Title: Federal Clean Water Act
1- Federal Clean Water Act
- Monitoring and assessments completed statewide
- Standards not met?
- Section 303 (d) requires placing the water body
on the Impaired Waters List
2MN Clean Water Legacy Act
Submit TMDLs to EPA on Time
Develop a Reasonable Time-Frame for Restoration
Identify all Impaired Waters
Provide Technical and Financial Assistance
Comply with the Federal Clean Water Act
Restore water quality and De-list Waters
3TMDL formula TMDL process
LA(s) WLA(s) Margin of Safety Reserve
Capacity Total Maximum Daily Load LA Load
allocations from nonpoint sources
WLA Waste load allocations from point
sources Margin of Safety to account for
potential scientific error Reserve capacity set
aside for future development
Conduct data inventory ---------- Identify
water quality data gaps ---------- Identify
watershed data gaps --------- Determine whether
new data is needed
Develop data collection plans
---------- Collect new water quality data
Analyze WQ data---------- Define water quality
Scope the project
Modeling ---------- Develop allocation formula
Collect new watershed data
4TMDL study process continued
Public process
Monitoring Plan ---------- Effectiveness to
assess BMPs or other Validation of model or
analytical assumptions --------- Special concerns
Implementation plan ---------- Projects, BMPs to
Notice to state register Public Hearing
Study forwarded to EPA for approval
---------- Implementation
5March 2008 September 2008
GIS and WEPP model
Physical channel
Water monitoring
- Final Report
- Closed out /posted
- Reviewed/discussed feedback comments
- Turbidity Standard
- Internal agency discussion on standard and value
added work from comments - Turbidity standard triennial review
- North Shore comparative approach assessing
other streams, finding reference streams - Input matters
Completed BMPs
6One of the first TMDLs for this region, sets a
direction and stakeholder expectations for future