Chap 11. Message Authentication and Hash Functions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chap 11. Message Authentication and Hash Functions


e.g., ASCII text, an appended checksum, or use of layered protocols ... Append an error-detecting code (frame check ... The hash value is appended at the source ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chap 11. Message Authentication and Hash Functions

Chap 11.Message Authentication and Hash
  • Authentication Requirements
  • Authentication Functions
  • Message Authentication Codes (MACs)
  • Hash Functions
  • Security of Hash Functions and MACs

Authentication Requirements
Authentication Requirements
  • Kind of attacks in the context of communications
    across a network
  • Disclosure
  • Traffic analysis
  • Masquerade
  • Content modification
  • Sequence modification
  • Timing modification
  • Source repudiation
  • Destination repudiation

Message Authentication
Digital Signature
Specialized Digital Signature
Authentication Requirements
Authentication Requirements
  • Message authentication
  • A procedure to verify that received messages come
    from the alleged source and have not been altered
  • Message authentication may also verify sequencing
    and timeliness
  • Digital signature
  • An authentication technique that also includes
    measures to counter repudiation by the source

Authentication Functions
Authentication Functions
  • Message authentication or digital signature
    mechanism can be viewed as having two levels
  • At lower level there must be some sort of
    functions producing an authenticator a value to
    be used to authenticate a message
  • This lower level functions is used as primitive
    in a higher level authentication protocol
  • Three classes of functions that may be used to
    produce an authenticator
  • Message encryption
  • Ciphertext itself serves as authenticator
  • Message authentication code (MAC)
  • A function of the message and a secret key that
    produces a fixed-length value that serves as the
  • Hash function
  • A function that maps a message of any length into
    a fixed-length hash value that serves as the

Message Encryption
Authentication Functions
  • Symmetric encryption can serve as authenticator
  • Symmetric encryption provides authentication as
    well as confidentiality
  • Requires recognizable plaintext or other
    structure to distinguish between well-formed
    legitimate plaintext and meaningless random bits
  • e.g., ASCII text, an appended checksum, or use of
    layered protocols
  • Public-key encryption also can serve as

Basic Uses of Message Encryption
Authentication Functions
Authentication Functions
Basic Uses of Message Encryption
Basic Uses of Message Encryption
Authentication Functions
Ways of Providing Structure - 1
  • Append an error-detecting code (frame check
    sequence (FCS) or checksum) to each message
    before encryption

Authentication Functions
Ways of Providing Structure - 2
  • Suppose all the datagrams except the IP header is
  • If an opponent substituted some arbitrary bit
    pattern for the encrypted TCP segment, the
    resulting plaintext would not include a
    meaningful header
  • Checksum
  • Sequence number

Message Authentication Code
Authentication Functions
  • Uses a shared secret key to generate a fixed-size
    block of data (known as a cryptographic checksum
    or MAC) that is appended to the message
  • MAC CK(M), where C is a MAC function
  • Assurances
  • Message has not been altered
  • Message is from the alleged sender
  • Message sequence is unaltered (requires internal
  • Similar to encryption but MAC algorithm need not
    be reversible

Authentication Functions
Basic Uses of MAC
Authentication Functions
Basic Uses of MAC
Why Use MACs?
Authentication Functions
  • Why not just use encryption?
  • Cleartext stays clear
  • MAC might be cheaper
  • Sometimes only authentication is needed
  • Broadcast
  • Authentication of executable codes
  • Sometimes need authentication to persist longer
    than the encryption (e.g., archival use)
  • Separation of authentication and confidentiality
    provides architectural flexibility
  • MAC does not provide a digital signature
  • Because both sender and receiver share the same

Hash Function
Authentication Functions
  • One-way hash function
  • Converts a variable size message M into fixed
    size hash code H(M) (Sometimes called a message
  • Unlike the MAC, a hash code does not use a key
    but is a function only of the input message
  • Provides message integrity
  • Can be used with encryption or a shared key for
  • E(M H(M)) identical to the internal error
    control strategy
  • M E(H(M)) a MAC
  • M signed H typical digital signature
  • E(M signed H)
  • M H(M K) keyed hash (no encryption)
  • E(M H(M K))

Authentication Functions
Basic Uses of Hash Function
Authentication Functions
Basic Uses of Hash Function
Authentication Functions
Basic Uses of Hash Function
Message Authentication Codes
  • MAC CK(M)
  • M is a variable-length message
  • K is a key shared only by sender and receiver
  • MAC is the fixed-length authenticator
  • Key length requirements
  • Sufficient key length to thwart brute-force
  • On average, require 2k-1 attempts for a k-bit key

