Title: How can Gx producers contribute
1How can generic drugs contribute?
Christian WieserGENASSlovak Generic
2EU legislation
- Generic medicinal product shall mean
a medicinal product which has the same
composition in active substances and the same
pharmaceutical form as the reference medicinal
product, and whose bioequivalence with the
reference medicinal product has been demonstrated
by appropriate bioavailability studies.....
Directive 2001/83/EC of the European Parliament
(Medicinal products for human use) as amended by
2002/98/EC, 2004/24/EC, 2004/27/EC, Page 20,
3Innovative drugs and generics complementary
from customers perspective
New innovative medicines
Generics free up funds for innovative medicines
- Innovation offers
- improved treatment options
- new therapeutic opportunities
- and thereby leads to replacement of older/less
effective medication
Patent expiration
High quality generics
Generic obsolescence
Source Novartis (adapted)
4Generic drugs v/s Originator drugs
Generic and originator drugs have to be seen in a
synergetic way. The main difference between a
generic and orginator product is significant
lower price due to the expired patent. NO
difference in safety, efficacy.
Public transport?
5The environment A
6The environment B
Below-average consumption of drugs per capita in
European comparison
7Status quo of Generics in Slovakia
- The 2003-2006 Healthcare reforms effected a
disproportional pressure onGeneric
manufacturers - Extraordinary price erosion on generic molecules,
whereas patent protected drugs did not face any
price cuts - Patient co-payments have become main decisive
factor ? patient must be awarded for their
cost contributions. As from 2007 tendential
dilution of existingmodel - Today Generic drugs in Slovakia are among the
cheapest in all Europe- much in opposite to
patent protected drugs - ? financial impact on potential further Gx
price cuts very questionable
8Status quo of Generics in Slovakia
- GENAS advocates for an increased usage of
Generics in order to save within limited budgets
to afford real innovative drugs. In Slovakia
still too much money is spent for so called
me-too drugs (analogue drugs) Up to 4 billion
SKK (160m USD) could be freed up here without
significant impact on the quality of treatment - Slovak Healthcare has to catch up with European
standards in drug consumption per capita, drug
budget per capita is still limited in EU
comparison - The alarmingly low statistical life expectancy in
Slovakia as a clear indicator here - even compared to the Czech Republic.
9Risperidon tbl. price for 1 DDD
DDD Defined Daily Dose
1st generic
2nd generic
10Market for neuroleptics/antipsychotics
Enormous financial reserves for highly needed
high-tech treatments in oncology etc.
11Patent protected Risperidonvs patent free
Risperidon consta price for 1 DDD 440
SKKRisperidon Generic 19,7 SKK
12Main reasons for rapidly increasing drug costs in
the Slovak healthcare
- Prices of patent protected products on EUaverage
- Analogue (me-too) products
- Oncology diabetology etc. growth v
13Main reasons for rapidly increasing drug costs in
the Slovak healthcare
- SK Low per-capita budget for drugs
14Main reasons for rapidly increasing drug costs in
the Slovak healthcare
Prices for Generic drugs already on lowest level
in Europe any more potential for savings?
Cheapest generic inAustria
Cheapest generic inSlovakia
15Main reasons for rapidly increasing drug costs in
the Slovak healthcare
- Prices of patent protected products
- ... on average European level!
16Generic blockbusters of treatments and costs
17Patent linkage Slovak vs. the EU legislation
- Act 140/1998 relating to medicinal products and
medical devices laying down the registration
procedures - There is not any legal basis for refusal of
pending generic applications submitted in
accordance with Directive 2004/27/EC and with
reference to the original medicinal product which
is under patent protection - Safety, efficacy and quality of medicinal product
should be allowed to be evaluated
18Registration procedure
- The submission and subsequent evaluation of an
application for a marketing authorisation as well
as the granting of an authorisation are to be
considered as administrative acts and
consequently falling outside the scope of patent
protection - (Council Working Party on Pharmaceuticals, 23 Apr
2003) - The Act 140/1998 not in line with the EU
legislation in terms of conditions for refusal of
applications for registration
19GENAS Slovak Association of Generic producers
20Thank you very muchDakujeme za pozornost
21- Christian Wieser
- Prezident asociácie Genas
- Ruzinovska 4282103 Bratislava
- Phone 421.2.48200.600
- Email christian.wieser_at_sandoz.comWeb
www.sandoz.sk www.genas.sk