Title: What is our response to our baptismal call
1The Millennium Development Goals
- What is our response to our baptismal call?
2Defining the problem
- 1.2 billion people live on less than 1 USD per
day - 50 of all people live on less than 2 USD per
day - One child dies of preventable hunger or curable
disease every 3 seconds - A woman dies during childbirth every minute
- 40 million people are living with HIV/AIDS
- 8.4 million child laborers are trapped in
slavery, trafficking, debt bondage, prostitution,
pornography and other abhorrent conditions - There are many more disturbing facts and
3What are the MDGs?
- The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are the
world's time-bound and quantified targets for
addressing extreme poverty in its many
dimensions-income poverty, hunger, disease, lack
of adequate shelter, and exclusion-while
promoting gender equality, education, and
environmental sustainability. They are also basic
human rights-the rights of each person on the
planet to health, education, shelter, and
security. - (The Millennium Projecthttp//www.unmillenniumpr
4What really matters
- The Millennium Development Goals A pledge made
through the United Nations to achieve eight
goals, made by 189 nations and others in the year
2000 - Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
- Achieve universal primary education
- Promote gender equality and empower women
- Reduce child Mortality
- Improve maternal health
- Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases
- Ensure environmental sustainability
- Create a global partnership for development
Signatories agreed to commit 0.7 of their
national budgets to these goals
5MDG Goal 1
- Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
- Target 1. Halve, between 1990 and 2015, the
proportion of people whose income is less than 1
a day - Target 2. Halve, between 1990 and 2015, the
proportion of people who suffer from hunger
From the Muslim tradition Have you ever seen a
human being who contradicts the essence of the
religion? That is the person who pushes the
orphan aside and does not promote feeding the
needy. (Quran 107)
6The facts about wealth
- The richest 1 of adults in the world own 40 of
the planet's wealth - Household wealth, including financial assets and
debts, land, buildings and other tangible
property total 125 trillion globally - Europe, the US and some Asia Pacific nations
account for most of the extremely wealthy. - More than a third live in the U.S.
- Japan accounts for 27 of the total
- The UK accounts for 6
- France accounts for 5.
World Institute for Development Economics
Research of the United Nations
7The facts about wealth
- Assets of just 2,200 per adult place a household
in the top half of the world's wealthiest. - Assets of 61,000 place household in richest 10
- Assets of more than 500,000 place households in
richest 1 - According to UN, 37 million people fall into this
category - Half the people in the world live on less than 2
a day - 3 billion people fall into this category
MSN Money, Got 2,200? In this world, you're
rich , 12/13/2006
8Gods children who live in poverty say
- Poverty is like living in jail, living under
bondage, waiting to be free Jamaica - Poverty is to come home and see your children go
hungry and not have anything to give them -
Brazil - For a poor person everything is terrible
illness, humiliation, shame We are like garbage
that everyone wants to get rid of. A blind
woman from Moldova - A normal person has some self-esteem, to take
a holiday, read a book. While now you work
here or there all day in order to have something
to eat, and at night you cant even exchange a
couple of words like normal persons, you drop off
asleep as if you were dead. Its as if you were
dead while you were still alive. Middle-aged
woman from Bulgaria
What Can One Person Do? Faith to Heal a Broken
World Sabina Alkire and Edwin Newell, Church
Publishing, 2005
9MDG Goal 2
- Achieve universal primary education
- Target 3. Ensure that, by 2015, children
everywhere, boys and girls alike, will be able to
complete a full course of primary schooling
Guinean Proverb Knowledge is like a garden If
it is not cultivated, it cannot be harvested
10MDG Goal 3
- Promote gender equality and empower women
- Target 4. Eliminate gender disparity in primary
and secondary education, preferably by 2005, and
in all levels of education no later than 2015
From the Bahai tradition Only as women are
welcomed into full partnership in all fields of
human endeavor will the moral and psychological
climate be created in which international peace
can emerge. (Universal House of Justice, 1985)
11MDG Goal 4
- Reduce child mortality
- Target 5. Reduce by two-thirds, between 1990 and
2015, the under-five mortality rate
From the Jewish tradition By the breath of
children, God sustains the world. (Talmud
Bavli, Shabbat 119b
12MDG Goal 5
- Improve maternal health
- Target 6. Reduce by three-quarters, between 1990
and 2015, the maternal mortality ratio
From the Sikh tradition We are born of women,
we are conceived in the womb of women, we are
