Title: vingsopplegg
2Entreprenørskap i Norge
- 28 119 nye bedrifter registrert i Brønnøysund i
2004 - Netto tilvekst 11 287
- 13 206 ASer, opp 19,2
- Mange enkeltmannsforetak
- 95 er levebrødsforetak
- Kun ca. 5 har vekstambisjoner
3Entreprenørskap er hot
- I høst minst 15 konferanser om entreprenørskap og
innovasjon - Regjeringen Helhetlig handlingsplan for
Innovasjon - Aviser
- Ungt entreprenørskap
- Entreprenørskap i skolen
4Viktige endringer i forskningsmiljøene
- Lov om arbeidstakeres rett til oppfinnelser ble
endret med virkning fra 1/1 2003 - Alle universitetene oppretter TTOer (Technology
Transfer Offices) - UiO Birkeland Innovasjon
- Birkeland.uio.no
- Forskningsbasert nyskaping viktigere og viktigere
Reodor Felgen epoken er over!
5Hvilket begrep?
- Gründer?
- Entreprenør?
- En gründer er en person som vil skaffe sitt eget
utkomme, være sin egen herre, og ha kontroll - En entreprenør er en person som ser et marked som
kan erobres, og leder de(n) første fasen(e) av en
bedrifts oppbygging
- Forskningsmiljøer
- Entreprenører
- Inkubatorer og forskningsparker
- Virkemiddelapparat
- Offentlig finansiering
- SÃ¥kornfinansiering
- Venture finansiering
- Advokater
- Patentbyråer
- Konsulenter
- ..
- Silicon Valley Habitat
7Kan entreprenørskap læres?
- eller kreves det spesielle psykologiske
egenskaper? - Nei, they come in all shapes,
- de er villige til å akseptere risiko for å
realisere noe de tror på og utsette umiddelbar
behovstilfredsstillelse - de tåler å leve under usikkerhet, tvetydighet, å
ta beslutninger på grunnlag av mangelfull
informasjon - de har behov for å sette et merke på verden
JEG gjorde DET!
810 viktigste egenskaper ved entreprenører i det
21. århundre
- Se og utnytte muligheter
- Ressurs-sterke
- Kreative
- Visjonære
- Uavhengig tanke
- Arbeide hardt
- Optimistisk
- Innovativ
- Risikovillig
- Leder
- Kilde Soo Ji Min Made not born
- Ensomhet
- Drukner i virksomheten
- Problemer med partnere/ansatte
- Vinne (men når er nok, nok?)
- Hva kan man gjøre for å mestre?
- Nettverk
- Komme seg helt vekk
- God kommunikasjon med ansatte
- Finne andre kilder for glede enn jobb
- Delegere
- Ønske om kontroll
- Virksomhet og skjebne
- Mistenksomme, skeptiske
- Ønske om suksess
- Urealistisk optimisme
- Sterkt, men balansert ego
- Coachable
11Om risiko
- Finansiell
- Karriere
- Familie/sosialt
- Psykologisk
- Veldig få (heller ikke investorer) ønsker risiko
- Godt entreprenørskap (og gode investeringer)
handler om å minimere risiko og ta kalkulert
risiko - de som gjør det primært for å bli rike, lykkes
12Nyetablering og nyutvikling
- Entreprenørskap
- Å skape nye bedrifter på grunnlag av innovasjon
- Intraprenørskap
- Ã… utvikle nye konsepter i eksisterende bedrifter
- Felles Nye forretningsområder
134 typer entreprenørskap
- Incremental venture
- Kjent forretningsmodell, moderat innovasjon
- Innovative Venture
- Nye metoder, prosesser, produkter,
forretningsmodeller - Imitative Venture
- Overføre eksisterende ide til nytt marked/område
- Rent-seeking venture
- Basert på regulering, standarder, lover
148 elements of entrepreneurship
- Initiate and operate a purposeful enterprise
- Operate within industrial context at the time and
place of initiation. - Identify and screen opportunities
- Accumulate and manage knowledge and technology
158 elements of entrepreneurship
- 5. Mobilize resources financial, physical and
human - 6. Assess and mitigate uncertainty and risk
- 7. Provide innovative contributions
- 8. Enable and encourage collaborative team of
people with necessary capabilities and knowledge
16An entrepreneur is a person who undertakes the
creation of an enterprise or business that has
the chance of profit (or success).
Technology Ventures From Idea to Opportunity
Chapter 1 concept
17For an entrepreneur, a challenge is a call to
respond to a difficult task and the commitment to
undertake the required enterprise.
