Title: Total Forest Carbon Using UAV Data
1Total Forest Carbon Estimation Using 3D Data from
UAV Imagery
By Jwan M. Aldoski Geospatial Information
Science Research Center (GISRC), Faculty of
Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400
UPM Serdang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.
- Introduction
- Methods for Forest Carbon Measuring
- Study Area
- Data Used
- Satellite Data
- UAV Data
- What is the UAV?
- How UAS Works?
- Purposes for UAS and Benefits?
- Data Used and Process
- Methodology
- Applied Techniques and Analysis Methods
- Research Expected Results
- Research Timetable
- Carbon is one of the most common elements on
earth, and is found in all living organisms - Carbon is the basis of most molecules found in
vegetation Carbohydrates, Sugars, Fats,
Proteins, Alcohols, DNA, Chlorophyll - Big problem now its high level as co2 in
- Forest trees take co2 from atmosphere and stored
in five pools within and around vegetation - Above-ground Biomass stems, bark, leaves, etc
of tree and non tree plants - Below-ground Biomass roots of all sizes of tree
and non tree plants - Dead Wood
- Litter
- Soil Organic Carbon (SOC)
Accurate forest biomass and carbon measurement
are necessary for
- managing forest resources, informing climate
change modeling studies, and meeting national and
international reporting requirements for
greenhouse gas inventories IPCC and REDD . - also necessary at the sub-national level for
purposes such as completing the Malaysia Forest
Service Climate Change Scorecard that
necessitates annual estimates of carbon stocks
and fluxes for each National Forest , and for
quantifying changes in forest biomass on regional
scales in response to disturbance.
6(No Transcript)
7Forest Pools and Carbon Measurement Methods
Pool Methods Suitability
Above-ground tree biomass Plot Very suitable and cost-effective, commonly adopted and familiar. Plot selection is key to the method
Above-ground tree biomass Plot-less, transect Good but not suitable in dense vegetation
8Forest Pools and Carbon Measurement Methods
Pool Methods Suitability
Above-ground tree biomass Harvest Expensive, time consuming, not appropriate all the time. Used to develop allometric equations
9Forest Pools and Carbon Measurement Methods
Pool Methods Suitability
Above-ground Tree Biomass Modeling or Allometric Method Suitable for projections, requires basic input parameters from field measurements
10Forest Pools and Carbon Measurement Methods
Pool Methods Suitability
Above-ground Tree Biomass Carbon flux measurements Expensive and needs skilled human resources
Eddy covariance instrumentation
11Forest Pools and Carbon Measurement Methods
Pool Methods Suitability
Above-ground Tree Biomass Remote sensing Needs field measurements for calibration. Data are usually at large spatial scales, needs expertise to be used and can be expensive
12Forest Pools and Carbon Measurement Methods
Pool Methods Suitability
Below-ground Tree Biomass Root extraction and mass measurement Expensive and not suitable at large scales
Below-ground Tree Biomass Root to shoot ratio This study Most commonly used Requires AGB measurement
Below-ground Tree Biomass Biomass equations Requires input data e.g. height, diameter, girth
13Combing Remote Sensing Data Ground Data
Remote Sensing Forest Carbon Measurement Method
- Two primary methods
- 1) Stratify And Multiply
- assigns a biomass value, or a range of biomass
values, to areas of land distinguished by
characteristics such as vegetation type or land
use. - Limitation
- uses ground-based measurements to determine
biomass values - the ambiguities present in land area
classification - the wide range of variability in aboveground
biomass within a given land cover type - Most country (such as Malaysia) under redd
program using this methods (Lu et al.,2017)
14Remote Sensing Forest Carbon Measurement Method
- 2) Direct Mapping Approach
- It employs a set of spatially continuous
variables to predict biomass values or carbon at
unobserved locations. - The direct mapping approach takes advantage of a
variety of geospatial variables, such as,
spectral , vegetation indices, backscattered
energy, climate and topography, and other
information from remote sensing platforms like
Optical Data, Radar and LiDAR - Advantage
- Resulting map are more accurate across the
landscape - Update changes are easier
15Remote Sensing Forest Carbon Measurement Method
Pool Methods Suitability
Above-ground Tree Biomass Below-ground Tree Biomass Remote sensing data ground data Needs plots measurements for calibration. Data are usually at large to small spatial scales, needs expertise to be used and can be expensive for large area.
