Title: World War II
1World War II
- What was life like for families during World War
II? - By Thomas
2How did the 2nd World War start?
- It all goes back to the 1st world war, Britain,
France and Russia were friends and Germany and
Italy were friends, There was a man named Franz
Ferdinand he went to visit Sarajevo the capital
of Bosnia and Herzegovina, There was a gang
called the 7 hand gang who plotted to kill Franz
Ferdinand. Number one did nothing, Number two did
nothing, Number three also did nothing, Number
four did nothing, Number five did do something he
used a rifle but missed he took another shot and
injured another person, he got
Thrown in the river, Number six did nothing, But
number seven jumped in front of Franz Ferdinand
and shot him. Austria wanted a apology Serbia
said no so Austria declared War.
3The End of WWI
- Near the End of the war Britain sent a Shell Bomb
on a heavily Defended Bunker, the Bomb dropped
just less than half a metre away from the Bunker
in a trench it killed everyone except a man who
survived with one splinter in his face, Adolf
4Terrible Timeline
- 8 November 1939
- Britain dropped a bomb on Munich Beer Hall Which
killed 6 people, It was supposed to kill Hitler
but he left 15 minutes before the bomb exploded.
(Pitty he didnt have another Beer) - 9 April 1940
- Germany invades Denmark but they dont fight
back. - 14 June 1940
- Germany take control of Paris.
- December 1940
- Japan joins in with the war on Germanys side.
Italy invade Greece. (It's the Romans and Greeks
all over again) - 10 May 1941
- Rudolf Hess tries to persuade Churchill to share
the rest of the world with Germany. Britain then
think Hess is potty and lock him up for his
terribly long life. - 22 June 1941
- Hitler invades Russia but the Soviets will not
give in.
7 December 1941 Japanese warplanes bomb the US
Navy in Pearl Harbour, Hawaii. 30-31 May
1942 The RAF bombs Cologne and does more damage
than the Germans did in one full week bombing
London. February 1943 Soviet Russia defeat the
Germans at Stalingrad in one of the bloodiest
battles in WWII. 6 June 1944 D-Day, Allies land
in France and liberated them against the German
invaders. 14 February 1945 Dresden, Germany is
bombed, churches and statues are destroyed.
(Happy Valentines day) 30 April 1945 Allies
surround Berlin. Adolf Hitler kills his wife, dog
and eventually himself. 7 May 1945 Germany
surrender and the war in Europe is over.
5Other events in WWII
- USSR vs. Germany
- Russia beat Germany in Stalingrad and the River
Volga. The Germans had started attacking the
Russians on 19 August 1942 and finished on 30th
January 1943. - 17th May 1942
- Hitlers Henchman, Reinhard Heydrich, was killed
by a freedom fighters bomb in the Czech capital