Emancipatory
- Postmodern
40 Final Note Deliberative processes for
involving stakeholders and the general public are
instruments of art and science They require a
solid theoretical knowledge, a personal
propensity to engage in group interactions, and
lots of practical experience
42Basic Aspects of Inclusion
- Inclusion What and who has been included?
- Topics and themes
- Purposes (Objectives)
- Information
- Enlightenment
- Feedback (concern expression)
- Recommendation for action
- Co-determination
- Perspectives (frames of interpretations)
- Knowledge (science, stakeholder, affected
publics) - Arguments (cognitive, expressive, normative,
evaluative) - Emotions, affects
- Time frame (intra-generational equity)
- Geographic range(inter-generational equity)
- Representatives of these points (Who can
represent these viewpoints) - Who has been invited and why?
- How were the invited motivated?
43Basic Aspects of Closure I
- Deliberation How is the process structured?
- Process structure
- Institutional setting (responsibilities,
accountability) - Choice of instruments (Round Table, Citizen
Panel, Consensus Conference - Choice of tools (Delphi, Multiplan, Value Tree)
- Role of Facilitator (independence, competence,
neutrality, self-interests) - Process rules
- Deliberation rules
- Decision making rules
- Learning platforms
- Generation of common knowledge
- Generation of common understanding
- Generation of empathy and trust
- Generation of common yardsticks for selection
(options, arguments, etc.)
44Basic Aspects of Closure II
- Selection How is the outcome selected and what
is the outcome? - Focus or closure on topics and themes
- Selection of options
- Legitimacy of perspectives (frames of
interpretations) - Validity of arguments
- Authenticity of emotions
- Relevance of time frame
- Relevance of geographic range
- Implementation What is being done with the
outcome? - Adoption by respective authorities within
predefined purpose of the process - Connectivity to other governance levels and
structures (Anschlussfähigkeit) - Monitoring and Feedback
- Assessment and Evakuation
45Perspectives I
- Functionalist
- Goals
- Improving policies
- Reach better outcomes
- Constructive resolution of conflicts
- Rationale diversity and more inclusion avoids
error - Methods Delphi, Negotiated Rule Making, Hearing,
Citizen Advisory Committees
46Perspectives II
- Neo-liberal
- Goals
- Collection of public preferences
- Informed consent
- Win-win strategies for conflict resolution
- Rationale either individualization or
representation - Methods Referendum, focus groups, large
representative samples, mediation
47Perspectives III
- (Habermasian) Deliberative
- Goals
- Competition of arguments
- Common good orientation
- Diversity but not representativeness
- Rationale overarching rationality by appropriate
discourse structure - Methods rational discourse, citizen panels,
round tables
48Perspectives IV
- Anthropological
- Goals
- Involvement of the model citizen
- Common layperson as juror between conflicting
interests - Rationale Belief in universal power of common
sense - Methods Consensus conferencing, citizen juries
49Perspectives V
- Emancipatory
- Goals
- Empowering those that have the most to lose
- Contribution to fight injustice and unfair
distribution of power and money - Rationale Need for power redistribution
- Methods Action groups, science workshops,
community development groups, tribunals
50Perspectives VI
- Post-modern
- Goals
- Giving dissenting views a public voice
- Deconstructing universal knowledge and value
claims - Rationale Acknowledgement of plural
rationalities - Methods Open forums, framing workshops