Title: Blacksburg, a drinking town with a football problem.
1Blacksburg, a drinking town with a football
2The calm before the storm.
3The storm.
4Lets count how many times I do that with my
fingers. 1.
52. For Halloween, Dave went as a deer in
6Im going to go over there and take that girls
sword and hold it to her throat and you take a
picture! Um, ok.
7We decided to pace ourselves so we just drank ice
tea. Long Island makes the best ones!
8Sometimes I take pictures for no reason!
10This picture sucks but Tyler made me include
it. He thinks its Number 1!
11Its game day. Everyone is in a great mood even
though A We got 4 hours of sleep and feel like a
bag of ass, B There are 5 people stuffed in this
car, C We just had to put back on Guidos
hubcaps and windshield wipers and D We feel like
a bag of ass.
12Joke HAHA, wouldnt it be funny if we snuck in
this handle of Beam? Haha Reality We snuck in
the bottle of Beam.
13If I said that those were the first beers of the
day, I wouldnt be lying. We started with Bloody
Marys hours ago!
14Someone lit a blanket on fire and this cop came
around and put it out and kicked some trash
around. HAHA, trash kicker! PS, its about
2pm and we are drunk enough to think this is
really funny.
16I have never seen those glasses before or since
this pic. No idea.
17Jamey looks like Will Ferrell when he shot
himself in the neck with a tranquilizer gun.
Youre crazy man! Youre cool, but youre
18Better. Oh, I lost count on the finger thing.
Bonus caption Jeff is only 3 feet tall!
19Game time. We are 10 rows back and in the Miami
fan section. This totally kicks ass.
20Does this count in the finger thing or do I start
a new category? We are easily the most hated
people in this section. Weve been swung on twice
and had the cops come to our section. Fuck Miami,
fuck fuck Miami.
22Hell yes. If you cant read that scoreboard, it
says Tech Rules, Miami Blows. Its about to get
23Messy. Over 65,000 fans in attendance. A couple
didnt rush the field.
24I fucking love college.
25Peace. Wait, no, lets riot!
26Scoreboard baby! Hmmm, no goalposts? Weird!
27These are the cops that DIDNT pepper spray me!
28We all got separated during the melee and
miraculously found each other randomly wandering
around campus. What should we do now?
29Riot? Dont mind if I do! Silly cars, this
isnt a driving street!
30Silly cop, this isnt a law abiding town!
31That lamp post was standing for about 3 more
32Youre cool man, but youre crazy!
33The lovely Dawn.
35Remember, this wasnt on Halloween.
36Is that pepper spray youre wearing?
37That is not a broom he is carrying and that is
not Binaca she is holding.
38Tyler and I got separated from the rest of the
group but Brad said he found us easily because we
were the last two fans on the street besides the
39What do you do when its 4 am and youre full of
beer and pepper spray?! You visit youre old
townhouse, duh! Where did those beers come from?
40Whats so funny? Oh yeah, Pumpkin Bowling. That
is funny.
41Thats it. Thats the end. Mission
accomplished. Whens the next game?!