- The Elements of Overcoming a Challenge
- Able to deal with a series of tough issues
- Ability to create solutions and work to perfect
them - Can handle many tasks simultaneously
- Resiliency in the face of set-backs
- Willingness to work hard and not expect easy
solutions - Possess well-developed problem solving skills
- Able to learn and acquire the necessary skills
for the tasks at hand
Technology Ventures From Idea to Opportunity
Chapter 1 Table 1.2
18An opportunity is a favorable juncture of
circumstances with a good chance for success or
progress. It is the job of the entrepreneur to
locate new ideas and to put them into action.
Thus, entrepreneurship may be described as the
identification and exploitation of previously
unexploited opportunities.
Technology Ventures From Idea to Opportunity
Chapter 1 concept
195 characteristics of an attractive opportunity
- Timely a current need or problem
- Solvable in the near future with available
resources - Important for the customer
- Profitable the customer will pay
- Context a favorable regulatory and industry
20An Entrepreneur Test Are you an
entrepreneur? Answer each question by checking
Yes or No Yes No When I am faced with a
challenge, I am confident that I can work through
it ___ ___ I want to be financially
independent and be rewarded for my
accomplishments ___ ___ Trying something new
is attractive, even if the risk of failure is
significant ___ ___ I'd prefer to gain
independence and control my destiny ___ ___
Building a new enterprise is important to
me ___ ___ My experiences during my youth
and early career have shown me the benefits
of starting a new enterprise ___ ___ Starting
a new business some day soon is always in my
thoughts ___ ___ I like working with others
and can provide leadership when called
upon ___ ___ Our society and my family provide
a strong, supportive base for my
initiatives ___ ___ I possess good technical
skills and strong relationship skills in the
industry I wish to enter. ___ ___ Add your
total score for Yes and No ___ ___ Seven or
more Yes answers indicate that you may be ready
to act as an entrepreneur in the near future.
Technology Ventures From Idea to Opportunity
Chapter 1 Table 1-3
21Technology includes devices, artifacts,
processes, tools, methods, and materials that can
be applied to industrial and commercial purposes.
Technology Ventures From Idea to Opportunity
Chapter 1 concept
22An Attractive Opportunity
Finding the Right Opportunity
- Timely
- Solvable
- Important
- Profitable
- Favorable Context
- Like to do the tasks
- Like the challenge
- Committed to do what is necessary
- Skilled at the neededtasks
Interests, Passions, Commitment
Capabilities Skills
Technology Ventures From Idea to Opportunity
Chapter 1 Figure 1.1 - Finding the Right
23Entrepreneurial Capital EC Ecomp x Ecomm ?
Ecomp Entrepreneurial competence is the ability
to 1) to recognize and envision taking
advantage of opportunity and 2) to access
and manage the necessary resources to
actually take advantage of the opportunity ?
Ecomm Entrepreneurial commitment is a
dedication of the time and energy necessary to
bring the enterprise to initiation and fruition.
Technology Ventures From Idea to Opportunity
Chapter 1 Entrepreneurial Capital
24Economic Value Opportunity x Entrepreneurial
Capital After T years the market value is MV
M x C x EV M x C x Ecomp x
Ecomm where M management efficiency and
effectiveness C context
Technology Ventures From Idea to Opportunity
Chapter 1 Economic Value
25The intellectual capital of an organization is
the talents of its people, the efficacy of its
management systems, the effectiveness of its
customer and supplier relations, and the
technological knowledge employed and shared among
its people and processes.
Technology Ventures From Idea to Opportunity
Chapter 1 concept
Natural Capital
Beneficial Outputs
Financial Capital
Undesired Waste Outputs
Intellectual Capital
Technology Ventures From Idea to Opportunity
Chapter 1 Figure 1.2 A Model of the Economy
27The Firm
Raw Materials
Components Modules
Products Services
Financial Capital
Physical Assets
Technology Ventures From Idea to Opportunity
Chapter 1 Figure 1.3 Transforming available
inputs into desired outputs
28A firms theory of its business is how it
understands its total activities, resources and
Technology Ventures From Idea to Opportunity
Chapter 1 Figure 1.5
29Dynamic Capitalism is the process of wealth
creation characterized by the dynamics of new,
creative firms forming and growing and old, large
firms declining and failing.
Creative Destruction is the entrepreneurial
activity of destroying old models and creating
new models of doing business.
Technology Ventures From Idea to Opportunity
Chapter 1 concept
30Principle 1The entrepreneur develops an
enterprise with the purpose of creating wealth
and prosperity for all participants investors,
customers, suppliers, employees, and themselves
using a combination of intellectual and
entrepreneurial capital.
Technology Ventures From Idea to Opportunity
Chapter 1 Principle 1