Title: Teaching and Learning Forum
1Our Universities Backing Australias Ability
Implications of the 2003 budget for academic
2Key words
Sustainability - a market oriented
program Quality - T L focus, relevance of
courses Equity - scholarships but no reform of
student income support Diversity - increased
control of offerings cappuccino courses
3Possible impacts
Much greater control over discipline mix Less
viable institutions will be forced to
specialise as a minister I wont be driving
amalgamation but we will be very supportive of
universities seeking to rationalise their
activities (AFR 16-5-03) Loan measures pave the
way for a viable private sector
4Excellence in teaching and learning will be
placed alongside the delivery of research
excellence as a valued contribution to
Australia's knowledge systems.
A renewed emphasis on teaching and learning
outcomes, particularly at the undergraduate level
knowledge and skills that are relevant
5It is not the intent for any university to become
- Strong on the importance of learning and teaching
- Promotes
- Innovation and excellence in T L
- Stresses recognition and reward for good teaching
- Staff development
6Learning and Teaching Performance Fund - 77m in
performance based funding -- relatively
modest amount 54.7 in 2005/06, rising to 83.8
in 2006/07 ?? degree to which might be tied to
workforce reform and governance Opportunities Cri
teria for performance assessment Terms of
reference for the NILTHE
7National Institute for Learning and Teaching in HE
- leadership in enhancement of TL,
articulation, monitoring of standards, assessment
and benchmarking - -- another mechanism of control?
- Opportunities
- Input into the allocation mechanism and
membership of the body
8Awards for University Teaching
- enhanced status for university teaching
- - increase in number and total value of
awards - ?? Do these awards make a real difference to
9Graduate Skills Assessment
- Motivating students to take the test has been
difficult universities have been reluctant to
put resources into a test students do not want to
take.. Many employers knew nothing about the
GSA. - 270,000 pa to promote the test to employers.
- The duck is dead - bury the duck.