Title: Using Data
1Using Data
Pat Roschewski Director, Statewide
Assessment proschew_at_nde.state.ne.us 402 471-2495
2Using Data for the Improvement of Student Learning
- Role of Data in School Improvement
- Collecting and Organizing Data
- Analyzing the Data
- Connecting Data to Instructional Strategies
- Informing the School Improvement Process with Data
3What data do we collect?
- Performance on Standards
- Norm-referenced (NRT)
- Classroom-based assessment results
- Statewide Writing Assessment Results
- Demographic Data
- Climate Data
- Discipline Data, Attendance
4Step 1 Collect and Organize Data
- Understandable Formats
- Easily Communicated
- Readily Accessible
5Characteristics of Good Data Displays
- Clearly labeled
- Charts and Graphs, not tables and numbers
- Simple, not confusing
- Interpretation/analysis for each data display
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9Step 2Analyzing the Data
- What does the data tell us?
- Factual information
- What might this mean?
- Hypotheses
- What do we do about it?
- Plans for action
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11- Question Two What might this data mean?
- (Hypotheses)
- Does the assessment measure what we teach?
Why/why not? - How does the timing of assessment impact the
outcomes? - What trends do we see in the data? Why?
- Skill strengths? Weaknesses?
- What differences are there in grade level or
sub-groups? Why?
Reading __________________________________________
Writing __________________________________________
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13Step 3 Connecting Data to Instructional
- Building knowledge about effective instructional
practices - Matching appropriate instruction to skill needs
- Monitoring, supporting, assessing instructional
14Categories of Instructional Strategies That
Effect Student Achievement
- Identify similarities and differences
Setting objectives and providing feedback
Homework and practice
Generating and testing hypotheses
Nonlinguistic representations
- Summarizing and note taking
Questions, cues, and advance organizers
- Reinforcing effort and providing recognition
Cooperative learning
Marzano, Pickering, Pollock (2001)
15Planning for Effective Instruction
- Select appropriate strategies for effective
instructions - Organize strategies into a framework for units of
study vs. daily lessons
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17Reading Standard (4.1.6)
- What skills are required?
- Identify, apply knowledge, provide evidence
- What is the context/content?
- Fiction/literature
- What prior knowledge might be required?
18Planning Instructional Strategies for Reading
- Summarizing and note taking
- Non linguistic representations
- Questions, cues, advance organizers