Title: REGNET Power Point Template
1 2WP 2.5
- Market Engineering - Status of work
- History of 2.5 Objectives Problems
- Status of Deliverables
- The New Concept Contents Road Map
- Questions to be Answered by the Marketing Study
The Agenda
32. Status of Deliverables
42. Status of Deliverables
53. The New Concept Contents Road Map
6WP 2.5
4. Questions to be Answered The Agenda 1.
Market Description General Trends 2. Qualitative
Market Analysis 3. Quantitative Market Analysis
for selected Countries 4. Competitor
Analysis 5. General Success Factors for the
RegNet- System on the Cultural Market 6.
Definition of RegNet Features and USP
7WP 2.5
Status of work - Current Agenda 7. Definition of
Organisational Structure, Technical and
Business Infrastructure, Service Level,
Service Portfolio and Pricing Structure and
General Business Model 8. Definition of General
Marketing Strategies and Marketing Policies
applicable for all CSC (Product, Price,
Distribution, Communication Online
Marketing) 9. Development of a Business Plan for
each Regional CSC
8WP 2.5
10. Development of a Marketing Concept
for each Targeted Country Market Segment
(Suisse as an Example) 11. Development of overall
Marketing Instruments (Guided Tours,
Prospectus, Direct Mail, Cooperation
Recommendations with Associations, Regional
Authorities etc.) 12. Definition of a Marketing
Concept to Communicate to Relevant
Segments of the Society (Tourism Leisure,
Education, News Industries etc.)