Title: Chemical Equilibrium(2)
1Chemical Equilibrium(2)
- Lecture Note 19
- Physical Chemistry II, 2008
226-8. Equilibrium constants in terms of partition
(chemical equilibrium - chemical potential
partition function)
3KP in terms of partition function Q and thus q
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6K from Q and q, polyatomic molecule
Better agreement with experimentexpected Improved
spectroscopic constant Relaxation of
rigid-rotator and H.O. Molecular interaction
(nonideal gas)
7- More accurate estimate of equilibrium constants
require better partition functions including
corrections to rigid-rotator and
harmonic-oscillator models and also to non
ideality - Many tables and databases of partition function
and other thermodynamic properties are available - Contains experimentally determined quantities
sometimes supplemented with theoretical
calculations - Popular places
- Many commercial or public chemical databases(DBs)
- NIST web site
- Journal publications and monographs
- Journal of Physical Chemical reference Data
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16D0 calculation from JANAF table
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18- Pure gas f0 1
for an ideal gas at 1 bar - A component in a mixture
- nonideality
19Fugacity instead of pressure for real gases
20The f rather than P behave more like ideal gas P
! as expected?
21Fugacity coefficient is a measure of nonideality
22(activity for solution is fugacity for gas)
Std 1 Raoult Std 2 Henry Std 3 Ideal Gas
23Lewis equation express Gibbs energy change in
terms of activities
24Thermodynamic Equilibrium constant for the
general reaction system
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28Example of explicitly considering activity of
pure solid
29(Electrolyte solution deviate from ideality even
at dilution)
30All activity coefficients unity
31Activity coefficients not unity
Solve by iteration
32For solubility, activity coefficients matters
33Enhanced solubility by salt in solution due to
the increased ionic strength
- We know how to evaluate thermodynamic quantities
for ideal gas and solutions (simple mixtures)
from the EOS and the laws of thermodynamics - Connection to molecular properties is mainly
through ideal gas partition functions
unction is easy for the ideal gas) - Correction to nonideality relies mostly on
experimental data using various formal relations
such as Maxwell relations - Special attention to standard states to get
numerically correct values