engaged and married to women. We make friendship
with women and the lineage continues because of
women. (Guru Nanak Dev, Var Asa)
13MDG Goal 6
- Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases
- Target 7. Have halted by 2015 and begun to
reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS - Target 8. Have halted by 2015 and begun to
reverse the incidence of malaria and other major
From the Buddhist tradition May all beings
everywhere plagued with sufferings of body and
mind quickly be freed from their illnesses. (The
Bodhicaryavatara of Shantideva))
14Facts about disease
- Approximately 40 million people were living with
HIV/AIDS (range 34 46 million) by end 2006 - Of these, 26.6 million were living in Sub-Saharan
Africa, and 3.2 million in SSA were newly
infected in 2003. One in five people are
infected. - In SSA women 15-24 are 2.5 times as likely to be
infected as are men. - About 30 of people living with HIV/AIDS
worldwide live in southern Africa, an area that
is home to just 2 of the worlds population. - On 9/11, more than twice as many people perished
of HIV/AIDS than in the World Trade Towers. - Ten times more people perish of poverty-related
causes than of war or conflict (over 22 million
in 2001 from preventable disease vs. 230,000 in
15MDG Goal 7
- Ensure environmental sustainability
- Target 9. Integrate the principles of sustainable
development into country policies and programs
and reverse the loss of environmental resources - Target 10. Halve, by 2015, the proportion of
people without sustainable access to safe
drinking water and basic sanitation - Target 11. Have achieved by 2020 a significant
improvement in the lives of at least 100 million
slum dwellers
From the Hindu tradition May there be peace on
earth, peace in the atmosphere and in the
heavens. Peaceful be the waters, the herbs and
plants. May the Divine bring us peace.
(Atharva-Veda XIX-9)
16Facts about the environment
- Ban Ki Moon, Secretary General of the U.N. says
that Global Warming is a reality - Predicts that it will be major driver of war and
conflict in coming decades - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 90
certain that human-generated greenhouse gases
account for most of the global rise in
temperatures over the past half-century - U.S. is world's leading emitter of greenhouse
gases - Ban will press the G8 (U.S., Russia, Britain,
France, Germany, Japan, Canada and Italy) to
address this during their June 2007 summit in
Germany - "We are all complicit in the process of global
warming," Ban said. "Unfortunately, my generation
has been somewhat careless in looking after our
only planet."
Washington Post, U.N. Secretary General Calls
Global Warming a Priori , 3/7/2007
17Facts about the environment
- The poor are so desperate for food that they
overuse their land even though they know the
result will be lessened fertility next year - Lakes are over-fished, forests are not managed
sustainably, land is overgrazed - Glaciers are melting, river and coastal waters
are rising and claiming arable land, and many of
the poor are being deprived of their only sources
of subsistence - Christian Aid estimates that climate-change-associ
ated diseases will have killed 182 million in
sub-Saharan Africa by the end of this century
Un International Forum on the Eradication of
Poverty November 2006Coop America Quarterly
Fall 2006
18MDG Goal 8
- Develop a global partnership for sustainable
development - Target 12. Develop further an open, rule-based,
predictable, nondiscriminatory trading and
financial system (includes a commitment to good
governance, development, and poverty reduction
both nationally and internationally) - Target 13. Address the special needs of the Least
Developed Countries (includes tariff- and
quota-free access for Least Developed Countries,
exports, enhanced program of debt relief for
heavily indebted poor countries HIPCs and
cancellation of official bilateral debt, and more
generous official development assistance for
countries committed to poverty reduction) - Target 14. Address the special needs of
landlocked developing countries and small island
developing states (through the Program of Action
for the Sustainable Development of Small Island
Developing States and 22nd General Assembly
From the Christian tradition Give to the one
who asks you, and do not turn away from the one
who wants to borrow from you... (The Bible,
Matthew 542
19MDG Goal 8, continued
- Develop a global partnership for sustainable
development - Target 15. Deal comprehensively with the debt
problems of developing countries through national
and international measures in order to make debt
sustainable in the long term - Target 16. In cooperation with developing
countries, develop and implement strategies for
decent and productive work for youth - Target 17. In cooperation with pharmaceutical
companies, provide access to affordable essential
drugs in developing countries - Target 18. In cooperation with the private
sector, make available the benefits of new
technologies, especially information and
communications technologies
20Who is keeping track?
