1Encouraging commitment for a sustainable society
through knowledge-based education and dialogue
for mutual understanding Budapest, Friday 30 May
2008 1100 am
- an educational programme about the air
Ilaria Guaraldi Vinassa de Regny President of
ADM (Associazione Didattica Museale Milano,
2Who are we?
3The Natural History Museum of Milan
- Founded in 1838, it is the largest Natural
History Museum in Italy. - It counts over 300.000 visitors every year
- At least one third of them are students.
- Our most recent development isthe BIOLAB,
science centre to better understand a wide
variety of natural phenomena (including
- Experience shows that visitors (and particularly
students) enjoy the Museum much better if they
engage in educational activities. - Since 1994 the Educational Department has been
managed by a private no-profit organization ADM
(Associazione Didattica Museale)
- It is an association of naturalists, geologists,
biologists, who share a deep and long-lasting
passion for the Museum. - The goal of ADM is to arouse in all visitors that
same passion, through educational experiences
able to involve hearts as well as brains. - Hands-on activities are a very powerful way to
achieve that goal
6Partners in the EducAria project
7theres us and
Mission meteorological research, weather
Mission oncological research, public health
Mission to improve the quality of life in the
city of Milan
Role to inform about pollution and atmosphere
Role to inform about medical issues concerning
air pollution
Role promoter, co-ordinator, fund raiser
8Mission Philanthropy (To give ideas a future)
Mission to supply instruments and services for
industry and environment
Role financial support
Role technical support
9General purpose EducAria is an educational
scientific programme about air quality. It aims
at information and sensibilization of its
targets, and also of other subjects not
directly involved. Participation is free of
- EducAria addresses two different targets
- Schoolboys and schoolgirls of Milan age 9 to 13
(attending the last two years of primary school
and the first two years of secondary school) - General publicparents, teachers, citizens of
Milan, - web surfers and everybody else!
- Lets start from here
11- GOALS of the actions aimed at the general public
- To divulge qualitative and quantitative data
- about air quality and pollution.
- To sensibilize about the consequences of air
pollution on the health and the environment - To encourage commitment to improve air
quality, choosing to abandon bad habits
12ACTIONS for the general public
- 1. Online availability of data
- The project has a monitoring equipment of 2
permanent labs and 1 mobile lab (which stays for
a month in each schoolyard). - They collect data about air quality and
pollution, which are published in real time on - www.educaria.it
- All data collected in the past, thoroughly
commented by experts, are also available.
The website, online since March 2005, has had
30.000 contacts, 750.000 downloaded pages, and
lots of emails to the section the experts answer
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152. Sensibilization campaigns about the
consequences of our lifestyles on urban pollution
3. Public lectures and debates discussing
strategies to improve air quality 4. The Great
Game of Chiamamilano Families play on a 30 m2
board representing the City of Milan, to learn
the effectiveness and sustainability of public
transportation vs. use of own car
16EducAria for the school
17- GOALS of the actions with schools
- Become aware of the air as an element
- Investigate air applying sperimental scientific
methods - Acquire basic knowledge about meteorology
- Understand the relationships between
meteorology and pollution - Acquire basic knowledge about structure and
function of the respiratory system - Learn the effects of air pollution on human
health - Become aware of the consequences of our lifestyle
on the environment - Find possible solutions to the air pollution
problem - Choose to change unsustainable habits
- Transmit to others what has been learnt
- 1. Schools and classes are selected for the
programme - 2. A kit is delivered to each class (CD-ROM and
booklets) - 3. The mobile lab arrives at school - and stays a
month - 3. During this period Experts meet the class (5
steps or modules) -
- 4. Validation have we reached our goals?
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20First module What is air? care of ADM
Associazione Didattica Museale at
school duration 2 hours activities
experiments, games, model making issues
air exists! physical properties pressure
chemical composition how lungs work
why is air important.
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32Second module Meteorology care of
OMD - Osservatorio Meteorologico at school
and mobile lab duration 2
hours activities lessons data survey and
comment games issues what are
pollutants how can we detect them
elements of meteorology relationships
between meteorology and pollution
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35Third module Health care of INT -
National Institute for the cure of cancer at
school duration 2 hours activities
lessons videos issues anatomy and
physiology of the respiratory system most
common pathologies effects of
air pollution on the health
36Fourth module reinforcement care of ADM
Associazione Didattica Museale at Natural
History Museum and Biolab duration 4
hours activities visit to the biomes
section of the Museum hands-on
activities, games. issues air pollution as
a global problem (plus use of the museum
resources to reinforce/complete previous
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44Fifth module conclusion care of ADM and
Chiamamilano at school duration 4
hours activities role-play,
discussion Here students can practise what they
have learnt, ask new questions and debate about
all topics in the project. Roleplaying promotes
the search for sustainable behaviours in everyday
46NUMBERS OF THE PROJECT At the end (June 2008) of
the second year of EducAria we have reached Over
50 schools, 250 classes, about 5500
students. Over 6000 educational kits have been
- When all modules have been carried out, teachers
are asked to complete a questionnaire. - It aims to assess- how well the project has met
the needs of the class - how much it has been appreciated
- how effective it has been in encouraging the
adoption of a more environment-friendly
lifestyle Besides asking to evaluate every
aspect of the programme, the questionnaire gives
plenty of room to comments and suggestions.
48Feedback on the educational programme
- Satisfaction for the programme as a whole has
been very high. 100 of the teachers would like
to repeat it with new classes - They judged all activities to be very useful and
entertaining -
- What was appreciated the most
- - hands-on activities induced a very high
level of involvement - - high quality information was handled in an
easy, accessible way, always adequate to
the students age and level - Teachers have also been asked to imagine long
term effects
49In the distance
- Teachers think that the programme will indeed
affect the future choices of the kids. - Hands-on activities and direct data surveys make
them fully aware of the pollution problem, and of
the urgency of finding solutions. - Kids are willing to adopt a sustainable
50- Teachers are less optimistic about the
possibility of a change in the adults behaviour. - However they aknowledge the importance of kids
as spokespersons for air quality by reporting
home their experiences, kids do have a chance of
educating their parents!
51- Budget
- Overall cost for the two years of the
programme 610.000 entirely funded by
Chiamamilano and Fondazione Cariplo (no
expense for schools and customers) - Individual cost for each student is about 100
(comprehensive of 15 hours of educational
activities plus support and follow-up). - This sum is highly competitive if compared with
similar projects. - However, that would still be too much for the
ordinary budget of a single school.
52- Conclusion
- EducAria has been a great experience for all
- Kids learned with enthusiasm
- Parents awareness grew
- Teachers enjoyed quality training
- Museum operators learned new strategies
- Experts got out of the labs
- Sponsors have been given visibility
- Everybody agree on the importance of educating
young people if we hope to save our planet from
being irrimediably poisoned or burnt out. - Too bad it is often forgotten that quality
education needs funding
53Thank you for your attention