Title: IAR Prototype Demonstration
1 IAR Prototype Demonstration June 21,
2002 Screens and System Navigation
2- SRA/GTA Activities Flow
- Finalize Roster
- Make Application Assignments
- Navigate to IAR Control Center
- Set IAR Specific Dates
- Release Meeting to IAR
- Toggle different Meeting Specific and Reviewer
Specific Options
3Peer Review Banner Screen w/ IAR Section
4IAR Control Center
5Control Center Enter/Update Dates
6Control Center Meeting Wide Options
7Control Center Reviewer IAR Information
8Control Center List of Assigned Applications
9Control Center Enable for IAR Confirmation
10Control Center Enable for IAR Confirmation
11Registration and Account Creation
An architectural review of IAR was recently
conducted. Based primarily on the requirement to
more closely align similar processes across
applications, the previously proposed IAR account
creation and registration process will change.
Most importantly, the PIN letter mailed to the
Reviewer will be removed. The next slide
describes the new process.
12Registration and Account Creation - continued
- The Reviewer will receive an email containing the
customized URL (unique token identifier for each
Reviewer). - Reviewer goes to URL and enters their full name,
phone number, desired username and password and
optional fields (ssn, dob, Institution). Account
is not yet active. - Registration information is electronically
provided to OER Data Quality staff who verify
that the information entered matches IMPAC II
data they may also clean up person data on the
Reviewer. - Within 24 hours, OER Data Quality staff approve
and activate account. - Reviewer receives email to let them know their
account is active. Email contains URL for IAR
logon screen.
13Registration Email Example
Subject NIH IAR Review Registration Dear
Reviewer Thank you for agreeing to be a
participant on a peer review panel. To submit
your written reviews electronically, you will
need to log on to the NIH eRA Internet Assisted
Review (IAR) website with a user name and
password. To establish that user name and
password, we have set up a special URL (address
on the Internet) that is unique to you. Open
your Web browser and go to the URL
https//xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx. (You can copy and paste
this address into the Location window of your
browser, and press Enter.) Follow the
instructions on the screen to enter information
about yourself and select your user name,
password, and password reminder question. After
submitting your registration request, you should
receive an email within 24 hours indicating that
your account is active. Once your account is
active, you may log in to IAR. If you have
questions or problems setting up your account,
please call the NIH eRA Helpdesk at
1-301-402-7469 or 1-866-504-9552. Thank you for
your time and effort. Sincerely, SRA,
Ph.D./MD Scientific Review Administrator (street
address) Bethesda, MD 2089x-xxx 301-xxx-xxxx
14IAR Registration Form
15Reviewer successfully completed registration
16Log In
17Password Look up Answer the Question
18Password Reset Question Answered Incorrectly
try again
19Password Reset Question Answered Incorrectly
no more tries
20Password Reset Question Answered Correctly
21Password Reset Success
22Reviewer successfully logs in to the IAR.
23List of Meetings Same layout for SRAs/GTAs and
24Reviewer List of Applications Before SUBMIT
Due Date
25(No Transcript)
26Reviewer Submitting Critique/Score
27Reviewer Submitting Critique/Score
28Reviewer Critique/Score Submitted Confirmation
29Reviewer List of Applications READ Phase All
30Reviewer List of Applications READ Phase All
Applications COI and Blocked
31Reviewer Score Matrix View
32SRA/GTA Access to IAR
SRA/GTA will log into IAR via the same log in
screen. To navigate to that screen, SRA/GTA can
either bookmark the IAR website or click on IAR
System Log on button on Peer Review Banner
Screen. Once in IAR SRA/GTA will be presented
with a List of Meetings Screen. Clicking on
meeting identifier/title will take users to the
List of Applications screen.
33SRA/GTA List of Applications View by Appl.
34SRA/GTA List of Applications View by Reviewer
35SRA/GTA List of Applications View by Appl.
READ Phase
36SRA/GTA List of Applications View by Reviewer
READ Phase
37Score Matrix SRA/GTA View
38Score Matrix SRA/GTA Edit
39Score Matrix SRA/GTA Viewing Lower Half
Applications Only
40Critique Status Report
41- Viewing Submitted Critiques
- Individual Critique (PDF)
- A group for a specific application (PDF)
- A group from a specific Reviewer (PDF)
- All Critiques in a Meeting (PDF)
- Pre-Summary Statement Body (MS Word)
42Viewing Critiques PDF Example
43Pre-Summary Statement Body MS Word Example