Brute-force Attacks on MACs
  • Let k key length, n MAC length
  • Suppose confidentiality is not employed
    i.e., the opponent has access to plaintext
    messages and their associated MACs
  • If k gt n
  • Brute force gives 2(k-n) candidate keys
  • Given a known M1 and MAC1, with MAC1 CK1(M1),
    the cryptanalyst can perform MACi
    CKi(M1) for all possible key values Ki.
  • At least one key is guaranteed to produce a match
  • On average, a total of 2k/2n 2(k-n) keys will
    produce a match
  • Second round (a new M and MAC) reduces this to
    2(k-2n) candidate keys
  • On average, this requires ?k/n? rounds
  • If k ? n, one round should suffice

Attacks on MACs
  • Other attacks are possible, depending on the MAC
  • E.g., consider the following MAC algorithm
  • Let M (X1 X2 Xm) be a message that
    is treated as a concatenation of 64-bit blocks Xi
  • Define ?(M) X1 ? X2 ? ? ? ? ? Xm CK(M)
  • The opponent can attack the system as follows
  • Replace Xi by Yi for i 1 to m-1
  • Calculate Ym to produce the right checksum, and
    replace Xm by Ym
  • Ym Y1 ? Y2 ? ? ? ? ? Ym-1 ? ?(M)
  • The new message, Y1 thru Ym, with the original
    MAC will be accepted as authentic by the receiver
  • With this tactic, any message of length 64 ?
    (m-1) bits can be fraudulently inserted

Requirements for MAC Functions
  • Assume that an opponent knows the MAC function C
    but does not know K. Then the MAC function should
    have the following properties
  • Given M and Ck(M), it must be computationally
    infeasible to construct M s.t. Ck(M) Ck(M)
  • CK(M) should be uniformly distributed in the
    sense that for any M and M, PrCk(M) Ck(M)
    should be 2-n, where n is the length of the MAC
  • Let M be equal to some known transformation on
    M. That is, M f(M). In that case, PrCk(M)
    Ck(M) 2-n.

MAC Based on DES (CBC-MAC)
  • Last block of CBC mode of DES, with IV 0
  • Referred to as Data Authentication Algorithm
    (FIPS PUB 113 and ANSI standard (X9.17))
  • Security weaknesses have been discovered and it
    is being replaced (refer to Chap.12 CMAC)
  • Data Authentication Code (DAC) consists of 16 to
    64 leftmost bits of ON

Hash Functions
Hash Functions
  • h H(M)
  • M is a variable-length message
  • h is a fixed-length hash value
  • H is a hash function
  • The hash value is appended at the source
  • The receiver authenticates the message by
    recomputing the hash value
  • Because the hash function itself is not
    considered to be secret, some means is required
    to protect the hash value

Hash Function Requirements
Hash Functions
  • H can be applied to any size data block
  • H produces fixed-length output
  • H(x) is relatively easy to compute for any given
  • H is one-way, i.e., given h, it is
    computationally infeasible to find any x s.t. h
  • H is weakly collision resistant given x, it is
    computationally infeasible to find any y ? x s.t.
    H(x) H(y)
  • H is strongly collision resistant it is
    computationally infeasible to find any x and y
    s.t. H(x) H(y)

Hash Function Requirements
Hash Functions
  • (1) One-way property is essential for
  • (2) Weak collision resistance is necessary to
    prevent forgery
  • (3) Strong collision resistance is important for
    resistance to birthday attack
  • Relationships among the properties
  • (3) implies (2)
  • (3) implies (1)

Simple Hash Functions
Hash Functions
  • Operation of hash functions
  • The input is viewed as a sequence of n-bit blocks
  • The input is processed one block at a time in an
    iterative fashion to produce an n-bit hash
  • Simplest hash function Bitwise XOR of every
  • Ci bi1 ? bi2 ? ? bim
  • Ci i-th bit of the hash code, 1 ? i ? n
  • m number of n-bit blocks in the input
  • bij i-th bit in j-th block
  • Known as longitudinal redundancy check
  • Not useful as a one-way function
  • Less effective in some cases
  • E.g., if only 7-bit out of 8-bit characters is
    used in text files, the 128-bit hash value is
    effectively 112-bit
  • We will encounter strong hash functions in Chap.12

