Title: Scottish Rite Data Base Roadmap for Membership Development
1Scottish Rite Data BaseRoadmap forMembership
Presented by Curtis Edic, 33 and Dean Alban,
2Whats A Database???
- Remember the Valley file room?
- Member packet files
- Member card files
- 33 files
- KCCH files
- Degree Director/Actor files
- Line Officer files
- Committees files
- Top-line signer files
- ??? files
3Some file rooms overflowed!
Dont forget the card files!
Full file cabinets
We can find anything you need!
Or maybe not!
4What do we do today?
To Computer in a database program
Move Files? God Forbid!
5Whats the advantage?
- Enter data (names, addresses, telephone s,
email) ONCE! - Attach name to different groups
- Keep track
- Honors
- Activities Reunions, events, lodge attendance
- Birthdates
- Dues/donation payments
- Other Masonic affiliations
6Our Purpose Today?
To discuss online available Valley services and
accounting in order to develop a comprehensive,
Council-wide information management design system
7Answering the Three ?s
- Why make a change?
- How can a database help Your Valleys Membership
Development? - Where are we now?
8Supreme Council has recently moved records from
card files to computer chip
9(No Transcript)
10 1- Why Supreme Council Made Changes
- Moved from an outside service to in-house data
management - Saved per year
- Improved data quality
- Improved efficiency
- Change Advantages
- Easy conversion of existing data to new system
- Easy to train personnel
11Comprehensive, Online, and Council-wide
- Improve quality of service
- Reduce total costs
- Provide valuable online services
12Improve Quality of Service
- Reduce membership accounting errors
- Maintain single data repository
- Reduce the time required to update information
- Allow Valleys to maintain selected parts of their
membership data
13Reduce Total Costs
- Economies of scale
- Single database management system
- Reduce data entry and maintenance costs
- Improved quality lowers cost of bad data
14Economies of Scale
- Leverage with vendors (hardware and software)
- Lower training costs (one program for all)
- Fewer products to buy
15Single Database Systemallows
- Consistency throughout all Valleys
- Lower system development requirements
- Lower system maintenance requirements
- Sharing of best practices is easy
16How can a database help Membership Development in
your Valley?
17Valleys Today
- Inconsistent approach to data management from
valley to valley - Potential quality problems with the data
- Little or no relational integrity
- Supreme Council improved data quality during the
conversion process
18Steps to the Future for Valley Membership
- Develop goals and objectives
- Review data of last 5 years
- Membership changes
- Economic changes
- Community changes
- Project data for next 5 years
- Build a roadmap for the future
- Decide where you Valley is going
19Steps to the Future
- 3. Develop a Valley database to track
- Social programs
- Fundraising projects/rentals
- Community awareness
- Membership development programs/dinners
- New ritual participation
20Steps to the Future
- 4. Develop database requirements list
- Features
- Easy access to member profile
- Telephone numbers
- Addresses
- Email
- Initiation Dates
- Profession/Hobbies
- Community activities
- Lodge/Degree participation
- Birthdates
- Masonic affiliations
- Lodge/Event attendance records
21Where should you want to go?What do you need in
your membership development?
- Target information
- NPD list
- Non-Scottish Rite Master Mason list
- Non-Mason list
- 50, 25 10 year member list
- Donor history list
- Dues history list
22Where are we now? What services can Supreme
Council provide to a Valley?
23Online Services
- Allow Valleys to maintain selected data
- Conduct online meetings
- Reliable searchable archives
24Supreme Council Steps to the Future
- Functions
- Mass email
- Online meetings
- Services to be available
- Supreme Council Web Server
- Masonic Choice products and services
25What do you want?
What would you add to your database? How could
the Supreme Council help you target Membership
Development? Whats your Valleys Membership
Development Wish List?
Suggestion? Email us - cedic_at_scottishriteomaha.or
g DAlban_at_srmason-sj.org