Title: Life in the Colonies Part II
1Life in the Colonies Part II
2Life in the Colonies Part II
8 Colonial Government 1/4
- Magna Carta (1215)
- Limited power of the King of England
- Allowed colonists to have limited govt
3Life in the Colonies Part II
8 Colonial Government 2/4
- English Bill of Rights (1689)
- Guaranteed certain basic rights to all citizens
including American colonists - Will inspire U.S. Bill of Rights
4Life in the Colonies Part II
8 Colonial Government 3/4
- 3 types of colonies
- Charter (established by settlers who were given
permission by King through a formal document) - Proprietary (granted to an individual who could
rule as they wished) - Royal (directly ruled by Eng.)
- All had different types of govt
- Only white men who owned property could vote
5Life in the Colonies Part II
8 Colonial Government 4/4
- England viewed colonies as an economic resource
- Colonies to England ? raw materials
- England to Colonies ? manufactured goods
- Mercantilism ? nations power depends on its
wealth need to export more than you import - Navigation Acts ? controlled trade between
colonies England - Colonists could only trade with England could
only use English ships - Smuggling took place caused conflict
6Life in the Colonies Part II
9 Great Awakening 1/2
- Religious revival from the 1720s 1740s
- Jonathan Edwards George Whitefield preached to
people the importance of looking at their
lifestyles, relationships, and their faith - Religious freedom led people to want other types
of freedoms
Prayer is as natural an expression of faith as
breathing of life. Jonathan Edwards
Take care of your life and the Lord will take
care of your death. George
7Life in the Colonies Part II
9 Great Awakening 2/2
- Causes
- Preachers preach for revival of religion
- More people become aware of importance of
religion - This revival spreads
- Effects
- New religions take root
- Education grows
- Belief that all people are equal before God
- A sense of American unity develops
8Life in the Colonies Part II
10 An Emerging Culture 1/2
- Family ? foundation of colonial society
- Men were heads of household, managed the farm,
represented the family in community matters - Married women were considered under husbands
authority but could participate in church
decisions - Unmarried women could run businesses and own
property but could not vote
9Life in the Colonies Part II
10 An Emerging Culture 2/2
- Education
- Highly valued
- Schools made to make sure that everyone could
read study the Bible run by widows/unmarried
women - By 1750, literacy rates in NE showed that 85 of
men and 50 of women could read - Enlightenment ? movement started in Europe that
spread the idea that knowledge, reason, and
science could improve society - Many different cultures would emerge in the
colonies by the middle of the 18th century
10Life in the Colonies Part II
11Life in the Colonies Part II
12Life in the Colonies Part II
11 British-French Rivalry
- Rivalry grew as both countries expanded into each
others territories in N.A. - French built forts along the Ohio River valley to
keep Britain out - Native Americans
- Most sided w/ French b/c they had better
relationships with the French fur trappers - Iroquois Confederacy ? most powerful Nat. Am.
group in East sided w/British
13Life in the Colonies Part II
12 George Washington
- Planter and surveyor from VA
- Sent to push French out of Ohio River valley
- Built Fort Necessity
- Forced to surrender fort to French
- Defeat was the beginning of the French Indian
War - Became famous throughout colonies Europe b/c he
stood up to the French
14Life in the Colonies Part II
13 Albany Plan of Union
- Plan created by Benjamin Franklin that called for
one central govt for the colonies - Plan was rejected by each colony b/c they did not
want to give up any of their power - Failed to unite the colonists in their fight
against the French
15Life in the Colonies Part II
14 French Indian War 1/5
- Called the French Indian War b/c the colonists
fought the French their Nat. Am. allies - In early stages of war, French appeared to be
winning b/c - They built many forts
- They had strong alliances w/ Nat. Am.
- The colonists had little help from Britain
16Life in the Colonies Part II
14 French Indian War 2/5
- Britain will declare war on France after defeat _at_
Ft. Duquesne - Leads to 7 Years War in Europe
- War between England, France, and Spain
- Fighting occurs in N.A., Europe, Cuba, W. Indies,
India, and the Philippines
17Life in the Colonies Part II
14 French Indian War 3/5
- Britain not so successful during the early years
of the war - Once Britain gets more involved they will
- Pay for war supplies (puts them in debt)
- Send troops to capture French Canada
- Capture forts
18Life in the Colonies Part II
- Most battles of the war occur in the Great Lakes
Ohio River Valley areas
14 French Indian War 4/5
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14 French Indian War 5/5
- British victories in 1759 lead to the fall of
France as a power in N.A. - French islands in W. Indies captured
- French defeated in India
- French fleet destroyed in Canada
- Quebec, the capital of New France, captured
20Life in the Colonies Part II
15 Treaty of Paris (1763)
- Ends French Indian War
- Spoils of War
- Great Britain receives Canada and land east of
Mississippi R. from France Florida from Spain - Spain receives land west of Mississippi R.
port of New Orleans from France - France keeps islands in W. Indies
- N.A. now divided by the Mississippi River (Spain
West England East)
21Life in the Colonies Part II
16 Pontiacs War
- Even after British victory, Nat. Am. still view
British as their enemies - Raised the price of goods
- Did not pay Nat. Am. for their land
- Began to settle in western PA
- To fight the British, Chief Pontiac puts together
an alliance of Nat. Am. tribes - They attack forts outposts in the western
frontiers - War ends when Pontiac hears that the French
signed the Treaty of Paris
If you are Frenchjoin us. If you are English,
we declare war against you. Let us have your
answer. Chief Pontiac, 1763
22Life in the Colonies Part II
17 Proclamation of 1763
- Proclamation by King George III that established
the Appalachian Mtns. as the temporary western
boundary of the colonies - Angered many colonists b/c many people wanted
to live in the area
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