Title: Man is what he thinks he is
1Man is what he thinks he is
2Pathology of Tuberculosis
- Dr. Venkatesh M. Shashidhar
- Associate Professor of Pathology
- Fiji School of Medicine
- Infects one third of world population..!
- 3 million deaths due to TB every year
- Under privileged population -
- over crowding, malnutrition
- Since 1985 incidence is increasing in west
- AIDS, Diabetes, Immunosuppressed patients.
- Drug resistance
4Microbiology of TB
- M. tuberculosis (air) M. bovis (milk)
- Aerobic, no toxins, no spore, non motile
- Mycolic acid in bacterial wall - Acid Alcohol
fast (AFB) - M. avium, M.intracellulare in AIDS - Atypical
5AFB - Ziehl-Nielson stain
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8Pathogenesis of TB
- Type IV hypersensitivity - Granuloma
- Escape killing by macrophages
- Mycolic acid wax coat
- Cord Factor - surface glycolipid
9Tuberculous Granuloma
- Rounded outlines.
- Central Caseous necrosis.
- Transformed macrophages called epithelioid cells.
- Lymphocytes, plasma cells, and fibroblasts.
- Langhans giant cells.
10Tuberculous Granuloma
11Primary Tuberculosis
- In Non Immunized individuals (Children)
- Primary Tuberculosis
- Self Limited disease
- Ghons complex or Primary complex.
- Primary Progressive TB
- 10 of adults, Immunosuppressed individuals
- Common in malnourished children
- Miliary TB and Meningitis.
12Secondary Tuberculosis
- Post Primary in immunized individuals.
- Reactivation or Reinfection
- Apical lobes or upper part of lower lobes
- Caseation, cavity - soft granuloma
- Pulmonary or extra-pulmonary
- Local or systemic/Miliary
13Primary or Ghons Complex
- Primary tuberculosis is the pattern seen with
initial infection with tuberculosis in children. - Reactivation, or secondary tuberculosis, is more
typically seen in adults.
14Ghon Complex
15Cavitary Tuberculosis
- When soft, necrotic center drain out leave behind
a cavity. - Cavitation is typical for large granulomas.
- Cavitation is more common in the reactivation
tuberculosis seen in upper lobes.
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18Tuberculous Granulomas
19Caseation Necrosis
20Epitheloid cells in Granuloma
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23Systemic Miliary TB
24Adrenal TB - Addison Disease
25Spinal TB - Potts Disease
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28Miliary Tuberculosis
- Extensive infection
- Hematogenous spread
- Low immunity
- Pulmonary or Systemic types.
29PPD Testing
30PPD Testing
31Lifes battles dont go always to the stronger
or faster man, But sooner or later,The
man who wins is the man who thinks he can.
32Lung Tumours
- Dr. Venkatesh M. Shashidhar
- Senior Lecturer in Pathology
- Fiji School of Medicine
33Lung Cancer
- Most common visceral malignancy.
- Top public enemy in western world.
- 3rd of all cancer deaths due to lung cancer.
- Significant increase in incidence.
- Dramatic increase among females
- 90 of lung cancers are related to smoking..!
(passive smoking in 5)
34Lung Cancer Smoking
- Depends on duration, amount of daily smoking
deep inhaling. - 10 fold greater risk than non smokers. 20 fold
risk if gt40cigarettes per day - Atypical cells in 96.7 of smokers compared to
0.9 in non smokers. - Significant proportion of over 1200 substances in
smoke are carcinogenic. (not nicotine) - Initiaters Benzoopyrenes
- Promoters Phenol derivatives
- Radioactive substances Polonium, C14, K40
35Classification (Bronchogenic Carcinoma)
- Squamous cell carcinoma 35
- Adenocarcinoma 30
- Brochial (acinar/papillary)
- Bronchioalveolar (1-9)
- Small cell carcinoma 22
- Oat cell carcinoma
36Bronchogenic Carcinoma
37Bronchogenic Carcinoma
38Bronchogenic Carcinoma
39Adeno- Carcinoma
40Direct Spread of carcinoma
41Oat cell Carcinoma
43Squamous Cell Carcinoma(CT)
44Normal Chest Radiograph
45LungMetastasis(Multiple coin shadows)
46Squamous Cell Carcinoma
48Oat Cell Carcinoma (High power)
49Pleural effusion (Gross)
50Paraneoplastic Syndromes
- Hormone producing neoplasms.
- ADH - Hyponatremia
- ACTH Cushings syndrome
- Parathyroid hormone Hypercalcemia
- Gonadotrophins Gynecomastia
51Find the key to yourself.. and every door in
the world is open to you
52Thank You...
- Dr. Venkatesh M. Shashidhar
- Senior Lecturer in Pathology
- Fiji School of Medicine