Title: How Society Affects Teenage Suicide
1How Society Affects Teenage Suicide
- Ashley H.
- Jenny J.
- Lindsay H.
- Gerald H.
- Ashley M.
21000 Deaths Â
Each day I die a thousand deaths Seeing your
pale, too-quiet face. Knowing you wont warm me
with your breaths I am cold inside, gasping,
strangling, Because you left your body
dangling In a convenient place. Â Again and again
I rise From the ashes of my life. Wanting to hold
you, see light in your eyes,
But my arms are empty, my eyes yearn
still Because we buried your ashes on a hill With
your great-grandfather and his wife. Â I wait for
the time when I am old and so Leave the pain
along the way, Of wishing you had fought to see
life flow To all the good times just ahead. But
you wouldnt wait, and I die instead A thousand
times each day. Â
Christine B. Smith
3Teenage Suicide Relates to These Chapters
- Chapter 1 The Sociological Perspective
- Chapter 4 Society
4In Our Presentation You Will Learn About
- What causes teenage suicide
- The statistics about teenage suicide
- What society looks for as a warning of a suicide
- The social-conflict paradigm of teenage suicide
5- By researching teenage suicide, you will learn
the many ways that society plays a part in this
- By presenting a slide show, you will have a
better understanding of how society affects
teenage suicide.
6Literature Review
- Teen suicide has gone up nationwide.
- Young people age 15-24 are most at risk for
committing suicide. - Mental illness, such as depression, are the main
triggers of teen suicide.
- Depression A symptom or mood disorder
characterized by intense feelings of loss.
Sadness, hopelessness, failure, and rejection. If
these symptoms persist for more than a couple
weeks, the condition may turn into clinical
- Manic-Depression or Bipolar Disorder A severe
mental disorder. The manic phase is characterized
by abnormally elevated or irritable mood,
sleeplessness, and a tendency toward irrational
judgment. During the depressed phase, the
individual tends to appear withdrawn, and express
feelings of worthlessness.
- Triggering Events Series of events which prompts
an impulsive or already at risk teen to make a
suicide attempt. These are not causes.
- Young women tend to think about suicide and have
a specific plan compared to young men. 21 vs
14. - Over 60 of suicides are committed by a firearm.
- Suicide is the third leading cause of death of
people age 15-24. - In 1999, suicide took the lives of 31,284
American teens. - 73 of teen suicides are committed by males.
- Women tend to use less violent methods than men
when committing suicide. Most women try to kill
themselves by overdose.
- Hispanic teens are more likely to kill themselves
then any other race.
12Warning Signs
- Verbal hints such as I wish I was never born,
or I wont be a problem to you much longer. - Falling grades.
- Focus on morbid or death themes.
- Family history of suicide.
- 80 of suicides give warning of their intentions
to kill themselves. - A great change in eating or sleeping habits.
- Anxiety, self hate, alcohol or drug abuse.
13Triggering Events that Cause TeenSuicide
- Depression
- A close death
- Were mentally, physically, or sexually abused as
a child - Low self esteem
- Feel guilt, shame, worthlessness
- Pressure to succeed
- Financial worries, confusion
- Are convinced there is no way out of a situation
14Triggering Events
- If you know of anyone that has any of these
warning signs, notify a trusted adult, such as a
teacher or guidance counselor.
15Suicidal people Believe that they are 1.
Unequal 2. Unwanted 3. Unneeded
The conflict of Being gay, lesbian Or
bisexual Pushed to be suicidal Get
treated unequally
Social Conflict Paradigm
BELIEFS OFSOCIETY -has the power To guide
our Thoughts and actions
Social forces do effect human Behavior and are at
work Even in the individual act Of
self-destruction. Unequalities freedom Social
isolation Strong social beliefs Of society
FREEDOM -more freedom, Higher suicide rate
SOCIAL ISOLATION -higher suicide rates
occur Where people live far apart From one
- Why do you think men tend to use more violent
methods to commit suicide compared to women? - Why are Hispanics more at risk to commit suicide
compared to other races? - Depression is linked to teen suicide. Why do you
think this is so?
17Related Websites
- 1. The American Academy of Child and Adolescent
Psychiatry www.aacap.org - 2. 1000 Deaths, Remembering Trevor
- www.hypervigilance.com
- 3. Prevention and Treatment for Teenage
Depression www.1-teenage-suicide.com -