Title: ROMANS 9 11
1ROMANS 9 11
- A Very Difficult and Controversial Passage in
Romans - Dealing with the Election, Salvation, and
Restoration of Israel
2A. How God ELECTS Israel (Romans 9) Divine
Sovereignty Human Responsibility
- Paul points out several characteristics of divine
election of Israel
- Election is Based on Divine...
- Blessings
- The special privileges enjoyed by Israel (vv.1-5)
3A. How God ELECTS Israel (Romans 9) Divine
Sovereignty Human Responsibility
- Election is based on Divine
- Promises
- Isaac was a child of promise, but not Ishmael
(vv.6-9) - Jacob was chosen, but Esau was rejected
(vv.10-14) - Mercies
- The case of Moses and Pharaoh (vv.15-23)
4A. How God ELECTS Israel (Romans 9) Divine
Sovereignty Human Responsibility
- Theological issues
- Is divine sovereignty compatible with human
responsibility? - b) How can Pharaoh be held accountable if there
is a divine hardening of his heart?
5B. How God SAVES Israel (Romans 10) Divine
Righteousness And Human Faith
- Emphasis on righteousness to be attained by faith
(vv. 1-8) - - Essentially a reiteration of Romans 3 4
- Integration of heart and mouth in salvation (vv.
9-10) - - What is affirmed in the heart should also be
confessed with the mouth
6B. How God SAVES Israel (Romans 10) Divine
Righteousness And Human Faith
- A Need To
- 3. Call upon Jesus to be saved (vv.1011-13)
- There is only one way to be saved for both Jews
and Gentiles
7C. How God RESTORES Israel (Rom11)Divine Plan
For Gentiles And Israel
God has an inclusive plan for Jews and Gentiles
- The Unbelief of Israel has Led to the Inclusion
of Gentiles - Salvation of Gentiles was to arouse the jealousy
of Israel (v.11) - Gentiles have been grafted into the Jewish olive
tree (v.17)
8C. How God RESTORES Israel (Rom11)Divine Plan
For Gentiles And Israel
God has an inclusive plan for Jews and Gentiles
- 2. God Treats Both Jews and Gentiles Equally
- Gentiles should not become arrogant (vv.18-22)
- Israel will be restored one day (vv.23-31)
9C. How God RESTORES Israel (Rom11)Divine Plan
For Gentiles And Israel
God has an inclusive plan for Jews and Gentiles
- 3. Gods Wisdom and Knowledge are Beyond Human
Comprehension - Divine election will always remain a mystery to
human beings (vv.32-36) - Should evoke humility, dependence and praise from
10C. How God RESTORES Israel (Rom11)Divine Plan
For Gentiles And Israel
- Theological issues
- Is there a restoration of physical Israel to its
own land? - b) How should Christians regard modern Israel?
- Divine mercy is a central issue in Romans 9 11
(mentioned 8 times) - What should be our personal response to Gods
mercy? See Rom. 121