Title: We are made of Stardust'' "''' '''"
1We are made of Stardust.. "...??? ?????? ????
2???????????----???? ?????
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- ?? ??????? ???.....
- ?? ?????? ????...
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3???? ??????? ?????? ????
- ?????? ?????????? ???? ??????
- ???????? ???? ?? ????? ????? ????? ?? ?????
- ????? ?????? ????
- 1.- ???. 2.- ?????? ????? ????. 3.-
????? ????? ????? - ???? ??????? (??????...). ??????? ?????
???????????? - ??? ?? ?????..
- ?????
5????? ?????? ?????
6The Periodic Table of the Elements
7(No Transcript)
8??? ????? ????
9??????? ????????? "????? ???????" ???????
10?????? ?????? ?????
11Brief History of our Universe
???????? ??????????
????? ??????
12??? ?????? ??????
- ???? H (???) ---BBN
- ???? C, ???? Fe (????) --- ??????
- ???, ????? Au, Pb ----- ??????? ?????
13????? ?????? ???? ?????? ???? ????? BBN
14??????? ???????
15Proto-Star ???? ?????
???? ???? ?????
..\My Pictures\Nuclear Science\sgf.mpeg
16Fusion Reactions in the Sun
18 Experiment at the VDG to measure the 7Be(p,g)8B
reaction in the Lab.
Scanned beam
Cooled Si particle detector at close geometry
Micro-step motor
Rotating target
19The SNO (Sudbury Neutrino Observatory) Experiment
A D2O Detector
Elastic Mostly ne
nx e- nxe-
ne d p p e- charge current
Only ne
Now, also KamLand!!Shortfall of reactor neutrinos
nx d p n nx neutral current
All flavors
YES!! PRL 87, 071301 (2001) PRL 89, 011301 (2002)
20???? ???? ????? "????? ?????" ????? ????
??????? ???? ???? ??????..
21??????? ????? x ?????
????? ???? ???? (Z26) ??????!!...
22(No Transcript)
23??????? ????????? "????? ???????" ???????
24(No Transcript)
25This movie shows the abundance per nucleon of
nuclei with the given mass number during the
r-process. The calculation begins at T9T/109
K40 with only neutrons and protons. As time
progresses and the temperature drops below
T910, nucleons assemble into 4He nuclei then
into heavier mass nuclides. Once T9 falls below
about 4, the QSE among the heavy nuclei begins
to break down. Charged-particle reactions freeze
out, and flow to higher mass number occurs via
nuclear beta decay. This is the classical
r-process phase. The peaks in the r-process
distribution at A130 and A195 build up as the
r-process path passes through closed neutron
shells. Here beta-decay rates become slow,
causing a "traffic jam" in the flow upward in
mass. Notice in particular the dramatic
smoothing of the r-process abundance curve at
late time. This occurs as the nuclei fall out of
equilibrium under exchange of free neutrons.
..\My Pictures\Nuclear Science\abund_rprocess.mpg
26???? ??????!---???????? ????????? ??? "????
27(No Transcript)
28(No Transcript)
29(No Transcript)
30(No Transcript)
31??? ?? ?????!....
32??????? ????????? "????? ???????" ???????