Title: Darwins Finches and Natural Selection
1Darwins Finches and Natural Selection
- by
- Cheryl Heinz, Dept. of Biological Sciences,
Benedictine University, and Eric Ribbens, Dept.
of Biological Sciences, Western Illinois
2- During this case study you will learn about
natural selection through the research of Peter
Rosemary Grant and colleagues on the finches of
the Galapagos Island. - Answers to the questions should be put on a
separate sheet of paper to be handed in.
3The Galapagos Islands
- Located approximately 1000km from the coast of
Ecuador, South America. - This is just a little closer than the distance
between Chicago and Philadelphia. - Mostly ground between the two U.S. cities.
- Mostly deep water between the Galapagos Islands
and the coast of South America.
4(No Transcript)
- Terrestrial species on these islands wont have
many relatives nearby. - Neighboring islands will have close relatives
- but new terrestrial species wont arrive on these
islands from the South American mainland very
often. - most of the island species have had plenty of
time to differentiate from their nearest living
relatives. - Another way of saying this is that there is very
little gene flow between the islands and the
6CQ1 Limited gene flow means
- A Birds rarely move between the mainland and the
islands. - B Birds on the island have the same genes as
birds on the mainland. - C Birds on the mainland dont like birds from
the islands. - D Birds on the mainland wont evolve, but birds
on the islands might.
7Charles Darwin
- Darwin explored these islands from April through
October 1835. - Entire voyage of The Beagle Dec 1831 - Oct 1836
- When and where he started thinking about what was
to become his theory of evolution by natural
selection. - He did not publish his thoughts until the
publication of The Origin of Species in 1859.
8Charles Darwins Ideas
- Biological evolution is change in species over
time. - This was not a new idea at the time
- But there were no good mechanisms to explain how
these changes occurred - Natural selection is just such a mechanism, and
this is what Darwin contributed.
9Galapagos Endemics
- The Galapagos today is an amazing place.
- Animals live there that are found nowhere else on
earth. - This makes them endemic
- Perhaps the most famous of the endemic birds are
the finches, of which there are 13 different
species - The islands are a natural laboratory, and one in
which evolution can be observed.
- Among the kinds of animals found here and
nowhere else - 1 penguin species
- 1 giant tortoise species
- 1 marine iguana species
- 7 species of lava lizard
- 14 species of sea cucumber
- 1 species of sea lion
- 1 species of hawk
- several species each of mockingbirds, doves,
owls, flycatchers, and yellow
11CQ2 Endemic means
- A The end is imminent.
- B The species isnt found anywhere else.
- C The species has very specific habitat
requirements. - D The species needs to be protected.
- E The species is extinct.
12The Finches
- The 13 finch species include
- 6 species of ground finches
- 3 species of tree finches
- 1 woodpecker finch
- 1 vegetarian finch
- 1 mangrove finch
- 1 Coco Island finch
- A warbler finch that looks more like a warbler
than a finch (one of the tree finches). - The woodpecker finch actually uses cactus spines
to dig grubs out of branches!
13Peter and Rosemary Grant
- Scientists Peter and Rosemary Grant have studied
many of these species for the past thirty years. - Spend months at a time on the islands
- Often know every finch on an island
- Lets look at some of their data.
14Graph showing the distribution of beak depths for
medium ground finches in Year 1
15CQ3 What is the average depth of the finches
beaks in Year 1?
- A about 7mm
- B about 8mm
- C about 9.5mm
- D about 10mm
- E about 11mm
16CQ4 How much was the biggest difference in beak
- A 2 mm
- B 4 mm
- C 6 mm
- D 8 mm
- E 10 mm
17A Change in the Weather
- Year 2
- Like most years, some rain fell the first week of
January. - The rest of January, there was one small shower.
- The total rainfall for the entire year 24mm.
- In a normal year, 130mm of rain would fall.
- In Year 1, 137mm of rain fell.
18A Change in the Weather
- The ground finches feed on seeds
- Year 1 June 1m2 of lava on the island
has over 10 grams of seeds. - Year 2 June 6 grams of seeds per m2.