- U.N.s page on tracking the goals is at
http//www.undp.org/mdg/tracking_home.shtml - A 2006 progress chart is at http//mdgs.un.org/uns
ogressChart2006.pdf - The World Bank is monitoring progress and
publishing statistics - World Bank Global Data Monitoring Information
System - www.developmentgoals.org - Organization for Economic Development at
http//www.oecd.org/dac/mdg - Various other organizations are voluntarily
monitoring progress - Effectiveness of charities is monitored by
organizations like Charity Navigator,
21(No Transcript)
22What the Bible says
- I do not mean that there should be relief for
others and pressure on you, but it is a question
of a fair balance between your present abundance
and their need, so that their abundance may be
for your need, in order that there may be a fair
balance. - As it is written, The one who had much did not
have too much, and the one who had little did not
have too little. - 2 Corinthians 813-15
- he said to them, Whoever has two coats must
share with anyone who has none and whoever has
food must do likewise. - Luke 311
23What One Can Do
- Pray
- Include the MDGs in the Prayers of the People
- Idea One MDG per week
- Follow the Anglican Cycle of Prayer, which prays
for a different part of the church each week - Do an MDG Stations of the Cross liturgy
- Subscribe to the World in Prayer,
www.worldinprayer.org - Subscribe to the Micah Challenge Prayer Series -
- Listen to the voices around you
24What One Can Do
- Study
- Do a class, book study or film series
- What Can One Person Do? Faith to Heal a Broken
World , Sabina Alkire and Edwin Newell, Church
Publishing, 2005, contains a book list - Eradicating Global Poverty, Lallie Lloyd
- God's Mission in the World study guide produced
jointly between TEC and ELCA - Show a relevant film and have a discussion
- An Inconvenient Truth (documentary, 2006)
- The Girl in the Café (HBO Films, comedy-drama,
2005) - Invisible Children (documentary, 2006)
- Others
25What One Can Do
- Donate
- Give 0.7 of your personal income to MDG-related
causes - Diocesan Convention passed resolution urging this
- Good list of partners at www.one.org
- Give gifts from Episcopal Relief and
Developments Gifts for Life catalog. - Encourage your congregation to give 0.7 of the
congregations budget - Diocesan Convention passed resolution urging this
- Encourage your diocese to give 0.7 of the
diocesan budget - El Camino Real is one of a minority of dioceses
that do not support MDGs in the diocesan budget
26How much is 0.7?
What is .7
27Charitable Giving and the Economy
- Those making 20,000 or less a year give away
more, as a share of their income, than do higher
income groups. - Each dollar of giving appears to create 19 of
extra national income - Charitable giving strengthens the cohesion of
society at large. - Appears to make the givers themselves more
successful - Transforms people into better or happier people.
MSN Money, America the charitable A few
surprises, 11/27/2006
28What one can do
- Connect
- Organize or join a mission trip, or sponsor
someone who wants to engage in mission - e.g. Habitat for Humanity international build
- e.g. Midwives on Mission
- Invite someone who has made a mission trip to
make a presentation or give a talk - Mentor a girl or woman
- Sponsor children or families through
organizations like Care Share International
(http//www.careshareindia.org/) - Adopt a school or clinic or other project with
the intention of sustained sponsorship
29What One Can Do
- Raise Awareness
- Host or help sponsor a U2charist
- an Episcopal Eucharist service that features the
music of the rock band U2 and a message about
God's call to rally around the Millennium
Development Goals. - Build Awareness among Youth and Children
- Engaging, meaningful activities
- e.g. Build a cross using colored popsicle sticks,
e.g. one popsicle for child that person that dies
of hunger during a period of time, such as e.g.
