Title: Are you the Scout in your family
1Are you the Scout in your family?
2'God's Word To Fathers'
Ephesians 64.
And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to
wrath, but bring them up in the training and
admonition of the Lord.
3God calls fathers to godly guidance in their
What is our main Job?
Is this happening now days? Are parents provoking
their children? Are parents chasing children away
from home?
Fathers, do not provoke your children
From the Greek word
to rouse to wrath, to provoke, anger, embitter.
Fathers Please, Do not!
6What are some of the ways we can cross the line
and irritate our children to the point of
7Ten Mistakes Parents Make With Teenagers,
Mistake 1Failure to be a consistent model. Do
as I say, not as I do.
Mistake 2Failure to admit when you are wrong.
Im the adult. I am right.
Mistake 3Failure to give honest answers to
honest questions. Because I said so, thats
Mistake 4Failure to let your teenager develop a
personal identity. You want to be what?
Mistake 5Failure to major on the majors and
minor on the minors. This rooms a pigsty!
Mistake 6Failure to communicate approval and
acceptance. Cant you do anything right?
8Mistake 7Failure to approve your teenagers
friends without making any attempt to get to know
them. Where did you find him?
Mistake 8Failure to give your teenager the
right to fail. You did what? Come here you
Mistake 9Failure to discuss the uncomfortable.
Can we talk about something else?
Mistake 10Failure to take time. Im busy right
now. Come back later.
Think about a three-legged stool for a moment.
10That idea is found in the phrase bring them up
Gk. ektrepho
Literally, this means to nourish up to maturity,
to nurture, bring up, rear up, or provide for
with tender care.
Godly fathers are tender men.
Fathers, to lead our children, we must major in
tenderness and kindness. How can we develop
11(1)Listen to your children and let them know how
much you respect their feelings.
(2)Be big enough to confess and ask their
forgiveness when you are wrong or too harsh.
(3)Be touchablebe generous with hugs.
(4)Affirm the children encourage them in their
(5)Listen to the input your spouse gives you
about the way you treat each child.
12Fathers are to bring up their children in the
Gk. paideia
This refers to training by means of rules and
regulations, rewards, and when necessary,
or discipline of the Lord.
13Luke 2316
I will therefore punish Him and release Him
Hebrews 1211.
All discipline for the moment seems not to be
joyful, but sorrowful yet to those who have been
trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful
fruit of righteousness
14James Dobson described discipline as the shaping
of the will. Among his suggestions for doing this
are the following
1. Define the boundaries before they are
2. When defiantly challenged, respond with
confident decisiveness.
3. Distinguish between willful defiance and
childish irresponsibility.
4. Reassure and teach after the
confrontation. Avoid impossible demands.
5. Let love be your guide
15The word instruction
Gk. nouthesia
literally means to place before the mind. It
refers to verbal instruction or verbal warning.
16Remeber Eli, David? Aaron? THEY ALL FAILED!!
Notice what happened to Eli
And the Lord said to Samuel, Behold, I am about
to do a thing in Israel at which both ears of
everyone who hears it will tingle. In that day I
will carry out against Eli all that I have spoken
concerning his house, from beginning to end. For
I have told him that I am about to judge his
house forever for the iniquity which he knew,
because his sons brought a curse on themselves
and he did not rebuke them (1 Samuel 31113).
17In the Septuagint the word rebuke in verse 13
is translated with the same root word for
instruction found in Ephesians 64.
Aaron... Nadab and Abihu.
David... Absalom and Adonay.
Do you want God to kill your children because you
are like Eli and David being irresponsible with
them? They will not appreciate that from you!
18(No Transcript)