- Year 2 December 3 grams of seeds per m2.
- In the drought, the plants conserved their
resources and did not produce new seeds. - Similarly, the finches did not mate and did not
produce eggs in Year 2
- A variety of seeds are produced on the island.
- Finches prefer the softest seeds, which are the
easiest to open. - The seeds above are seeds of a plant called
Caltrop, in the genus Tribulus. - These are among the hardest to eat.
- It takes a medium ground finch with a beak at
least 11mm long to open one. - Ground finches with beaks that are 10.5mm long or
less havent even been seen trying to eat them.
- What do you think will happen to the size of the
finch population between Years 1 and 3?
(Remember, Year 2 is a drought year.) - Sketch a rough graph of your prediction
21CQ5 What do you think a graph of population size
would look like for Year 1 to Year 3?
22Another Year of Change
- On one day in January of Year 3, more than 50mm
of rain fell on the island . - The plants finally flowered and produced new
seeds. - The Grants and their colleagues returned to the
Galapagos. - They found the finch population had been
decimated. - No new finches hatched in Year 2.
- Only one finch born in Year 1 survived to Year 3.
23Year 3 Data
24CQ6 What was the average beak depth in 1978?
(Remember that the average beak depth in 1976 was
9.5 mm.)
- A Just under 7mm
- B About 8mm
- C About 9mm
- D Just under 10mm
- E Just under 11mm
25Evolution is
- A change in the frequency of an allele, such as
an allele for beak depth, is the basic definition
of evolution.
26CQ7 Did the finch population evolve from 1976 to
- A Yes
- B No
- C Maybe
- D I dont know
27Evolution by natural selection
- The Grants first went to the Galapagos to take a
quick snapshot of finch diversity. - Within only a few years, they saw natural
selection. - In the course of one season, the beaks got 0.54mm
deeper and 0.39mm longer. - The sex ratio changed, too.
28Evolution by natural selection
- The beak size and shape was changing, right
before the Grants eyes! - This is definitely evolution as we defined it
- Two things surprised the Grants
- Evolution could occur quickly enough to observe
within a few field seasons. - Darwin believed that we did not have a long
enough lifespan to observe evolution. - A single weather event can cause evolution, if
there are traits that affect survival and if
there is variation in those traits.
- 2. Evolution can occur at very small scales.
- The Grants measurements were very careful.
- The birds werent used to humans, and so were
easy to catch and measure - They couldnt see a difference in even 1mm
between two finches, but their measurements could - And due to those measurements, they could find
that 0.5mm was enough to make a difference
between survival and death in a drought year
31CQ8 Which do you find more surprising?
- A Evolution occurs at a rate that we humans can
observe. - B As little as half of a millimeter can make the
difference between life and death. - C Both surprise me.
- D Neither was particularly surprising.
- Its important to note that beak size and shape
is heritable in these finches. - A bird with a large, deep beak will have
offspring with large and deep beaks. - Natural selection can occur without heritability,
but evolution by natural selection cannot! - (think about that for a minute)
33Evolution by Natural Selection
- Steps
- Individuals vary in some traits.
- 2. Some of the differences in traits are passed
along to offspring. - This requires a genetic basis to the trait
- The trait is thus heritable
34Evolution by Natural Selection
- 3. Different individuals produce different
numbers of surviving offspring. - Produce different numbers, or
- Different numbers survive.
- 4. The particular value of a trait is connected
to the number of offspring produced. - Traits that allow for more offspring to be
produced are said to be naturally selected.
35CQ9 If beak depth increased during the drought,
primarily due to selective mortality, can we
really say that this natural selection was driven
by environment favoring the survival of birds
with deeper beaks?
- A No. Beak depth changed due to birds dying, not
to birds surviving. - B Yes. Birds with deeper beaks survived at a
higher rate than birds with shallower beaks. - C Im really confused.
36Want to find out more of the story? Check out
- The Beak of the Finch A story of evolution in
our time, by Jonathan Weiner (New
York Knopf, 1994).