Title: Managing Projects With Multiple Partners
1Managing Projects With Multiple Partners
Graham Orange and Eddie Halpin
2Collaboration with whom?
Industry Academic Institution Not-for
profit Community Public sector Research
3What do we mean by collaboration?
Research Knowledge Transfer Partnership Consulta
Not necessarily mutually independent!
4Why collaborate?
- Academic Perspective
- Income generation
- Access to facilities
- Access to expertise
- Potential for future collaborations
- Feeds into curriculum design and delivery
- Universities need business oriented people in
their faculties
5Why collaborate?
- Industry Perspective
- Cheap
- Profitability - IPR may be a major issue
- Access to facilities
- Access to expertise
Blue Skies Vs
Near Market
10Success Factors
Realism - Not what you know but who you
know Background of academic, i.e. track
record Professionalism - language - management
style application - appearance Determination Ti
meliness - right place right time -
opportunism - Consider prospective partners
financial year e.g. - October proposals -
January finalise work package and budget -
April start work
11DO IT!
- Get to know your partners
- Journals
- Company publications
- Conferences
- Network!
- Contacts, own or colleagues (sensitive -
protectionism) - Aggressive marketing plan - get a marketing
person - Respond to specific calls
12DO IT!
- University support services
- Collaborate with other institutions
- Prepare to be underdog
- Relay centres, Enterprise boards, DTI
Example websites epsrc.ac.uk refund.ncl.ac.uk uk
13Types of Partnership
14Issues of Partnership
15Workshop Topics
Developing Projects Negotiating and working with
partners Meeting objectives and funding body
criteria Disputes and resolving
them International collaboration Partnerships
and how to survive them