INDEX MODELS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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... expected return forecasts (security alphas) are derived from securtiy valuation models ... other hand the negative alpha security is overpriced and should ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: index | models | alphas | betas


Transcript and Presenter's Notes



Outline of the Chapter
  • Single factor model
  • Common factor for the macroeconomic changes
  • Single-index model
  • SP 500 index is employed as the common factor
  • Advantages and disadvantages of the single-index
  • Estimate a singel-index model
  • Constructing portfolios with single-index models
  • Practical Aspects
  • Index vs Markowitz
  • Tracking Portfolios

A Single-Factor Security Market
  • The method of finding the optimal risky portfolio
    in the last chapter (Markowitz Model) depends on
    the quality of estimates of expected security
    returns, and the covariance matrix.
  • The Markowitz Model has two main difficulties
  • The number of estimates for the expected returns
    and covariances matrix is very high even for the
    portfolios with small number of securities
  • The errors in the estimation of correlation
  • In order to solve the problem of estimating
    covariance and correlation uncertainty is
    decomposed into system-wide versus firm-specific

A Single-Factor Security Market (Continued)
  • The rate of return on any security, i, can be
    divided into two as the sum of its expected
    return and the unanticipated components
    (unexpected return)
  • riE(ri)ei
  • E(ei)0
  • s(ei) measures the uncertainty about the security
  • We assume that the security returns are affected
    by one or more common variables
  • We assume in this chapter that security returns
    are affected from a single factor
  • Single-factor security market

A Single-Factor Security Market (Continued)
  • Assume that there is a common factor, m
  • m a macroeconomic variable that affects all
  • riE(ri)m ei
  • Where m is the uncertainty about the economy as a
    whole and ei is the uncertainty about the
    specific firm
  • m measures unanticipated macro surprises
  • E(m)0 (over time surprises will average out to
  • Sandard deviation sm
  • has no subscript, common factor for all
  • ei measures the firm-specific surprises

A Single-Factor Security Market (Continued)
  • m and ei are uncorrelated
  • since ei is firm specific, independent of shocks
    to the common factor that affect the entire
  • s2i s2m s2(ei)
  • The variance of ri is the total of two
    uncorrelated sources, systematic and firm
  • Cov(ri ,rj)Cov(mei,mej) s2m
  • m generates correlation across securities
  • all securities respond to the same macroeconomic
  • Firm-specific surprises (ei) are uncorrelated
    across firms
  • m is uncorrelated with any of the firm-specific

A Single-Factor Security Market (Continued)
  • The sensitivity of the securities to the
    macroeconomic shocks differ
  • riE(ri)ßim ei
  • Each firm assigned a sensitivity coefficient to
    macro conditions (ßi)
  • We obtain single-factor model
  • Systematic risk of the security i is determined
    by its beta coefficient

A Single-Factor Security Market (Continued)
  • Total risk of the security i
  • s2i ß2i s2m s2(ei)
  • The systematic risk of the security i ß2i s2m
  • The unsystematic risk of the security i s2(ei)
  • Cov(ri ,rj)Cov(ßimei, ßjmej) ßi ßjs2m
  • The covariance between any pair of securities
    also determined by their betas
  • Equivalent beta securities gives equivalent
    market positions
  • Show the same sensitivity to the changes in the

A Single-Factor Security Market (Continued)
  • There is a linear relationship between security
    returns and the comon factor
  • However these models do not identify the common
  • We are looking for a variable that we can employ
    as a common factor in the specified models
  • This variable should be observable so that the
    volatility and the sensitivity of the securities
    returns to variation of this common factor can be

The Single-Index Model
  • The valid proxy for the common factor model is
    the rate of return on a broad index of securities
    such as the SP 500
  • Single-Index Model
  • Similar to single-factor model
  • Uses market index as a proxy for the common
  • The regression equation
  • M market index (SP 500)
  • RM excess return
  • RMrM-rf
  • sM standard deviation

The Single-Index Model (Continued)
  • Ri excess return of a security i
  • Riri-rf
  • We can estimate the sensitivity (beta)
    coefficient of a security on the index using a
    single-variable linear regression

The Single-Index Model (Continued)
  • The regression equation
  • Ri(t)aißiRM(t)ei(t)
  • ai intercept
  • The security is expected excess return when the
    market excess return is 0.
  • ßi the slope
  • The security is sensitivity to the index
  • The amount by which the security is return tends
    to increase or decrease for every 1 increase or
    decrease in the return on the index
  • ei residual
  • Firm-specific surprise in the security return

