Title: Developing and Managing Volunteers
1 Developing and Managing Volunteers
- Managing Volunteers is
- Complex, Challenging, Rewarding
- And needs to be
- Organised, Planned, Resourced
3- Key ways of improving the way we develop and
manage volunteers - Consider the particular setting you are leading
and managing volunteers - Look at how you can take this learning forward
4(No Transcript)
5- Before youve even met
- Recruiting them
- Getting started
- Ongoing supporting, training etc.
- Moving on
6 The task for volunteer management is to find
the right blend..combining choice and control,
flexibility and organisation. To be experienced
by the volunteer as a blend of informality and
efficiency, personal and professional
development.this suggests a blend of different
management approaches and structural
arrangements, rather than over-dependence on a
single model. From A Choice Blend by
Katharine Gaskin
7Further Information Volunteering Englands Good
Practice Bank www.volunteering.org.uk Excellence
in Volunteer Management Programme Contact your
County Sports Partnership for forthcoming course
8National Occupational Standards for Managing
Volunteers useful benchmarking tool
www.ukworkforcehub.org.uk Investing in Volunteers
quality mark for organisations involving
volunteers http//www.investinginvolunteers.org.uk
9Warrington Association of Volunteer Management
a local volunteer managers network welcomes
members from Warrington, Cheshire and the
surrounding areas. www.warringtonvc.org.uk
click on the Volunteer Managers Home Page
10Contact me Sue Jones, Training Project
Manager Volunteer Centre Warrington 01925 637
609 sue_at_warringtonvc.org.uk
11 Feedback questions