Title: Deforestation in the Americas during the 1980s
1Deforestation in the Americas during the 1980s
- Jane Doe
- George Mason University
2Deforestation in the Americas during the 1980s
- Policy issues
- Hypotheses
- Data
- Results
- Conclusions and recommendations
3(No Transcript)
- Deforestation is positively correlated with a
countrys population density and population
growth - Deforestation is higher in countries that suffer
civil wars
5Variables Descriptive stats (n28)
Deforestation Average annual deforestation rate
(), 1981-90 Pop density Avg number of persons
per sq mile, 1981-90 Pop growth Avg annual
population growth rate (), 1980-85 War
Significant civil conflict during 1980s (1yes)
6Issues in the data
7Independent-sample t-testsY Avg annual
deforestation rate ()
plt0.05 plt0.01
8Regression models
Y annual deforestation rate () p-values in
parentheses plt0.1 plt0.05 plt0.01
9Conclusions Recommendations
- Population density is strongly correlated with
deforestation population growth is weakly
correlated (agreeing with expectations). - War is associated with lower deforestation
(contrary to expectations). - Policy responses
- Identify and protect most valuable areas
- Promote emigration, forest product importation