The Single-Index Model (Continued)
  • The Expected Return-Beta Relationship
  • E(Ri)aißiE(RM)
  • E(ei)0
  • ßiE(RM)
  • Part of the security is risk premium is due to
    the risk premium of the index (market)
  • The market risk premium is multiplied by the
    relative sensitivity of the individual security
  • Systematic risk premium
  • ai
  • Nonmarket premium
  • For example a maybe larger if you think a
    security is underpriced and so offers an
    attractive expected return

The Single-Index Model (Continued)
  • Risk and Covariance in the Single-Index Model
  • Ri(t)aißiRM(t)ei(t)
  • E(Ri)aißiE(RM)
  • Total risksystematic riskfirm-specific risk
  • s2i ß2i s2M s2(ei)
  • Covarianceproduct of betasmarket index risk
  • Cov(ri ,rj)ßi ßjs2M
  • Correlationproduct of correlations with the
    market index
  • Corr(ri ,rj) ßi ßjs2M/sisj
  • ßi s2Mßjs2M/sisMsjsM Corr(ri ,rM)Corr(rj

The Single-Index Model (Continued)
  • Different than Markowitz model we only need to
    estimate a, ß, and s(e) for the individual
    securities and risk premium (RM) and variance of
    the market index (s2M)
  • The Set of Estimates Needed for the Single-Index
  • ai
  • The stocks expected return if the market is
    neutral, if the markets excess return, rM-rf, is
  • ßi (rM-rf)
  • The component of return due to movements in the
    overall market
  • ßi is the securitys responsiveness to market

The Single-Index Model (Continued)
  • ei
  • The unexpected component of return due to
    unexpected events that are relevant only to this
    security (firm-specific)
  • ß2i s2M
  • The variance attributable to the uncertainty of
    the common macroeconomic factor
  • s2(ei)
  • The variance attributable to firm-specific
  • The advantages of the single-index model
  • Decrease the number of inputs to be estimated for
    the model
  • Suggests a simple way to compute covariances

The Single-Index Model (Continued)
  • Disadvantage of the single-index model
  • The model divides the uncertainty into two as
    macro and micro
  • Ignores the other sources of dependence in stock
  • Events that affect the firms in the same industry
    without affecting the broad macroeconomy
  • Ignores the correlation between residuals (ei) of
    the firms in the same industry
  • Multi-index models models which includes
    additional factors to capture those extra sources
    of cross-security correlation

The Single-Index Model (Continued)
  • The Index Model and Diversification
  • Sharpe
  • First suggested the index model
  • Offers insight into portfolio diversification

The Single-Index Model (Continued)
  • As the number of stocks included in this
    portfolio increases, the part of the portfolio
    risk attributable to nonmarket factors become
    ever smaller
  • Risk attributable to nonmarket factors is
    diversified away
  • Risk attributable to market factors remains
  • The portfolios variance
  • s2P ß2P s2M s2(eP)

The Single-Index Model (Continued)
  • ß2P s2M systematic risk component
  • component that depends on marketwide movements
  • depends on the sensitivity coefficients of
    individual securities
  • this part of risk depends on portfolio beta
    and variance of market return and persist
    regardless of diversification
  • s2(eP) nonsystematic risk component
  • attributable to firm-specific component
  • as number of stocks increase the
    firm-specific risk component cancells out, so
    there is smaller nonmarket risk
  • diversifiable risk

The Single-Index Model (Continued)
  • As diversification increase the total variance
    of a portfolio approaches the systematic variance
  • The variance decrease because of the decrease in
    firm-specific risk

Estimating the Single-Index Model
  • Example
  • Estimate the equation
  • Ri(t)aißiRM(t)ei(t)
  • Data
  • Six large US corporations and their stocks
  • Hewlett-Packard, Dell (IT), Target, Wal-Mart
    (retail), British Petroleum, and Royal Dutch
  • SP 500 portfolio
  • T-bills rate
  • April 2001-March 2006 (monthly data-60

Estimating the Single-Index Model (Continued)
  • Lets look at the index model regression for
    Hewlett-Packard (HP)
  • RHP(t)aHPßHPRSP500(t)eHP(t)
  • Equation describes the linear dependence of HPs
    excess return on changes in the state of the
    economy (excess return of the SP500 index
  • The regression estimates a straight line with the
    intercept (aHP) and slope (ßHP)
  • It is called the security characteristic line
    (SCL) for HP

Estimating the Single-Index Model (Continued)
  • The HP returns generally follow those of the
    index but with much larger swings
  • The swings in HPs excess return suggests a
    greater-than-average sensitivity to the index
  • Beta greater than 1

