Title: Detecting and measuring randomness in processalgebraic computations
1Detecting and measuring randomnessin
process-algebraic computations
- Tommaso Bolognesi
- CNR - ISTI - Pisa
- A technique is introduced for visually
characterizing, by 2-D plots, the complexity of
process-algebraic computations -- an area that
has not been directly invested, so far, by NKS
research. - An extension of the familiar notion of functional
derivation is proposed, that reveals some
interesting properties of this class of plots.
Pseudo-random features seem to emerge even for
simple subsets of process algebra that are
regarded as uncapable of universal computations,
at least w.r.t. the standard notion of Turing
universality. - This apparently surprising result suggests to
complement the visual inspection of
process-algebraic diagrams with refined, numeric
techniques for measuring their degree of
randomness. In particular we explore the
application of a density-dependent
compressibility measure, based on
pointer-encoding. We have tested this technique
by applying it also to the family of elementary
cellular automata, where it does indeed prove
useful for discriminating between computations,
most notably within Class 3.
- Process Algebra (PA) as a citizen of the World
of Simple Programs - A set of universal PA operators and a useful 2D
visual indicator - Emergent features from PA subclasses
- particles - derivatives - exponential and
fibonacci - emulation by compression - emergence
of randomness - How much random? How much universal?
- PEncode compression values for PA computations
- Non universality of a PA class with
randomness-capability - Next
4Process Algebra(s)
- Formal methods for Software Engineering
- Models/languages for the specification and
verification of concurrent systems
(interaction, communication) - CCS, ACP, CSP, LOTOS,
its standard interpretation as a Labeled
Transition System (LTS)
A process definition
SOS rules
P a b stop c P
behavior expression an algebraic term built by
5Seven PA operators and their SOS rules
yielding a special multiway, symbolic, non-local
rewrite system easily coded in Mathematica B
SOS rulesgt (a1, B1), , (an, Bn)
6PA under NKS light
- Not a typical citizen of the World of Simple
Programs - Syntax
- more parameters than average NKS citizen
- gt huge spaces, hard to structure and to explore
- Semantics
- several options (operational, denotational,
axiomatic -- LTS, true concurrency, refusal
sets) - reactivity (interactive systems)/concurrency/nonde
terminism - event-based and state-based
- Some universality results available
- Objectives
- find good 2D visual indicators
- spot emergent features for different PA
sub-classes - spot randomness before universality ?
7Non standard interpretation of deterministic specs
P (a a P) a (a P)
behavior expression with parallel composition op.
operators in prefix form
PA plots different grey levels for different
8ProofPA spec using all 7 operators for
emulating ECA 110
Theorem 1 - The chosen operator set is universal
9Regular plots costant or linear growth
10Exponential growth - derivatives
an an-1 an-1 ( Base 2 ) an an-1
an-2 ( Fibonacci )
analogy with (parallel) substitution systems
NKS, p. 82
11Emulation by compression
(3) P aaparP, a, P
(4) P aaparaaP, a, P
12first and second derivative
(5) P aaparP, a, aP
13Quadratic growth
(6) P aparP, a, choiceQ, stop Q
ahideBchoicechoiceQ, Q, Q
(7) P aparP, a, choiceQ, stop Q
aparparstop, , Q, , stop
(8) P paraQ, b, bP Q
bchoicestop, hideAQ (9) P
aparchoiceQ, Q, a, P Q
aparstop, , Q (10) P aparparstop,
, Q, a, P Q paraparstop, ,
Q, , stop
14Emergence of randomness (?)
(11) P ahideBparQ, a, hideBQ
Q aparP, , stop
(12) P ahideBparQ, a, Q Q
aparP, , stop
15 (13) P chideAparQ,a,b,c,d,choiceQ,P
Q dswap1choiceP,stop R
(14) P bparbswap2choicestop,R,a,b,d,P
Q bhideAchoicestop,P R
16(15) P aswap1parstop,a,c,swap1R
Q aparcstop,b,R R
swap1 is a particular instance of the relabeling
17How much random? How much universal?
- Measure randomness via Pencode-compressibility
(thanks to S. Wolfram!) - Find simplest PA subclass exhibiting maximum
randomness (), and - question its universality
- --------------------------
- () relative to selected measure and sample size
18Pencode compression of spec (15) - 1st derivative
- 23 rows
row lengthcompress. value for equivalent ()
random row of referencecompression value for
actual row
rows are bad
() of same length, alphabet, and distribution
19compress rows and columns of a square region of
spec (15)
- actual compression values
- compression values of one equivalent random
tuple of reference
columns are good
20Pencode compression of a fragment of spec (5) -
1st derivative
column lengths actual compression values
averaged compression values of equivalent random
tuple of reference
these columns are good too
21How much random? How much universal?
- spec(5) is based on a PA subset with only
- action prefix a
- parallel para,,
- instantiation P
- Theorem 2 the above PA operator subset is not
universal - even if we add the inaction operator (stop)
- Proof
- by induction on the structure of behavior
expressions - shows that any such PA specification is
equivalent to a context-free rewrite system,
which cannot be universal
- Useful 2D visual indicators for PA identified
- similarity with NKS symbolic system / combinator
diagrams p. 103 - original notion of derivative
- Emergence of randomness
- spotted visually
- measured by Pencode compressibility - for limited
size data sets - Elements collected for questioning class 3
universality conjecture - but is randomness-capability a clear cut
property? - Next
- Other measures of randomness degree
- Random-like features in derivative plots of
context-free rewrite systems - Other notions of universality, e.g. intermediate
degrees (Davis, Sutner - thanks to M. Szudzik!) - Maximize non-universal operator set in th. 2
- Bolognesi, T. Process Algebra under the light of
Wolframs NKS. In A. Gordon and L. Aceto
(editors) - Proceed. of APC 2005 - Electronic
Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Elsevier,
2005. - Davis, M. The definition of universal Turing
machines, Proc. of the American Mathematical
Society, 8 1125-1126, 1957. - Sutner, K. Universality and cellular automata.
In Proceedings of MCU 2005 - LNCS 3354, pp.
50-59, Springer-Verlag, 2005. - Wolfram, S. A New Kind of Science, Wolfram
Media, Inc., 2002.
24Pencode compressibility in ECAs
CRandLengthrow, Drow StDev
- Drow (num. of 1s in row)/Lengthrow
Density - Crow LengthPEncoderow Compression value
- Randlength, prob1 random bit tuple of given
length and probability of 1
25ECA Class 3 - 12 symmetry families - 30 members
Bold density 1/2 Italics Pencode-ottimale
ltgt family multiple of 15
26Class 3 - 18,22,30, 45,60,90
27Class 3 - 105,106,122, 126,146,150
- ECA is pencode-optimal gt ECA keeps 1/2
- The converse is false (122, 126)
- ECA is Pencode-optimal gt the family includes a
multiple of 15 - Overall, there are 66 Pencode-optimal ECAs, that
include all 18 multiples of 15
29Class 4 - (54,147), (110,124,137,193)