Title: Outreach
Distributed computing
Anthrax research project
2 Why does ISIS need faster processing?
- Many compute intensive programs and problems
- Many applications which could be compute
intensive - Large range of application domains
- Simulations (to plan experiments)
- Analysing results
- Designing new instruments
- Visualisation
3Spare Cycles Concept
- Typical PC CPU usage is about 10
- Most PCs not used at all after 5pm
- Even with heavily used (Outlook, Word, IE)
PCs, the CPU is still grossly underutilised - Everyone wants a fast PC!
- Can we use (steal?) unused CPU cycles
from the plethora of PCs?
4Our United Devices Grid-MP System
- Nerve centre of the grid
- Two servers controlling submission and
distribution of jobs - Compute resources on the grid
- Currently 200 desktop Windows PCs of varying
power. - UD software runs submitted jobs silently on PCs
PC useris not aware his / her PC isbeing used.
5Visual introduction to the grid
Client PCs
6Suitable / Unsuitable Applications
- CPU Intensive
- Low to moderate memory use
- Not too much file output
- Coarse grained
- Command line / batch driven
- Licensing issues?
7How to write Grid Programs
- Fairly easy to write
- Interface to grid via Web Services
- So far used C, Java, Perl, Fortran, C
- Think about how to split your data and merge
results - Wrap and upload your executable
- Write the application service
- Pre and Post processing
- Use the Grid
8Ray tracing
- Photorealistic image creation by ray tracing
- Very compute intensive
- Several days, weeks, even months per image
9DASH Crystal structure determination
- Multi-solution SA (McBride/Johnston/Fernandes
PhDs) - Execute a number of independent SA runs (say 25)
pick the best one
10Not just faster, but better
- Rule of thumb simple compounds solve quickly
and reliably, complex compounds solve slowly
and with less reliability
Hydrochlorothiazide 20s per SA run 100 success
Verapamil hydrochloride 90 minutes per SA run 5
success rate
11Algorithm sweet spot
Calculations embody ca. 6 months of CPU time.
On our current grid, runs would be completed in
ca. 24 hours.
12Monte Carlo Speed-up Ideas
- Two scenarios
- Single large simulation run
- Split the neutrons into smaller numbers and
execute separately - Merge results in some way
- Many smaller runs
- Parameter scan
13Instrument Simulation
- Simulation of TS2 instruments increasingly
important - Simulation of new HRPD guide
- Vitess
- McStas
14VITESS Some Results
176 hours 59 hours
6hrs 20mins
15McStas Splitting It
- Different executable for every run
- Executable must be uploaded at run time
- Split n into chunks
- or run many instances (parameter scan)
- Create data ( executable) packages
- Upload packages
CPU Power Tap into existing power instantly Power
of the Grid increases with time Investment Excelle
nt example of a Gershon-type saving i.e. making
better use of existing resources Environment Machi
nes are burning electricity, so why not use them?
17The future
Increased CPU Power Deploy client software
outside of ISIS We have an unlimited CCLRC-wide
client licence agreement Increased number of
applications The more applications that are
enabled, the more value we will get from the
grid Increased ease-of-use The easier it is to
use the grid, the more likely it is to be used
18The problems
Real Not that many! Occasional drug interaction
type problem Imagined People are, by nature,
suspicious of the idea Whenever a machine goes
slow, the grid is blamed The answer A top-down
approach i.e. convince system managers Constantly
monitor the system Be flexible in scheduling
24/7 is possible, but is it desirable?