Title: Glory, Hallelujah
1Glory, Hallelujah!
2Once I was a sinner, a-walking down lifes
road. No joy was in my heart, all hope was
gone. til He came down and walked with me,
those Words of Life He spoke to me and now its
Hallelujah all the way.
3Glory, Hallellujah, Glory, Hallellujah, Glory,
Hallellujah every day. Ill sing that Gospel
rhythm, Yes, sing that Gospel rhythm, Its Glory,
Hallellujah al the way!
4Once I was a sinner, but now I am a
winner. Theres peace and love and joy Hes in my
heart. Now Evry day day I walk with Him and
evry day I talk with Him and now
its Hallelujah all the way.
5Glory, Hallellujah, Glory, Hallellujah, Glory,
Hallellujah every day. Ill sing that Gospel
rhythm, Yes, sing that Gospel rhythm, Its Glory,
Hallellujah al the way!
6Sing that Gospel rhythm, Sing that Gospel
rhythm, Ill sing that Gospel rhythm on my
way. Ill sing that Gospel rhythm until the day I
die til He takes me up to live with Him on high.