16Most of country under redd program using these
RS Imagery
Remote Sensing Forest Carbon Measurement Method
RS images types used Multispectral images,
Radar images and Lidar images
Spatial resolution Sensor
Coarse MODIS
Medium Landsat ETM 7
20-250m ASTER
lt20m SPOT-5
17Challenges Remote Sensing Forest Carbon
Measurement Method
- RS needs to be calibrated with field measurements
- Some satellite imagery is very expensive
- RS data requires technical expertise to be
interpreted - Clear and practical methodologies are needed not
only in field measurements, but also in the
application of remote sensing - New technology and methodologies (e.g. Lidar
technique data acquisition, radar data) could
contribute further to improve precision and
accuracy of assessment, if their costs could be
brought down. - However , with availability of two freely
satellite base data Landsat 8 and sentinel open
a new technology for forest biomass and carbon
estimation it needs to be applied in tropical
18UAV Forest Carbon Measurement Method
- It also called Drones, Remotely Piloted Vehicle
(RPV) by the Federal Aviation Administration
(FAA) adopted by United States Department of
Defense (DOD) Civil Aviation Authority(UK). - The Forest Biomass and Carbon estimation involves
extensive area and getting reliable ground
information is critical. Forest managements rely
on ground staffs to report on field conditions.
Most of the times, you need a holistic view to
see what's out there. - Powered, aerial vehicles
- No human operator on board
- Can fly autonomously or be piloted remotely
- Can be expendable or recoverable
- Can carry weapons or surveillance equipment)
19UAV Forest Carbon Measurement Method
- UAV Types
- Fixed wing
- Rotary Wing
20UAV Components
1) Vehicle or platform itself
Nano Hummingbird
Puma AE
Solar Eagle
Honeywell T-Hawk
212) UAV Payload
223) UAV Support Equipment
- Such as control station, data links, telemetry,
communications and navigation and related
equipment necessary to operate the UAV.
23UAS Works
- Collects Data
- Processes it into images
- Sends images to centers for furfure analysis
24UAV Advantages
- Safety, No pilot to be shot down, Can fly into
hurricanes or at low altitudes over the ocean - Little damage when they crash due to their light
weight - It can be made and built in a time of 3-4 days.
- All components are locally available.
- Flight need not be scheduled. It can be based on
the weather conditions and preferences of the
farmer. - Availability of data and imagery immediately
after the flight.
- Significant experience required to fly the UAV.
- Easily destructible.
25Study Objectives
- Main objective of this is to develop TFCS model
based on 3D data generated from high resolution
UAV imagery. - The specific objectives are
- To develop TFCS forest stand from UAV data
- To develop the tree height models
- To develop TFCS and TFB models based on the tree
heights and UAV data - To compare the accuracy of the UAV data and
satellite data (LANDSAT-8 OLI Sensor and Sentinel
-2 Data) for biomass estimates. - To evaluate the impacts of produced DTMs based on
different approaches and parameters on TFCS and
TFB models
26Study Area Kelantan sate, Malaysia
27Kelantan Forest Type
Forest Type in Kelantan code
Virgin Inland Forest lowland Hill Forest 1
Virgin Inland Forest High Hill Forest 2
Logging Forest lowland Hill Forest (1-10 years ) 3
Logging Forest High Hill Forest (1-10 years ) 4
Logging Forest lowland Hill Forest (11-20 years ) 5
Logging Forest High Hill Forest (11-20 years ) 6
Logging Forest lowland Hill forest (21-30 years ) 7
Logging Forest High Hill Forest (21-30 years ) 8
Logging Forest lowland Hill Forest (gt30 years ) 9
Logging Forest High Hill Forest (gt30 years ) 10
Non-Reserved Inland Forest Forest 14
Protection Forest lowland Hill forest 16
Protection Forest High Hill forest 17
Protection Forest Mountain Forest 18
UAV and Remote sensing (RS) techniques
Field measuring techniques for estimating Total
Forest Carbon Stocks
Total Forest Biomass Or Carbon Stocks
30 Research Data Used and Process
- Remote Sensing Data
- a. Landsat 8
- 1. OIL sensor L1T product
- 2. TIRS Sensor L1T product
- b. sentinel 2
- 2. Meteorological Data3.TIRS Data
- 4. NFI Data
- 3. UAV Data
Sentinel 2 (Example 30/30/2016)
Landsat-8 (Example 22/4/2013)
31Lansat8 pr-prosesing for OLI Sensor L1T product
Satellite Data Process
Radiometric correction
- 1. Converts to Spectral Radiance
- using the radiance scaling factors
- L? MLQcal AL
- where
- L? Spectral radiance (W/(m2 sr
µm))ML Radiance multiplicative scaling factor
for the band.AL Radiance additive scaling
factor for the band. - Qcal L1 pixel value in DN
- 2. OLI Top of Atmosphere Reflectance
- Equation converts Level-1 DN values to TOA
reflectance - ??' M?Qcal A?