Simple Hash Functions
Hash Functions
  • Improvement over the simple bitwise XOR
    (Rotated XOR)
  • Initially set the n-bit hash value to zero
  • Process each successive n-bit block of data as
  • Rotate the current hash value to the left by one
  • XOR the block into the hash value
  • Effect on randomizing the input

Iterated Hash Functions
Hash Function
  • Suppose that f 0,1nb ? 0,1n is a
    compression function (where b ? 1).
  • CV0 IV initial n-bit value,
  • CVi f(CVi-1, Yi-1), 1 ? i ? L,
  • H(M) CVL ,
  • where the input to the hash function is a
    message M consisting of the blocks Y0, Y1, ,

Iterated Hash Functions
Hash Function
  • Merkle-DamgÃ¥rd Construction
  • If the compression function is collision
    resistant, then so is the resultant iterated hash
    function (formal proof is given)
  • The problem of designing a secure hash function
    reduces to that of designing a collision-resistant
    compression function that operates on inputs of
    some fixed size
  • Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-1)
  • An iterated hash function with a 160-bit message
  • In 2005, NIST announced the intension to phase
    out approval of SHA-1
  • Collisions in the complete hash function SHA-1
    were found using 269 operations
  • Far fewer than the 280 operation previously
  • SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512 are recommended

Birthday Paradox for Birthday Attack
Birthday Attack
  • Given a hash function H with n possible outputs
    and a specific value h, how many random inputs
    must we test before our chance of finding some x
    s.t. h H(x) is greater than 1/2 ?
  • Obviously it is n/2
  • For any single value y, Prh H(y) 1/n
  • Equivalently, Prh ? H(y) 1 - 1/n
  • If we generate k random values, the probability
    that none of them matches h is 1 - 1/nk
  • The binomial theorem states that(1-a)k 1 - ka
    - (k(k-1)/2!)a2 (k(k-1)(k-2)/3!)a3
  • For small a, this is approximately 1 - ka
  • So the probability that one of the k random
    values matches is 1 - (1 - 1/n)k ?
  • For probability 1/2, k ? n/2

Birthday Paradox
Birthday Attack
  • Given k random inputs, what is the chance that
    any two of them produce the same output?
  • Let Prn, k be the probability that among k
    independently selected random values taken from n
    possible values, there is at least one duplicate
  • Let Q(n, k) denote the probability of no
  • Let N(k) be the number of different ways we can
    have k values with no duplicates
  • N(1) n
  • N(2) n ? n-1
  • N(3) n ? n-1 ? n-2
  • N(k) n ? n-1 ? n-2 ? n-k1 n! / (n-k)!
  • Q(n, k) n! / ((n-k)! ? nk)
  • If we allow duplicates, the number of selections
    is nk
  • Prn, k 1 - Q(n, k)
  • Example Pr365, k is approximately 1/2 when k
    is 23.

Birthday Paradox
Birthday Attack
Birthday Paradox - Generalization
Birthday Attack
  • Rewriting,
  • Prn, k 1 - (n ? (n-1) ? ? (n-k1))/nk
    1 - (n-1)/n ? (n-2)/n ? ? (n-k1)/n
    1 - (1 - 1/n) ? (1 - 2/n) ? ? (1 -
  • Because (1-x) ? e-x for all x ? 0, we can write
  • Prn, k ? 1 - (e-1/n ? e-2/n ? ?
    e-(k-1)/n) ? 1 - e-(1/n 2/n
    (k-1)/n) ? 1 - e-(k(k-1))/2n
  • Solving for Prn, k ? 0.5,
  • 1/2 1 - e-(k(k-1))/2n, so 1/2
    e-(k(k-1))/2n, so 2 e(k(k-1))/2n, so
    ln(2) (k(k-1))/2n
  • For large k, k ? k-1, giving ln(2) ? k2/2n
  • So k ? 1.18 ?n
  • In rough terms, k ? ?n

Birthday Paradox - Generalization
Birthday Attack
  • Let a hash function H have m-bit output (i.e., 2m
    possible outputs). What is the value of k s.t.
    if H is applied to k random inputs, a duplicate
    is likely? (i.e., H(x) H(y) for some inputs x
    and y)
  • Approximately k ? 2m/2

