Title: Kilmany UnitingCare February 2006
1Kilmany UnitingCare February 2006
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6Defining - Social inclusion Ensuring the
marginalised and those living in poverty have
greater participation in decision making which
affects their lives, allowing them to improve
their living standards and their overall
well-being. Social exclusion The process
whereby certain groups are pushed to the margins
of society and prevented from participating fully
by virtue of their poverty, low education or
inadequate lifeskills. This distances them from
job, income and education opportunities as well
as social and community networks. They have
little access to power and decision-making bodies
and little chance of influencing decisions or
policies that affect them, and little chance of
bettering their standard of living.
Kilmany UnitingCare 2008
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21Julie Crothers 03 5144 7777 julie.crothers_at_kilmany
.org.au Rosalie Lack 03 5152 9600 rosalie.lack_at_ki
Kilmany UnitingCare February 2006