- where ??' TOA Planetary Spectral Reflectance,
without correction for solar angle.
(Unitless)M? Reflectance multiplicative
scaling factor for the band.A? Reflectance
additive scaling factor for the band.Qcal L1
pixel value in DN -
32Geometric correction
Satellite Data Process
Lansat8 pr-prosesing for OLI Sensor L1T product
Images were geometrically corrected using 23
ground control points (GCPs) of major features
(e.g. roads and buildings ) and digital elevation
models (DEM) to attain improved geodetic accuracy
and a geometrically rectified product free from
distortions (NASA, 2013), The first order
polynomial function was used and a
nearest-neighbour resampling protocol was applied
to correct for systematic shifts occurring in a
few cases between neighboring images. The total
transformation root mean square error (RMSE) of
less than a pixel was attained.
33Satellite Data Process
Lansat8 pr-prosesing for OLI Sensor L1T product
Atmospheric correction and re-projected
- Lansat8 images were Atmospheric ally using the
MODTRAN based on the Fast Line-of-sight
Atmospheric Analysis of Spectral Hypercube
(FLAASH) radiative transfer algorithm (Matthew et
al., 2000 Perkins et al., 2005), topographic
correction using ccorrection method, Then the
Landsat images re-projected to the Universal
Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinate system with
datum WGS 1984 and zone 47 north using the
nearest neighbor resampling method. The final
image mosaic of the Kelantan state
34ASTER Global Digital Elevation Data
- ASTER Global Digital Elevation Data (ASTER-GDEM)
with 30 m. a fill-sink process as pre-processing
was applied ASTER-GDEM data in a GIS environment
,Then topographical variables in this study,
altitude information (elevation) (m) ,aspect (in
azimuth degrees) slope (in percentage), land
curvature (concave, convex or ?at) ,a measure of
potential relative radiation, and Insolation (W
h/m2), were derived at 30 m spatial resolution
using surface analysis tools in a GIS
35Meteorological Data
- Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) and Kriging
methods will use for mapping precipitation
rainfall (mm datasets) was derived from
Meteorological Data Malaysia acquired from
Meteorology Department. There are total of 73
weather stations that can provide annual
meteorological records in Kelantan.
Precipitation Map
Weather stations, Kelantan state, Malaysia
Station No Station Code Station Name State District Latitude Longitude
1 4614001 Brook Kelantan Gua Musang 04 40 35 101 29 05
2 4614002 Lojing Kelantan Gua Musang 04 36 00 101 24 00
3 4717001 Blau Kelantan Gua Musang 04 46 00 101 45 25
4 4720026 Ldg. Mentara Kelantan Gua Musang 04 45 20 102 01 00
5 4721001 Upper Chiku Kelantan Gua Musang 04 45 55 102 10 25
6 4726001 Gunung Gagau Kelantan Gua Musang 04 45 25 102 39 20
....... ....... ....... ...... ..... ......
72 6121067 Stn. Keretapi Tumpat Kelantan Tumpat 06 11 55 102 10 10
73 6122064 Stor JPS Kota Bharu Kelantan Kota Bharu 06 06 30 102 15 25
36TIRS Data
- 1.Converts to Spectral Radiance
- using the radiance scaling factors L?