Birthday Paradox Overlap b/w Two Sets
Birthday Attack
  • Given a random variable that is an integer with
    uniform distribution between 1 and n and two sets
    of k instances (k ? n) of the random variable,
    let R(n, k) be the probability that two sets are
    not disjoint i.e., the probability that there is
    at least one value found in both.
  • What value of k is required s.t. R(n,k) gt 0.5 ?
  • Approximately k ? ?n
  • Suppose we have a hash function H, with 2m
    possible outputs (i.e., an m-bit output). Apply H
    to k random inputs to produce the set X and again
    to k additional random inputs to produce the set
  • What must be the value of k so that there is the
    probability of at least one match between the two
    sets i.e., H(x) H(y) for some inputs x ? X, y
    ? Y ?
  • Approximately k ? 2m/2

Birthday Attack
Birthday Attack
  • If the adversary can generate 2m/2 variants of a
    valid message and an equal number of fraudulent
  • The two sets are compared to find one message
    from each set with a common hash value
  • The valid message is offered for signature
  • The fraudulent message with the same hash value
    is inserted in its place
  • If a 64-bit hash code is used, the level of
    effort is only on the order of 232
  • Conclusion the length of the hash code must be

Birthday Attack
Generating 2m/2 Variants of Valid Messages
  • Insert a number of
  • space-backspace-space
  • character pairs between
  • words throughout the
  • document.
  • Variations could then be
  • generated by substituting
  • space-backspace-space
  • in selected instances
  • Alternatively, simply
  • reword the message but
  • retain the meaning

Block Chaining Techniques
Hash Function
  • Hash functions based on using a cipher block
    chaining technique, but without the secret key
  • Rabins proposal
  • Divide a message M into fixed-size blocks M1, M2,
    , MN and use a symmetric encryption system such
    as DES to compute the hash code G as follows
  • H0 initial value
  • Hi EMiHi-1
  • G HN
  • Similar to CBC technique, but no secret key
  • As with any hash code, subject to the birthday
  • If DES is used, and only a 64-bit hash code is
    produced, then the system is vulnerable
  • Another version of birthday attack is possible

Birthday Attack to Block Chaining
Hash Function
  • Meet-in-the-Middle Attack
  • Assume the opponent intercepts a message with a
    signature in the form of an encrypted hash code
    and the unencrypted hash code is m bits long
  • Use the algorithm (Rabins) to calculate the
    unencrypted hash code G
  • Construct any desired message in the form Q1, Q2,
    , QN-2
  • Compute Hi EQiHi-1 for 1 ? i ? (N-2)
  • Generate 2m/2 random blocks for each block X,
    compute EXHN-2. Generate an additional 2m/2
    random blocks for each block Y, compute DYG.
  • Based on birthday paradox, with high probability
    there will be an X and Y s.t. EXHN-2 DYG
  • Form the message Q1, Q2, , QN-2, X, Y. This
    message has the hash code G and therefore can be
    used with the intercepted encrypted signature

Brute-Force Attack of Hash Functions
Security of Hash Functions and MACs
  • Three desirable properties of hash functions
  • One-way For any given code h, it is
    computationally infeasible to find x s.t. H(x)
  • Weak collision resistance For any given block x,
    it is computationally infeasible to find y ? x
    s.t. H(y) H(x)
  • Strong collision resistance It is
    computationally infeasible to find any pair (x,
    y) s.t. H(y) H(x)
  • Brute-force attack on n-bit hash code
  • One-way and weak collision require 2n effort
  • Strong collision requires 2n/2 effort
  • If strong collision resistance is required (and
    this is desirable for a general-purpose secure
    hash code), 2n/2 determines the strength of hash
    code against brute-force attack
  • Currently, two most popular hash codes, SHA-1 and
    RIPEMD-160, provide a 160-bit hash code length
  • However, even 160 bits is now considered weak

Brute-Force Attack of MACs
Security of Hash Functions and MACs
  • Desired security property of a MAC algorithm
  • Computation resistance Given one or more
    text-MAC pairs (xi, CK(xi)), it is
    computationally infeasible to compute any
    text-MAC pair (x, CK(x)) for any new input x ? xi
  • Brute-force attack on key space or MAC space
  • Brute-force key space search for k-bit key
  • Overall effort is roughly 2k
  • Brute-force MAC space search for n-bit MAC value
  • Require chosen text-MAC pairs or knowledge of the
  • Overall effort is roughly 2n
  • The level of effort for brute-force attack on a
    MAC algorithm is min(2k, 2n)
  • It is required min(k, n) ? N, where N ? 128

Chapter 11 Homework
  • Prob. 11.4, 11.7
  • Due by June 16, 2006
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