Estimating the Single-Index Model (Continued)
Estimating the Single-Index Model (Continued)
  • Regression Statistics
  • Multiple R the correlation of HP with the SP
  • R-square the variation in the SP 500 excess
    returns explains what portion of the variation in
    the HP series
  • Adjusted R-square corrects for an upward bias in
  • Standard error the standard deviation of the
    residual (s(eHP))

Estimating the Single-Index Model (Continued)
  • Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
  • Sum of squares (SS) of the regression the
    portion of the variance of the HPs return that
    is explained by the SP 500 return
  • MS for the residual the variance of the
    unexplained portion of HPs return, portion of
    return that is independent of the market index
  • s2(eHP)
  • SS(residual)/58
  • Square root is equal to standard error of the

Estimating the Single-Index Model (Continued)
  • Total SS of the regression/(n-1) the estimate of
    the variance of the dependent variable
  • s2HP
  • Note annualized standard deviationmonthly
    standard deviation(12)1/2
  • R-square explained to total variance
  • the explained (regression) SS/total SS
  • Estimate of a
  • The average value of HPs return net of the
    impact of market movements
  • The nonmarket component of HPs return is the
    actual return minus the return attributable to
    market movements

Estimating the Single-Index Model (Continued)
  • Rfirm-specificRfsRHP-ßHPRSP500
  • The intercept term (a) is insignificant
  • The value of the intercept is not statistically
    different than 0
  • Estimate of ß
  • The beta coefficient for the HP indicates high
    market sensitivity (greater than market beta,
    which is equal to 1)
  • The slope term (ß) is significant
  • The slope is statistically different than 0
  • The slope is statistically different than 1

Estimating the Single-Index Model (Continued)
  • Firm-specific risk
  • The annual standard deviation of HPs residual is
    26.6 and the standard deviation of systematic
    risk is ßs(SP 500)27.57
  • ß2HPs2SP500SS Regression/n-1
  • HPs firm specific risk is as large as its
    systematic risk, a comon result for individual

Portfolio Construction and the Single-Index Model
  • How to construct portfolios by employing
    single-index models
  • The biggest advantage of the single-index model
    is the simple framework it provides for
    macroeconomic and security analysis when
    preparing the input list (needed estimates) to
    have efficient optimal portfolio
  • The Markowitz model requires estimates of risk
    premiums for each security
  • The estimate of expected return depends on both
    macroeconomic and individual-firm forecasts

Portfolio Construction and the Single-Index Model
  • Different analysts may have different forecasts
    related to macroeconomy and have different
    expected return estimates for the same securities
  • The underlying assumption for market-index risk
    and return often are not explicit in the analysis
    of individual securities
  • The single-index model helps to seperate sources
    of return variation (macroeconomic and
    firm-specific sources of variation) and makes it
    easier to ensure consistency across analysts

Portfolio Construction and the Single-Index Model
  • Steps in the single-index model
  • Macroeconomic analysis is used to estimate the
    risk premium and risk of the market index
  • Statistical analysis is used to estimate the beta
    coefficients of all securities and their residual
  • The portfolio manager uses the estimates for the
    market-index risk premium and the beta
    coefficient of a security to establish the
    expected return of that security absent any
    contribution from security analysis
  • Security-specific expected return forecasts
    (security alphas) are derived from securtiy
    valuation models

Portfolio Construction and the Single-Index Model
  • Thus, the risk premium on a security (ßiE(RM)),
    risk premium derived from the securitys tendency
    to follow the market index, is not subject to
    security analysis. However any expected return
    beyond this benchmark risk premium (the security
    alpha) would be due to some nonmarket factor and
    is subject to security analysis
  • Alpha is very important for the portfolio manager
  • Tells whether a security is a good or bad buy
  • There may be many other securities with the same
    systematic component (beta coefficient)
  • The positive alpha security provides premium and
    should have a higher weight in the portfolio. On
    the other hand the negative alpha security is
    overpriced and should have less weight in the

Portfolio Construction and the Single-Index Model
  • Assume a portfolio manager plans to compile a
    portfolio from a list of n actively researched
    firms and a passive market index portfolio.
  • The input list for n actively researched firms
    and a passive market index portfolio
  • Risk premium on the SP 500 portfolio
  • Estimate of the standard deviation of the SP 500
  • n sets of estimates for beta coefficients, stock
    residual variances, and alpha values

