Title: Integrating research, teaching and learning
1- Integrating research, teaching and learning
- through wikis
- Daniel K. Schneider
- TECFA Faculty of Psychology and Education
Sciences - Université de Genève - Computer Science Department - Webster University
Geneva - daniel.schneider_at_unige.ch
- http//tecfa.unige.ch/DKS
- 2nd Webster research symposium, Feb 3 2012
- http//tecfa.unige.ch/tecfa/talks/schneide/webster
2Integrating research, teaching and learning
through wikis
- General research goals
- Create good project-orientedtechnology-enhanced
learning (TEL) designs - Improve education
- Additional goals
- Contribute to whole scholarship / close
gaps(between research teaching, and researcher
lecturer) - Contribute to the Pasteur quadrant in the
learning sciences(theory and design)
- Specific research goal
- Explore affordances of wiki technology for a
variety of educational strategies and tactics.
3Evolution of the technology-enhanced learning
(TEL) infrastructure 3 strands
What can be Done with wikis ?
(1) production sharing
(2) control
(3) others - not covered here
2000 -
4Seven Mediawiki design (case) studies
a set of design experiments, over a longer time
span allowing to test where using a Mediawiki
makes sense and how these should be configured
to support various purposes
5Case study 1 EduTechWiki/enfr Several-in-one
integrated scholarship
A shared note taking, literature review and
writing-to-learn environment
External resources
Teacher / Researcher
Take notes
Knowledge community model (Bereiter and
Scardamaglia) Integrated scholarship (Boyer,
6Case study 1 (2)
Population various small classes, 2006 -
2012 Teaching organization most blended (UniGe),
presential (WUG) http//edutechwiki.unige.ch/en/
and http//edutechwiki.unige.ch/fr
Teaching strategies Text genres (lots) Wiki Tools
Writing-to-learn activities Student-created overviews/essays Pages, discussion pages and categories
Writing about cases, e.g. edu. games Structured, somewhat standardized files Pages, discussion pages, categories
Direct instruction e.g. intro. to CSS Syllabus, weekly programs, tutorials, overview pages Categories, navigation menus, code display
Mini-projects based instruction e.g. intro. to Flash Syllabus, exercise programs, tutorials, overview/link pages, discussion Navigation menus, wiki books, code formatting, discussion pages
Workshop support Program page with links None
Other purposes Other purposes Other purposes
Note taking, knowledge integration and linking Overviews, links and references Articles, category trees, graphs
News Blog Wikilog
EduTech resource kit All sorts All
7Case study 2 Dewiki project-based learning
- Population a single small semester class
(UniGe), 2006-2012 - Organization blended
- http//edutechwiki.unige.ch/dewiki/
Purpose Text genre Wiki Tools
Management Current task (to do list) Menu General forum Main page discussion page
Literature review Summaries index article
Dictionary of terms Definitions index Article Category
Research plan article Article discussion page
Articles (outcome) Long article Article discussion page
Valorization book Print book creator
8Implemented learning scenarios and text genres in
a MediaWiki
Learning Scenarios
Text tools (extensions)
Project 1
Project 2
Mini projects
Journal (wikilog)
Product 1
News (wikilog)
Product 2
Teacher/researcher activities
Textbook (wiki book)
Navigation (cat. menus)
Note taking
Product 3
Study books
Other tools
Support for wide range of text genres and
learning activities It works (somewhat stabilized
designs after three years)
9Is this research ?
- Answer 1 No !
- very little generalization
- (almost) no data
- no comparison (just some kind of monographies)
- No in-depth investigation of processes
- No computer science
- ..
- Answer 2 Yes a bit
- it is part of a long term line of research
started in 2002 - it is just part (technology) of the design part
(data pending) - design is principled and based on (other)
research - it has been published in 2 reviewed conference
papersSchneider, D.K., Benetos, K. Ruchat, M.
(2011). Mediawikis for research, teaching and
learning. In T. Bastiaens M. Ebner (Eds.),
Proceedings of World Conference on Educational
Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications
2011 (pp. 2084-2093).
10Is this research (2) ?
Yes, it is part of so-called design-based research
This talk
11(No Transcript)
12Extra (censored) slides next .
13Context Which tool is best for what purpose ?
Knowledge construction content
Control of activities
Portalware e.g. Drupal (Class Schneider, 2011)
Advanced wiki e.g. Mediawiki
Workflow tool e.g. LAMS
LMS, e.g. Blackboard, Moodle
14Whole scholarship according to Boyer (1997)
Be a good researcher Publish quality
articles -------------------------------- -
Ignore technology - Ignore others ideas
(1) Discovery
Be useful as knowledgemediator Pull ideas
together Share knowledge with all Be able
to use technology Teach well ------------------
----------------- - Be a bad researcher
(2) Integration (3) Application (4) Teaching
Or improve by finding synergy through common
activities (and tools) .
15The Pasteur quadrant
not science science
applied Edison (invention) Pasteur (both)
not applied (some) student research Bohr (pure theory)
Typology of research and practice in education
Model 1 Teachers read research and implement it
in their classrooms fails Model 2 Summary
guides fail Model 3 General professional
development can work Model 4 The policy route
fails Model 5 The long route can work Model 6
Design experiments can work (locally)
16First principles of education (Merrill, 2002)
- The demonstration principleLearning is promoted
when learners observe a demonstration - The application principleLearning is promoted
when learners apply the new knowledge - The activation principleLearning is promoted
when learners activate prior knowledge or
experience - The integration principleLearning is promoted
when learners integrate their new knowledge into
their everyday world - The task-centered principleLearning is promoted
when learners engage in a task-centered
instructional strategy
Activity-based learning my starting point
(Schneider, 2002)
17No significant difference between educational
designs (Nettles et al. 2000, Johnson et al,
2000, Russel 2001).
Structured designs (Kirschner et al. 2006)
Teacher quality (many factors)
Some difference
Small long term projects
Infrastructure with good affordances
18Affordances in TEL .the bottom line (Clark,
Slower / cumbersome / anti-community e-learning
systems, workflow systems
Anything goes ! (media dont make the difference.)
Faster / easier / community-oriented Street
technology ? CMSs, Blogs, etc. ? Wikis
? Mediawikis (Wikipedia