Title: Safety Issues : Active Networks
1Asia Pacific Advanced Network 21st 24th
January 2003 Fukuoka, Japan
Safety Issues Active Networks
Devi Krishnan University Science Malaysia
2Safety Issues Active Networks
- Safety and security are two most
- important properties of a system
- A safe system provides protection
- against error of trusted users
- A secure system protects against error
- introduced by untrusted users
- High requirement - development of
- programmable network infrastructure
3Safety Issues Active Networks
The concept of active networks represents a new
approach to computer networking The ability
on customization of network infrastructure
properties is called active networks
4Safety Issues Active Networks
- Reduce the difficulty of integrating new
- technologies and standards into a shared
- network infrastructure.
- Example IPv6 Implementation ie those
- follows the deployment and development
- of IPv6 will realizes how extremely
- difficult such a project is in todays
- heavily used internet
5Safety Issues Active Networks
- Focuses also has been given how to upgrade
- network devices at run time or on upgrades
- which support end systems applications for
- example congestion control for real time data
- streams or on a combination of both.
6Safety Issues Active Networks
Problem Statement
- There are five main scope can be discussed
- on active networks -
- Flexibility because it is a measure of the
- system to perform a variety of tasks.
- Usability
- Performance, some quantitative measures by
- which it is evaluated such as throughput,
delay - and delay variation
- Safety - protection against error of trusted
- users
7Safety Issues Active Networks
Introduction to Active Network
- Active networks allow individual user, or
- groups of users, to inject customized programs
- into the nodes of the network.
- Enable a massive increase in the complexity
- and customization of the computation that
- is performed within the network for example,
- that is interposed between the communicating
- end points.
8Safety Issues Active Networks
Introduction to Active Network
- In an active network, packets are not just
- forwarded by a router as in the current
Internet - instead, a router in an active network has the
- capability of processing the payload contained
- in a packet in an arbitrary,
application-specific - way.
- In this case, service provider or user could
- modify their network according to their need
- by using the application specific code.
9Safety Issues Active Networks
Safety Issues Involved
- Since active networks are much more
- flexible than passive, the number of safety
- and security issues that need to be addressed
- are tremendously increased.
- In this case, service provider or user could
- modify their network according to their need
- by using the application specific code.
10Safety Issues Active Networks
Safety Issues Involved
Why do we need to consider this issue ?
- In current situation, only memory required
- to store packet temporarily and CPU will
- find the the location.
- Strict resource control not critical
- Active network, packet consume many
- resources at faster rate
- ? resource management
11Safety Issues Active Networks
Safety Issues Involved
- There are few way where active packets can be
- misused by active nodes, network resources or
- other active packets-
- Damage - active packet can destroy services or
- resources by reconfiguring, modifying or
erasing - them from the memory.
- Denial of Service - packet could overload
- resource or service.
12Safety Issues Active Networks
Safety Issues Involved
- There are few way where active packets can be
- misused by active nodes, network resources or
- other active packets-
- Theft - active packet may access and steal
- private information from a node
- Compound attack attacked towards a goal
13Safety Issues Active Networks
Current Techniques
- One of the techniques used currently to protect
- an active node for example -
- An Architecture for Active Networking.
- Proof Carrying Code (PCC) using a pair of
- program to check and proof the validity of an
- active packet. Difficulty is creation of the
14Safety Issues Active Networks
Method Towards Protection
- Some techniques that may be used to protect
- the active nodes -
- Authentication of Active Packets - all active
- packets should have authentication produced by
- an algorithm example, public key signature.
- Monitoring and control - monitor may be used
- to restrict the information, system resources
and - services that active packets are allowed to
access - and use
15Safety Issues Active Networks
Method Towards Protection
- Some techniques that may be used to protect
- the active nodes -
- Limitation Techniques - amount of time
- an active packet may be allowed to be
executed. - Failure tolerance techniques Duplicate, Store,
- redirect. Minus point - memory and bandwidth
- if possible the most important active packets
- should be given this priority.
16Safety Issues Active Networks
Method Towards Protection
- Some techniques that may be used to protect
- the active nodes -
- Encryption - active packets do not consist of
- clear text code and data.
- Combination of encryption and fault tolerance
- may give a better solution towards protecting
- active nodes and packets.
17Safety Issues Active Networks
Thank You