MLQcal AL - where L? Spectral radiance (W/(m2 sr
µm))ML Radiance multiplicative scaling factor
for the band.AL Radiance additive scaling
factor for the band. - Qcal L1 pixel value in DN
- 2. Atmosphere Brightness Temperature (LST) is
- The conversion formula is as follows
TK2/In (K1/ L? 1) - where T TOA Brightness Temperature, in
Kelvin.L? Spectral radiance (Watts/(m2 sr
µm))K1 Thermal conversion constant for the
band - K2 Thermal conversion constant for
the band - 3. Atmosphere Brightness Temperature , in
Kelvin convert to Celsius LST T-273
37NFI Data
1. Forest mapping/stratification 2. Number of
stems per ha (N) 3. Basal area per hectare
(m2) 4. Volume per ha (V) and 5. Dry biomass
(tones per ha) 6. carbon (tones per ha)
38Plot types Temporary, Permanent data for Five
NFI Data
Calculate number of plots needed
precision in inventory 5 of the mean at 95 CI
Locating of NFI Plots
39UAV Data
40UAV Pre- Processing Data
41Forest Biomass and Carbon Techniques
42Variables Measurement
Spectral and Vegetation Indices
code Abbrev. Name Formula
V1 CIgreen Chlorophyll Index Green NIR /Green-1
V2 NDVI Normalized Difference Vegetation Index NIR - Red /NIR Red
V3 GNDVI Green Normalized Difference Vegetation Index NIR -Green/ NIR Green
V4 GSAVI Green Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index NIR -Green/ NIR Green L(1L)
V5 (SAVI) Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (Red -Green)(1L)/( Red Green L) L 0.5
V6 GRNDVI Green-Red NDVI NIR-(Green Red) / NIR (Green Red)
V7 (NDII) Normalized difference infrared index Red - NIR / Red NIR
V8 RI Normalized Difference Red Green Index Red-Green / Red Green
V9 NGRDI Normalized green red difference index Green-Red/Green Red
V10 EVI2 Enhanced Vegetation Index 2 2.5 NIR Red/ NIR 2.4Red1
V11 WDRVI Wide Dynamic Range Vegetation Index 0.1 NIR -Red/0.1 NIR Red
V12 Norm G Norm G Green/ NIR Red Green
V13 Norm NIR Norm NIR NIR / NIR Red Green
V14 Norm R Norm R Red/ NIR Red Green
V15 TNDVI Transformed NDVI v-(NDVI)0,5
V16 MSRNir/Red Modified Simple Ratio NIR/RED (NIRRED)1/ v (NIRRED)1
43UAV- Variables Measurement
Spectral Band Ratios, Spectral Band Differencing
D1 Difference Green Red Index Green - Red
D2 Difference Green NIR Index Green NIR
GDVI Difference NIR/Green Index NIR -Green
RDVI Red Difference Vegetation Index NIR-Red
DVI Difference Vegetation Index Red -Green
D6 Difference Red NIR Index Red NIR
G/RSR Simple Ratio Green Red Green / Red
G/ NIR SR Simple Ratio Green Near- Infrared Green / NIR
GRVI Green Ratio Vegetation Index NIR / Green
RRVI RED Ratio Vegetation-Index NIR / Red
R/G SR Red/Green Ratio Vegetation-Index Red / Green
R/NIR SR Red/NIR Ratio Vegetation-Index Red / NIR
Tasseled Cap Indices Bright Index (BI) Green
Vegetation Index(GVI) Wetness Index(WI)
44Image Texture variables
Topographical Variables
Variables Measurement
Meteorological Variables
Atmosphere Brightness Temperature
Precipitation Rainfall Variables
45Data Analysis
- Statistical Analysis will do by
- ArcGIS , ENVI software's and SPSS statistic
analysis - Statistical Analysis Methods ( Simple and
multilinear regression methods, Stochastic
gradient boosting (SGB) algorithm, and Radom
Forest algorithm
Experimental Phases
Experimental phases Different variables groupings
Exp.1 UAV- UAV Spectral imagery (Most important Variables selected)
Exp.2 UAV- Spectral Bands Env. variables
Exp.3 UAV- Spectral Bands Env. Variables Topography Variables
Exp.4 UAV- Vegetation Indices (VIs) (Most important Variables selected)
Exp.5 UAV- Vegetation Indices (VIs) Env. variables
Exp.6 UAV- Vegetation Indices (VIs) Env. variables Topography variables
46Results and Expected Outcomes
- In novation in modelling off accurate estimation
of Total Forest Biomass and Total Forest Carbon
Stock which will have a significant impact on
monitoring costs. The results of Total Forest
Biomass and Total Forest Carbon Stock from
deforestation and degradation associated with
transition between land use and land cover types
which is require by the relevant authorities for
any planning and development. UAV data
integration with remote sensing data enable large
area mapping and monitoring of forest cover and
change at regular intervals, providing
information on where and how changes are taking
place at bi-annual or even annual time scales.
47Research Time Table
48Research Budget
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