Title: Inheritance and Exception Handling
1Chapter 2
- Inheritance and Exception Handling
2Chapter Objectives
- Learn about inheritance
- Learn about sub- and superclasses
- Explore how to override the methods of a
superclass - Examine how constructors of super- and subclasses
work - Examine abstract classes
- Learn about composition
3Chapter Objectives
- Learn about exceptions
- Become aware of exception classes and their
hierarchy - Learn about checked and unchecked exceptions
- Learn how to handle exceptions within a program
- Examine try/catch blocks
- Discover how to throw and rethrow an exception
- is-a relationship
- Single inheritance
- subclass derived from one existing class
(superclass) - Multiple inheritance
- Subclass derived from more than one superclass
- Not supported by Java
- In Java, a class can only extend definition of
one class
- Private members of superclass
- private to superclass cannot be accessed
directly by subclass - Subclass can override method of superclass
redefinition applies only to object of subclass
- To write method definition of subclass to specify
call to public method of superclass - If subclass overrides public method of
superclass, to specify call to public method of
superclass super.MethodName(parameter list) - If subclass does not override public method of
superclass, to specify call to public method of
superclass MethodName(parameter list)
8Defining Constructor of Subclass
- Call to constructor of superclass
- must be first statement
- specified by super parameter list
9The class Object
- Directly or indirectly superclass of every class
in Java - Public members of class Object can be
overridden/invoked by object of any class type
10The class Object
11Objects of Superclasses and Subclasses
- Cannot automatically make reference variable of
subclass type point to object of superclass - Dynamic binding method executed determined at
execution time, not compile time - Operator instanceof determines whether
reference variable that points to object is of
particular class type - ClassCastException thrown if class cast is not
12The Operator instanceof
- Reference of superclass type can point to objects
of its subclass - Can determine if a reference variable points to
an object using operator instanceof
13Abstract Methods and Classes
- Abstract method method that has only the heading
with no body - must be declared abstract
- Abstract class class that is declared with the
reserved word abstract in its heading
14Abstract Class
- Can contain instance variables, constructors,
finalizer, abstract and nonabstract methods - Cannot instantiate object of abstract class type
can only declare reference variable - Can instantiate object of subclass of abstract
class, but only if subclass gives definitions of
all abstract methods of superclass
- Another way to relate two classes
- One or more members of a class are objects of
another class type - has-a relation between classes
- Definition an occurrence of an undesirable
situation that can be detected during program
execution - Examples
- division by zero
- trying to open an input file that does not exist
is an exception - an array index that goes out of bounds
17Java Exception Hierarchy
18The class Throwable
19The class Exception and its Subclasses from
20The class Exception and its Subclasses from
21The class Exception and its Subclasses from
22Javas Exception Class
- Class Exception
- Subclass of class Throwable
- superclass of classes designed to handle
exceptions - Various types of exceptions
- I/O exceptions
- Number format exceptions
- File not found exceptions
- Array index out of bounds exception
- Various exceptions categorized into separate
classes and contained in various packages
23The class Exception and its Constructors
24Java Exception Classes
25Exceptions Thrown by Methods
26Exceptions Thrown by Methods
27Checked Exceptions
- Checked Exception any exception that can be
analyzed by the compiler - Example
- IOExceptions
28Unchecked Exceptions
- Unchecked Exception exception that cannot be
analyzed when the program compiles (must be
checked for by programmer) - Examples
- Division by zero
- Array index out of hounds
- Syntax
- throws ExceptionType1, ExceptionType2,
- ExceptionType1, ExceptionType2, etc are names of
exception classes
29Handling Exceptions within a Program
- try/catch/finally block used to handle exceptions
within a program - try block
- Includes statements that may generate an
exception - Includes statements that should not be executed
if an exception occurs - followed by zero or more catch blocks
- May or may not be followed by finally block
30Handling Exceptions within a Program
- Catch block
- heading specifies type of exception it can catch
- contains exception handler completely handles
exception - can catch all exceptions of a specific type or
all types of exceptions - may or may not be followed by a finally block
- Finally block
- Code contained in this block always executes
- try block with no catch block has finally block
31Order of Catch Blocks
- If exception in try block caught by first catch
block, reaming catch blocks ignored - Must be careful about order catch blocks are
32Rethrowing and Throwing an Exception
- Useful when
- Catch block catches exception but is unable to
handle it - Catch block decides exception should be handled
by calling environment - Allows programmer to provide exception handling
code in one place
33Exception Handling Techniques
- Terminate program
- Output appropriate error message upon termination
- Fix error and continue
- Repeatedly get user input/output appropriate
error message until valid value is entered - Log error and continue
- Write error messages to file and continue with
program execution
34Creating Your Own Exception Classes
- Exception class you define extends class
Exception or one of its subclasses - Syntax to throw your own exception object
- throw new ExceptionClassName(messageString)
35Programming Example Grade Report
- Main algorithm
- Declare variables
- Open input file
- Open output file
- Get number students registered and tuition rate
- Load students data
- Print grade reports
36Programming Example Grade Report
- Components student, course
- Operations on course
- Set course information
- Print course information
- Show credit hours
- Show course number
- Show grade
37Programming Example Grade Report
- Operations on student
- Set student information
- Print student information
- Calculate number of credit hours taken
- Calculate GPA
- Calculate billing amount
- Sort the courses according to the course number
38Chapter Summary
- Inheritance
- Single and multiple
- Rules and Uses
- Superclasses/subclasses (objects)
- Overriding/overloading methods
- The class Object
- Constructors
- Rules
- Abstract methods and classes
39Chapter Summary
- Composition
- Exception
- Checked and Unchecked Exceptions
- Creating your own exception classes
- Exception handling techniques
- Handling exceptions within a program