Title: Measuring the things that matter
1Measuring the things that matter
- Introduction to rol
- Customer Satisfaction in Local Government
- The GovMetric approach
- Demonstration
- Benefits
2Who are we?
- We work with local authorities, partnerships and
other local government stakeholders - Our passion is improving the dialogue between
councils and citizens and businesses - We have over a decade of local government
experience, delivering solutions for - Community Portals
- Online Consultation
- Citizens Juries
- Single Business Account
- National e-Service Delivery Standards
- Customer Satisfaction.
3Customer satisfaction
- Customer satisfaction is fundamental to public
service - It is the single best measure of effective and
efficient services - Asking customers what they think about the
services you provide will - Enable good practice to be recognised, rewarded
and replicated - Help identify and prioritise areas for further
improvement - Raise the profile of customer service in your
organisation - Improve the public perception of your authority.
4Some questions
- Are our customers satisfied with the services
that we are providing? - Are all of our access channels performing?
- What are the root causes of our problems?
- Do our staff require further training and
development in customer care? - How can we plan an effective, customer-centric
access strategy and channel migration plan? - How do we compare to our peers?
To answer these questions, you need management
information about the quality and quantity of the
services you provide.
5Measuring service quality
- Qualitative measures look at the customers
perception of the service, generally referred to
as customer satisfaction - Some common approaches for measuring customer
satisfaction include - Exit interviews
- Telephone surveys
- Postal surveys
- Mystery shopping.
6What are the issues?
- These traditional approaches can be very useful
in the right application, but they have
limitations - They are generally budget and resource intensive
- They are periodic, and results quickly go out of
date - They only sample small numbers of people, so the
majority of customers views go unheard - Customers are experiencing survey fatigue,
making it harder to achieve high take-up and
representative opinions - It can be difficult to compare results
- Over time
- Across channels
- Between local authorities.
7Measuring service volumes
- The most useful quantitative measure is
interaction volume - the number of interactions
between the local authority and its customers - Most local authorities capture this information,
but often in lots of different places - CRM systems
- Queuing systems
- Telephony / ACD systems
- Internet / Web logs
- Manual tallies.
8What are the issues?
- Because this data is typically collected and held
in several different systems, it means - Collecting data together into a single report can
be time consuming - Standardising how data is measured and
categorised across different services and
channels is difficult - It is hard to analyse volumetric data alongside
customer satisfaction data, and understand the
relationships between them.
9New approach GovMetric
- rol is working with local authorities to address
these problems and limitations, by developing a
customer feedback service which - Is always on
- Is self-service for customers
- Achieves high-take up by customers
- Works across all channels and services
- Delivers consistent data enabling baselining,
benchmarking and trend analysis - Simplifies reporting
- This service is called GovMetric.
10New approach GovMetric
- Customer satisfaction is measured face to face
with intuitive and hardwearing touch screen
11New approach GovMetric
- Customer satisfaction is measured on the
telephone with a simple, quick to use touch-tone
12New approach GovMetric
- Customer satisfaction is measured on the website
using eye-catching buttons that are placed on key
web pages
13New approach GovMetric
- Interaction volumes are harvested from existing
Queuing System
Automated or Manual Flat File
GovMetric Database
Volumetric Data
Website Reports
Back Office Systems
14New approach GovMetric
- Customer satisfaction data is then aggregated
with volumetric data in a single database
Queuing System
Telephony logs
Automated or Manual Flat File
GovMetric Database
Volumetric Data
Qualitative Data
Web logs
Back Office Systems
15New approach GovMetric
16Analysis of the first months results
from a GovMetric Early Adopter
17Differences in the quality of the different
channels are already emerging
and services that have undergone front/back
officere-engineering are performing better.
18In the first few weeks, over one thousand
feedback responses have been recorded across the
three channels.
It is already clear that the website is trailing
in terms of the quality of service if offers
19Although service on the telephone channel is
generally good, waiting times are the number one
reason for customer dissatisfaction
which would normally be addressed by increasing
call handling capacity of the telephone channel.
20However, further analysis of the web channel
shows that large numbers of customers are failing
in their attempts to self-serve.
This is resulting in increased demand on the
telephone channel.
Using GovMetric, this local authority is able to
identify and address the true root cause of
customer service issues.
21GovMetric Overview
22Efficiency benefits
- Reduces the costs of manually collating and
reporting customer satisfaction and transaction
data - Enables more efficient deployment of other
consultation resources, with the potential to
reduce the cost of these activities - Supports right first time service delivery and
reduces the costs associated with rework - Reduces the costs of dealing with complaints
- Informs the channel migration strategy and the
shift to less expensive access channels - Improves resource planning.
23Other benefits
- Improves the customers' perception of the service
- Increases customer focus through consultation
- Raises the profile of customer services within
the organisation - Enables measurement against service standards,
including the National eService Delivery
Standards for Customer Service - Develops employee customer care competencies
- Facilitates learning and sharing of information
through regional and national benchmarking - Helps identify opportunities for shared services.
- To find out more about how GovMetric can benefit
your organisation, please contact - t. 01572 756565
- e. info_at_govmetric.com
- w. www.govmetric.com