1800 popsicle sticks for the number of children
who die during Sunday 1000 service - Get ideas from the Youth Action Guide at
30What One Can Do
- Act Volunteer
- Volunteer hours are worth some 150 billion
annually (measured by using an estimated average
value of 18.04 per hour) - Volunteering provides spiritual richness to life
- Expand social circles and increase friendships
- Organizations that match those who want to
volunteer with organizations that need volunteers - www.211.org
- www.volunteermatch.org
- www.pointsoflight.org
MSN Money, America the charitable A few
surprises, 11/27/2006 The Avenue, In Search of
a Richer Life, Spring 2007
31What one can do
- Act Imagine and engage in Quick Win
opportunities - Quick Win campaigns are important, concrete
actions that can be taken to support the
Millennium Development Goals. You and your
community group can organize your activities
around a particular Quick Win that is meaningful
to you follow your passion. - Ideas
- Supplying anti-malarial bednets
- Raise money for books educational equipment
32What One Can Do
- Socially and environmentally responsible thinking
and living - Be willing to pay more for luxuries likecoffee
and chocolate and other foods. Look for the
Fair Trade symbol - Certifies that the item is produced in an
environmentally sustainable way, that the grower
is receiving sustainedfair prices, and that
slave, child and/or sweatshop laboris not used - Purchase organic products
- Certifies that item contains 95 organic
ingredients and produced without conventional
fertilizers or synthetic pesticides and use
sustainable and environmentally-friendly
agricultural methods.
33What One Can Do
- Socially and environmentally responsible thinking
and living - Drive less
- Leaving the car at home once a week prevent 55
pounds of air pollution each year from being
emitted into our environment - Combine errands to save on number of trips
- Cold engines pollute up to five times more than
warm ones - Take public transit.
- Bay Area is served by a number of transit
agencies - Most major events are served by public
transportation options - Call 511 or visit 511.org for information on how
local transit can get you where you're going
34What one can do
- Socially and environmentally responsible thinking
and living - Telecommute
- Just one day a week makes a difference, saving
over a pound of pollution - Encourage your employer to support full-time
telecommuting if your job only needs face-to-face
meetings occasionally - Telecommuting may become mandated in some states,
including California - Refuel in the evening and never top off
- Putting gas into your vehicle releases Volatile
Organic Compounds (VOCs) into the air. Throughout
the day, these VOCs mix with oxides of nitrogen
(NOx) in the air, "cook" in the summer heat, and
form ground-level ozone. Refueling in the evening
decreases the opportunity for VOCs to form into
35What one can do
- Socially and environmentally responsible thinking
and living - Responsible use of chemical products
- Avoid consumer spray products which add 50 tons
of pollution to the Bay Area environment each day - Aerosol products include hairspray, furniture
polish, cooking sprays, bathroom cleaners, air
fresheners, antiperspirants, insecticides, and
hobby craft sprays. Consider solids, sticks, and
gels instead. - Use water-based paints oil-based paints contain
high percentage of VOCs that evaporate into the
atmosphere and create smog. - It's OK to barbecue, but DON'T USE LIGHTER
FLUID!Lighter fluid literally goes up in smoke,
causing a half-ton of smog each day in the Bay
Area. Use an electric or a chimney briquette
starter instead- you'll actually get a faster
start. - Do your garden chores gasoline-free. Gas lawn
mower produces as much pollution as 40 new cars
in one hour. On Spare the Air days, don't use
gasoline-powered equipment like leaf blowers and
chain saws. Put off lawn care for a day or two
until the air is cleaner - then get a good
workout by pushing that trusty, old hand mower!
