- Investor goals and the benefits of
diversification - session 1-2
- How people should behave a theory of rational
behavior - How some people do behave
- Implementing optimal portfolio choice
- Using Excel to optimize
- Risk accounting
3The investor
- Clients and managers decision making
- Rational or irrational? Behavior traits
- Currency of reference
- Risk aversion / Measurement of risk
- Non-traded risks liabilities and spending/income
needs - ?Time horizon
- Constraints
- Agency/delegation problems how client will look
at performance
4Rational behavior?
- Rational probability beliefs
- Rational decision making
- Risk defined
- Horizon effects
- Non traded assets
- Constraints
5The theory of rational learning/beliefs
- The updating of probability beliefs is dictated
by - Bayes formula (the definition of conditional
probability) - Beliefs evolve Prior PA vs. Posterior
PAB - Initial beliefs remain unaccounted for (did we
get them from our parents?)
6The theory of rational decision making
- In Economics, the only consequence we consider is
the persons utility of total consumption ca,s
(irrespective of where the spent income comes
from) - But definition of utility of consumption is open
- Example of habit formation utility of current
consumption compared with past consumption - Predictability of a persons behavior is based on
the postulate that - this person always maximizes expected value
(i.e., probability weighted) of his/her utility
of consumption, calculated the same way in all
7Risk defined
- Amount of risk the size of deviations (,-)
from expected outcome - A mean preserving spread is the definition of
increased risk
8Statistical analog Compare 80-year frequency
distribution of, e.g., bond rates of return and
rates of returns of stocks in the U.S.
9Comment IID assumption
- Counting beans is not innocuous
- Valid only when rates of return of successive
periods of time can be assumed - Independently and
- Identically distributed
- As in coin tossing
- (avoid fallacy heads do not have to come after
many tails or vice versa) - IID means that realized rates of return of
successive periods differ only because - they are independent random draws
- from the same probability distribution, time
after time - Opposite of IID assumption predictability
- They differ also because probability distribution
moves over time - Some state variables move the probability
distribution from one period to the next - (see later session)
10Time horizon vs. holding period
- Horizon T This is the length of time over which
you will conduct your investment plan. - Example for individuals, their lifetime or time
to purchase of house (or college of kids) - ? Holding period time after which you will
consider re-balancing - Except for transactions costs, natural holding
period ?0 (continuous portfolio rebalancing)
11Horizon effect investing over a lifetime
- Generational investing
- Should older people (with shorter horizon) hold
less equity and more bonds than younger people? - The CARDIF plan
- Horizon matters for definition of riskless
12Non traded risks in a portfolio
- Assets
- Outside (labor) income/ Human capital
- Investment in residence high transactions costs
- Liabilities Consumption needs
- Future consumption of goods
- In particular, consumption needs after retirement
- Future consumption of housing
- You must consider that these are part and parcel
of your portfolio but with weights that are fixed
(i.e., that you cannot decide) - This will produce matching of assets and
liabilities - For institution balance-sheet optimization also
called Asset-liability management or ALM.
- Need to keep liquidity (cash)
- for household, immediate consumption needs
- for mutual fund redemptions
- Trading difficulties illiquid markets
- Regulations public or self imposed
- SEC FSA AMF etc..
- Pension funds Employee Retirement Income
Security Act (ERISA) European directives - Diversification rule no more than 5 in any one
publicly traded company - Mostly domestic assets
- Mutual funds
- No borrowing.
- CFA rules of behavior
- Taxes do not realize gains until you have to
- Organization specific restrictions (e.g., risk
14Irrational behavior?
- Irrational probability beliefs
- Irrational decision making
15Irrational beliefs
- Overconfidence
- Confidence intervals too narrow
- Incorrect probability estimates for highly likely
and highly unlikely events - Probabilities distorted underweight rare events
- ?Likely variations in equity returns are seen as
narrow when they are not - Optimism and wishful thinking risk is seen as
controllable - Ambiguity
- people have several models or probability
distributions in mind. They think in terms of the
least favorable one (ambiguity aversion). - Notion of Model risk.
16Irrational beliefs learning and reaction to
- Representativeness
- Prior PA underweighted
- New evidence carries too much weight
- Posterior excessively different from prior
- ? Sample size neglect. People are too easily
convinced to change their minds. - ?Extrapolation bias
- Good news can only come from good companies.
- Good news about a company used too hastily to
conclude that the company is good. - ? People trade too aggressively
- Conservatism
- Prior PA overweighted
- ?Excessive confidence in the familiar
- ?Belief perseverance
- Anchoring/framing news interpreted differently
depending on frame - Availability or saliency bias
17Irrational behavior preferences
- Prospect theory
- Utility of gains differs from disutility of
losses - What is the reference point?
