Title: What Am I
1 2Assess previous learning
Select appropriate curriculum objectives
Decide on assessment procedures
Assessment Learning Cycle
Decide what needs to be learned next
Teach using approaches, materials and procedures
Decide on approaches and materials to use
3 Importance of assessing early reading skills
- Reading problems identified in Grade 3 and beyond
require considerable intervention. Children do
not outgrow reading problems. - Presence of risk characteristics are present in K
and Grade 1. - Early intervention is clearly effective.
4Activity 1- Rons Letter
- Record Non Reading Behaviors
5Dear John Peace at last! Tranquility is
restored as the last one left but memories. All
your suggestions were great. Everything went
very well because of the extensive preparations
you advised. It was an excellent idea to prepare
so many of the items in advance. Both saved money
and time so we were well supplied and even had
surplus or so I thought a- good thing too as
the activity around our table became more and
more frantic and all my offspring were loudly
yapping at once. Luckily, I had done all the
chopping, slicing, and mixing for a giant potato
salad which everyone always likes. That and the
ham lasted for two meals with the grill going
full time too. Thank goodness for the big can of
baked beans to round out a picnic . By Sunday,
though, I was breaking into the emergency
supplies of marinara sauce, pasta, and frozen
meatballs. The bread maker worked overtime and
seems headed for a break down but no one went
without. Conversation eating and enjoying the
holiday make the occasion memorable just as a
reunion should be. Thank goodness once every
five years is enough for this family!
ya, Ron
6What does TPRI/Tejas LEE measure ?
- Phonemic Awareness
- Graphophonemic Awareness
- Comprehension
- Fluency/Accuracy/Reading Rate
How does TPRI inform instruction?
First Grade
First Grade/ Primer grado
Nivel de Intervención
10What other information do we need?
Literacy Experiences
11(No Transcript)
Knows all letters and sounds Has directionality,
return sweep, one to one word matching Differentia
tes letters and words Know period and question
mark Still has difficulty hearing sounds Does not
participate in discussions Does not take risks
Knows print carries the message Remembers a lot
of details of stories Does not have one to one
word matching Confusion between capital and lower
case letters Recognizes only about ½ letters and
few sounds Still has difficulty rhyming Does not
hear initial sounds Has directionality and return
sweep Very young, will take risks, short
attention span
Has directionality and return sweep Knows all
letters and sounds Hears many initial sounds and
a few ending sounds Recognizes and produces
rhymes Does not have one to one word match Knows
question mark and period Some high frequency
words Differentiates letters from words Eager
learner, high risk taker, eager to
Knows most of her letters and sounds Has
directionality and return sweep Cannot produce
rhymes Does not hear initial sounds No concept of
word Still confusion between letters and
words Always tired, generally not engaged but
will take risks when engaged
Knows most letters and sounds Can hear some
beginning sounds Has directionality, return sweep
and one to one word matching Confusion between
capital and lower case Recognizes a few high
frequency words Quiet, interested, risk taker
17The logic by which we teach is not always the
logic by which children learn.
Glenda Bissex
18Cynthia Amelia González Reading
Specialist cgonzal6_at_houstonisd.org