36What One Can Do
- Socially and environmentally responsible thinking
and living - Recycle hazardous waste instead of flushing down
drains or toilets - This includes expired pills and other
pharmaceuticals - Harvest rainwater to use for gardening and other
uses - Reduce energy use and use eco-friendly sources
for power that you do use - Purchase Carbon Offsets to compensate for
resources that you consume - Talk to your broker/financial advisor about
making socially responsible investments
37What One Can Do
- Advocate
- Write or make an appointment with your political
representatives - Tell them that you support the Millennium
Development Goals and the Millennium Project's
recommendations for achieving them. - Write letters to local newspapers
- Send a letter to the editor to help you reach a
larger audience of people. The web site of
www.results.org has a number of useful tools that
can be adapted to help you target both
politicians and media outlets in your own
country. - Encourage your employer to embrace principles of
Corporate Social Responsibility
38What One Can Do
- Advocate
- Join existing networks
- Many large organizations are already working on
poverty issues, and supporting them is one way to
build support for the Goals. - Join the Episcopal Public Policy Network and the
ONE Campaign
39What the Bible says
- Then the king will say to those at his right
hand, Come, you that are blessed by my Father,
inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the
foundation of the world for I was hungry and you
gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me
something to drink, I was a stranger and you
welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me
clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I
was in prison and you visited me. - Matthew 2534-36
40Where is home for you?
- The home we ultimately seek is found in
relationship with creator, with redeemer, with
spirit our natural home is in God - That vision of homegoing and homecoming that
underlies our deepest spiritual yearnings is also
the job assignment each one of us gets in baptism
- go home, and while you're at it, help to build
a home for everyone else on earth - You and I have been invited into that ministry
of global peace-making that makes a place and
affirms a welcome for all of God's creatures
From Presiding Bishop Katharines Investiture
homily 11/4/2006
41Where is home for you?
- This church has said that our larger vision will
be framed and shaped in the coming years by the
vision of shalom embedded in the Millennium
Development Goals - a world where the hungry
are fed, the ill are healed, the young
educated, women and men treated equally, and
where all have access to clean water and adequate
sanitation, basic health care, and the promise
of development that does not endanger the rest of
creation. - That vision of abundant life is achievable in our
own day, but only with the passionate commitment
of each and every one of us. It is God's vision
of homecoming for all humanity.
From Presiding Bishop Katharines Investiture
homily 11/4/2006
42Groundwork by GC2006
- As of 11/2006, 74 of 111 (66) dioceses had
embraced the Millennium Development Goals and
0.7 giving. The General Convention challenged
all dioceses to commit 0.7 giving by July 7,
2007. - El Camino Real is not one of them
- General Convention issued a challenge to every
department and funded mission and ministry of the
Episcopal Church to give 0.7 of their money
toward the MDGs. - A pledge by all members of Program, Budget and
Finance to give 0.7 of their personal incomes
toward the MDGs challenged to all bishops and
deputies to do the same. - A line item representing more than 0.7 of the
budget for the Episcopal Church has been
dedicated to supporting the MDGs, and an
additional 1,326,000 in new and increased
mission funds were identified that support the
43The Episcopal Church and MDGs
- Three organizations engaged in cooperative,
complementary efforts - The ONE Episcopalian Campaignwww.episcopalchurc
h.org/ONE - Partnership between Episcopal Church and and the
ONE campaign (www.one.org) to rally Episcopalians
ONE by ONE to the cause - The ONE campaign is a a coalition of 2 million
people and over 70 non-profit, advocacy and
humanitarian organizations that advocates that
the U.S. government allocate an additional 1 of
its budget toward the MDGs over the 0.7
originally pledged by all UN signatories
The ONE Episcopalian campaign is sponsored by
Episcopal Public Policy Network (EPPN) the
advocacy arm of the Episcopal Churchs MDG
44The Episcopal Church and MDGs
- Three organizations engaged in cooperative,
complementary efforts - Episcopalians for Global Reconciliationwww.e4gr.o