Portfolio Construction and the Single-Index Model
  • Ri(t)aißiRM(t)ei(t)
  • E(Ri)aißiE(RM)
  • Cov(ri ,rj)ßi ßjs2M
  • If the SP 500 index is treated as the market
  • it will have a beta of 1 (its sensitivity to
  • no firm-specific risk
  • an alpha of 0 (there is no nonmarket component in
    the expected return of the market)
  • covariance of any security i with the index is
    ßis2M (since ßM1)

Portfolio Construction and the Single-Index Model
  • Optimal risky portfolio with single-index model
  • Generate (n1) expected returns by employing
    estimates of beta and alpha coefficients and risk
    premium of the index portfolio
  • Construct the covariance matrix by employing the
    estimates of the beta coefficients, residual
    variances and variance of the index portfolio
  • Then maximize the Sharpe Ratio for the
    constructed portfolio (find the steepest CAL) to
    get the optimum risky portfolio

Portfolio Construction and the Single-Index Model
  • The optimal risky portfolio is composed of an
    active portfolio (A) and a passive portfolio (M)
  • A composed of n analysed securities (formed as a
    result of active security analysis)
  • M the (n1)th asset used for diversification

Portfolio Construction and the Single-Index Model
Portfolio Construction and the Single-Index Model
  • The Sharpe ratio of an optimally constructed
    risky portfolio will exceed that of the index
    portfolio (the passive strategy)
  • S2P S2MaA/s(eA)2
  • The contribution of active portfolio (when held
    in its optimal weight, wA) to the Sharpe ratio
    of the overall risky portfolio is determined by
    the ratio of its alpha to its residual standard
  • aA/s(eA) is called information ratio
  • Measures the extra return we can obtain from
    securtiy analysis (aA) compared to the
    firm-specific risk

Portfolio Construction and the Single-Index Model
  • The information ratio reveals that the positive
    contribution of the security to its portfolio is
    made by its addition to the nonmarket risk
    premium (its alpha) and its negative contribution
    is made by increasing the portfolio variance by
    its firm-specific risk (residual variance)

Practical Aspects of Portfolio Management with
the Index Model
  • Index vs Markowitz model
  • The Markowitz model allows flexibility in our
    modelling of asset covariance structure but the
    problem is the errors in the covariance estimates
  • The single-index model is more practical and
    helps us to seperate macro and security analysis

Practical Aspects of Portfolio Management with
the Index Model (Continued)
  • The single-index model provides a benchmark for
    security analysis
  • A portfolio manager who has no info about the
    security will assume alpha value as 0 and
    forecast a risk premium for the security (ßiRM)
  • If we restate the model in terms of total returns
  • E(rHP)rfßHPE(rM)-rf
  • A portfolio manager who has a forecast for the
    market index, E(rM), and observes the risk-free
    T-bill rate, rf,can use the model to determine
    the benchmark expected return for any stock

Practical Aspects of Portfolio Management with
the Index Model (Continued)
  • The beta coefficient, the market risk, s2M, and
    the firm-specific risk, s2(e), can be estimated
    from historical SCLs, from regressions of
    security excess returns on market index excess

Practical Aspects of Portfolio Management with
the Index Model (Continued)
  • Tracking Portfolios
  • Example
  • A portfolio manager believes that she identified
    an underpriced portfolio (positive alpha)
  • RP0.041.4RSP500eP
  • The alpha value of P is 4 and the beta is 1.4
  • The downfall of the market will affect the value
    of the portfolio negatively if she buys this
    portfolio even if it is relatively underpriced,
    since the beta coefficient is larger than 1

Practical Aspects of Portfolio Management with
the Index Model (Continued)
  • She would like to take a position that takes
    advantage of her teams analysis but is
    independent of the performance of the overall
  • She constructed a tracking portfolio (T)
  • A tracking portfolio for portfolio P is a
    portfolio designed to match the systematic
    components of Ps return
  • The tracking portfolio must have the same beta on
    the index portfolio as P and as little
    nonsystematic risk as possible
  • This procedure is also called beta capture

Practical Aspects of Portfolio Management with
the Index Model (Continued)
  • T will have a levered position in SP 500 to have
    a beta of 1.4
  • T includes position of 1.4 in the SP 500 and
    -0.4 in T-bills.
  • T is constructed from the index and T-bills so
    alpha is 0
  • Buy portfolio P and short sell portfolio T (you
    offset the systematic risk)
  • RCRP RT (0.041.4RSP500eP)-1.4RSP500
  • 0.04eP
  • C is still risky due to residual risk, eP, the
    systematic risk has been eliminated
  • If P is well diversified the remaining
    non-systematic risk will be small as well
  • The aim is achieved. The manager can take the
    advantage of the 4 alpha without taking on
    market risk
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