Title: End Spreading
1End Spreading
- Sifting might spread signal into quiescent region
2Earthquake Elcentro
3Earthquake Elcentro IMF CE(100,3)
4Earthquake Elcentro EIMF (3,0.1,50)
5Orthogonality Indices
IMF OI ij 0.1982 0.0412 0.0336
0.0534 0.2453 0.0557 0.1723 OI
total -0.4986
EIMF OI ij 0.0395 0.0862 0.0570
0.0423 0.0819 0.1682 0.1522
0.0246 0.2225 OI total 0.0606
6End spreading
- This is an annoying problem, for to have some
thing before the sensors were turned on is
nonsensical. - But EMD has the tendency to spread the signal
through the sifting processes. - End spreading causes deterioration in the
resulting IMF components. - EEMD solved the problem to a large extend.
7Noised Aided Data Analysis II
- Although EEMD alleviates the end spreading
considerably, there are still cases that signal
spreading needs to be contained.
8Noise Aided Data Analysis II
- In EEMD, the finite magnitude noise is added once
in each of the ensemble. The true solution is
obtained as the limit of having the number in the
ensemble approaching infinite. - In NADAII, the infinitesimal magnitude noises is
added repeatedly for each IMF extraction.
9Delta Function
- Noised Aided Data Analysis II
10Delta Function Data
11The Procedure
- Perform EEMD and select the first EIMF component
as the 1st component in the RIMF (Recombined IMF) - Take the residue and adding noise with amplitude
1/1000 as the data for the first round
re-processing to produce EIMF1. - Take the 1st EIMF component from EIMF1 as the
second component in the RIMF. - Take the residue and adding noise with amplitude
1/1000 as the data for the second round
re-processing EIMF2. - (repeat the processes) .
12Delta Function EIMF(3,0.1,10)
13Spreading of the signal
- The widths of the IMF signals become increasingly
wide. - The spreading increasingly wide into the
quiescent region as shown in th eprevious figure.
14Delta Function IMF1(3,0.1,10)
15Delta Function IMF2(3,0.1,10)
16Delta Function IMF3(3,0.1,10)
17The Re-combined IMF
- So far a manual operation.
18Delta Function RIMF
19Delta Function RIMF(1) EIMF(1)
20Delta Function RIMF(2) EIMF1(1)
21Delta Function RIMF(3) EIMF2(1)
22Delta Function RIMF(4) residue
23Delta Function RIMF(4) residue
- RIMF is a combination of all the individual
EIMFi, for i1,2,3, - The spread of each of the component is limited by
the added noise. - As a result, the spread is controlled the result
is more local.