- ?People shy away from owning shares because they
would suffer short-term losses - ?Trading practices
- Disposition to realize gains and aversion to
realize losses - Reference points the price at which you bought
the share loser stocks vs. winner stocks - Lower trading volume in bear markets
- narrow framing or mental accounting
- ? The very idea that risk is defined at the level
of their entire portfolio of activities remains
foreign to many investors. - They think of their gains and losses in their
various activities separately from each other
18Case of delegated portfolio management agency
- Even if manager is rational person, he/she cares
about his/her compensation - Clients may not observe skill or effort of
manager - For this reason, they may base compensation on
relative performance, - This measurement of performance is not incentive
compatible - Manager proceeds to maximize expected utility not
of absolute but of relative return - Incentives are not aligned
- This is a distortion of decision making but not a
form of irrationality
19One implementation of rational behavior
- Risk measured by variance (or standard deviation)
of portfolio return
20Rates of return
- Different from dividend yield
- Holding-period rate of return
- Or
- Translation of holding period rate of return from
one currency to another - Excess rate of return RtEUR rtEUR
21Implementation of a special caseRisk measured
by variance or standard deviation
- Variance of your portfolio return
- definition probability weighted squared
deviations from the expected value - based on probability distribution
- Please, go and open your statistics textbook, if
you do not know this very well already
22First application Sharpe ratio
- Definition
- Funds can be ranked by Sharpe ratio
- Used to choose among several funds the one in
which you are going to put all your money - Not used to apportion money across several
investments - for portfolio construction, see next
23Risk aversion
- Investment houses establish typical investment
profiles and present them to their clients, to
gauge their risk aversion - Aggressive for growth
- Aggressive for income
- Conservative etc..
- Instead, we are going to use a number ? between 2
and, say, 50 - Maximize portfolio exp. return - 1/2 ? ?
portfolio variance
24Optimal diversification the ingredients
- Excess expected rate of return for each security
i (organized into vector) - Variance of rate of return for each security i or
standard deviation - Covariances of rate of return of security i with
security j (organized into matrix) or
25The optimization process
26Optimal diversification
- What is covariance between Ri and Rj?
- Statistical estimate
- Why does covariance come in?
- Correlation defined as the covariance divided by
the product of the two standard deviations - ?By definition of correlation, covariance is also
correlation between Ri and Rj ? standard
deviation of Ri ? standard deviation of Rj - Please, go and open your statistics textbook if
you do not know this very well already
27Properties of covariances and variances
- Covariance can be expanded
- So can variance, since
- Application
28Using Excel to optimize
- Step 1 Set up row or column of portfolio weights
xi - Step 2 Obtain portfolio variance
- compute xi ? cov(Ri,Rj) ? xj
- Sum these both ways (over i and j) to get
portfolio variance - Step 3 Obtain portfolio expected return
- compute xi ? E(Ri)
- Or, if there is riskless asset, xi ? E(Ri) r
(use expected excess return) - Sum these to get portfolio expected return
- Step 4
- Maximize portfolio exp. return - 1/2 ? ?
portfolio variance for given ?. - Recall that ? is risk aversion.
- Or maximize portfolio exp. return for given
portfolio variance (or standard deviation), - Or minimize portfolio variance for given
portfolio exp. return , - under constraint that portfolio weights sum to 1
(in the absence of riskless asset) and possibly
other constraints - Use Solver. Can have many securities, add
29(No Transcript)
30Risk accounting
31Optimal diversification condition of optimality
(without constraint)
- How can you tell whether a portfolio p is well
diversified or efficient? - For each security i, E(Ri) or E(Ri) - r must be
lined up with cov(Ri,Rp) - A mini CAPM holdsfor each investor
32Optimal diversification condition of optimality
- If that condition is not satisfied, the
composition of portfolio p must be changed - Define
- If ?i gt 0, increase weight of security i
- If ?i lt 0, decrease weight of security i
33Interpretation Risk accounting(simplest form of
Value at Risk)
- Define ? of investment item i with respect to
portfolio return as just a re-scaled covariance
with portfolio - Here, Ri refers to return on security i
- Rp refers to return of portfolio
- ? can be computed as a regression coefficient
- Please, go and open your statistics textbook if
you are likely to confuse regression coefficient
and correlation coefficient
34Risk accounting
- Risk accounting
- share of standard deviation measured by means of
beta of each security with respect to portfolio
return - where xi is share of portfolio value invested
in security i. - Interpretation of beta relative to investors
portfolio - If an investment item has a beta equal to 2 and
if 1 of the total portfolio value is invested
there, then that investment accounts for 2 of
the total risk (standard deviation) of the
portfolio. (This the basis of Value at Risk
scheme) - It is not variance or stdev of investment item
that counts - Only systematic risk matters
36Conclusion risk and return
- Recall if an investment item has a beta equal to
2 with respect to the portfolio and if 1 of the
total portfolio value is invested there, then
that investment accounts for 2 of the total risk
(standard deviation) of the portfolio - In a portfolio that is properly constructed, all
the investment items should plot along a
(positively sloped) line, so that each bit of
risk receives its proportionate reward.