rg - Works with every level of the church connecting,
educating, encouraging, providing resources and
empowering ministry for the MDGs - EGR is not a granting agency, nor do we do any
direct development work. Instead, we Encourage
MDG-related ministries and promote the work of
ERD, ONE and any effort aimed at effectively
engaging this mission. - A primary way EGR invites the Church to engage
the MDGs at every level is through 0.7 giving
EGR is the education arm of the Episcopal
Churchs MDG efforts, focusing on the power of
What One Can Do
45The Episcopal Church and MDGs
- Three organizations engaged in cooperative,
complementary efforts - Episcopal Relief and Developmentwww.er-d.org
- Emergency assistance and long-term solutions
- All programs are designed and assessed in part by
how well they address the MDGs. - If you want to make a gift in support of the
MDGs, making a donation to ERD is a good way to
do that
ER-D is the action arm of the Episcopal
Churchs MDG efforts
46For more information
- Most links in this presentation are are gathered
on the diocesan website at www.edecr.org/mdg.htm - Linked from diocesan main web page (see left
navigation menu) - Includes link to MDG Toolkit on the E4GR site,
47- Appendices / Backup Slides
48Pray for an End to Poverty
- Most loving God, your concern for the poor is
unrelenting - draw our concern into yours your
compassion for the poor is limitless - draw our
compassion into yours as you long for justice,
may we also strive for it. - Forgive our doubt, forgive our neglect. Open our
eyes to structures of oppression and free us from
apathy and indifference. - Give us courage to accept our responsibility,
wisdom to chart a sound course amid complexity,
perseverance to finish our work, and the gift of
your Spirit to do what alone we cannot do. So
may we serve to the honor and glory of your Name
and the wellbeing of your beloved people
throughout the world. Amen.
49Prayer for those with AIDS/HIV
- In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer, we observe World
AIDS Day on December 1 - Merciful God,we remember before you all who are
sick this day, and especially all persons with
AIDS or HIV infection. Give them courage to live
with their disease. Help them to face and
overcome their fears. Be with them when they
are alone or rejected. Comfort them when they
are discouraged.And touch them with your healing
Spirit that they may find and possess eternal
life, now and forever.Amen. - Taken from The Mothers' Union, Living
Positively, "Prayers and Reflections
50What the Bible says
- And you shall hallow the fiftieth year and you
shall proclaim liberty throughout the land to all
its inhabitants what was sold shall remain with
the purchaser until the year of jubilee in the
jubilee it shall be released, and the property
shall be returned. - Leviticus 2510 28
- But love your enemies, do good, and lend,
expecting nothing in return. Your reward will be
great, and you will be children of the Most High
for he is kind to the ungrateful and the wicked. - Luke 635
51What the Bible says
- The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has
anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He
has sent me to proclaim release to the captives
and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the
oppressed go free - Luke 418
- Do not be conformed to this world, but be
transformed by the renewing of your minds, so
that you may discern what is the will of Godwhat
is good and acceptable and perfect. - Romans 122
52The Shakertown Pledge
- 1.) I declare myself a world citizen
- 2.) I commit myself to lead an ecologically sound
life. - 3.) I commit myself to lead a life of creative
simplicity and to share my personal wealth with
the world's poor. - 4.)I commit myself to join with others in the
reshaping of institutions in order to bring about
a more just global society in which all people
have full access to the needed resources for
their physical, emotional, intellectual, and
spiritual growth. - 5.)I commit myself to occupational
accountability, and so doing I will seek to avoid
the creation of products which cause harm to
others. - 6.) I affirm the gift of my body and commit
myself to its proper nourishment and physical
wellbeing. - 7.) I commit myself to examine continually my
relations with others and to attempt to relate
honestly, morally, and lovingly to those around
me. - 8.) I commit myself to personal renewal through
prayer, meditation, and study. - 9.) I commit myself to responsible participation
in a community of faith.
Written in a town near Lexington, KY which was
connected to the Shaker Movement, 4/30/1973