Rob Gauger Cis55-Section614
2Human Brain
- Learn and adapt without the aid of
- others
- Perform multiple tasks
- Convey knowledge to others
- Can take in knowledge and reason about the World
- Has common sense
3Who is Faster?
- The computer is much faster in raw speed
- The brain is much more parallel
- Recognizing a face for example
- Brain in less than 1 second, in a few hundred
cycles accurately - Computer would do it in billions of cycles in
under a second but, less accurately - The computer is less accurate
- Brain is about 1 billion times faster overall
4What Makes a Computer Different from a human?
- The brain is a living thing
- A computer is a machine built by humans
- Humans think for themselves
- Machines have instructions they carry out, or are
given a commend to carry out
5Will computers be smarter than humans one day?
- Biological evolution is a slow process
- Human brain has not changed much in the past
5,000 years - Computers have only been around
- for 150 years!
6Interesting Questions
- Is the brain nothing more than a complex computer
program? - What does it mean to be human?
- If we created a computer that was convincing in
claiming it was human, would it be human?
7Turing Test
- The Turing test, devised in 1950 by the British
mathematician and logician Alan Turing - Imagine that you're sitting alone in a room with
a teletype machine that is connected at the other
end to either a person or a computer. If no
amount of questioning or conversation allows you
to tell which it is, then you have to concede
that a machine can think
8What Does it mean to Think?
- thinking is something
- going on in the brain all right, but
- it is not computation at all thinking is
- Something holistic, organic,
- and mysterious."
10- No, if one defines thinking as an activity
exclusive to humans. Any such behavior in
machines, therefore, would have to be called
thinking-like behavior. - Yes, if one admits that the question is to be
answered by experiment and observation, comparing
the behavior of the computer with that behavior
of human beings to which the term thinking is
generally applied.
11After my research I found that although people
have different views on this topic, some say
that computers can think, others strongly
disagree. Although I dont have a strong
opinion, I feel that at this point time
computers dont have the power to think, they
simply do what humans instruct them to do.