Title: The MICE collaboration
MICE in 2011
The International Muon Ionization Cooling
2MICE Collaboration life can be explored
here http//mice.iit.edu no credit card or ID
required See in particular weekly news for
recent developments and collaboration
meetings for overview See MICE proposal and
technical reference document for more details
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5 10 cooling of 200 MeV/c muons requires 20 MV
of RF single particle measurements gt
measurement precision can be as good as D ( e
out/e in ) 10-3 never done before
Coupling Coils 12
Spectrometer solenoid 1
Matching coils 12
Spectrometer solenoid 2
Matching coils 12
Focus coils 1
Focus coils 2
Focus coils 3
Beam PID TOF 0 Cherenkovs TOF 1
RF cavities 1
RF cavities 2
Downstream TOF 2 particle ID KL and SW
Liquid Hydrogen absorbers 1,2,3
Incoming muon beam
Trackers 1 2 measurement of emittance in and
6- Challenges of MICE
- (these things have never been done before)
- Operate RF cavities of relatively low frequency
(201 MHz) at high gradient (nominal 8MV/m in
MICE, 16 MV/m with 8 MW and LN2 cooled RF
cavities) - in highly inhomogeneous magnetic fields (1-3
T) - dark currents (can heat up LH2), breakdowns
- 2. Hydrogen safety (substantial amounts of LH2
in vicinity of RF cavities) - 3. Emittance measurement to relative precision of
10-3 in environment of RF bkg - requires
- low mass (low multiple scattering) and
precise tracker - fast and redundant to fight
dark-current-induced background - precision Time-of-Flight for particle phase
determination (3.60 50 ps) - complete set of PID detectors to eliminate
beam pions and decay electrons - and
7- Requirements on detectors for MICE
- Must be sure to work on muons
- 1.a use a pion/muon decay channel with 5T,
5m long decay solenoid - 1.b reject incoming pions and electrons
- TOF over 6m with 70 ps resolution
threshold Cherenkov - 1.c reject decays in flight of muons
- downstream PID (TOF2 calorimeter set
up) - 2. Measure all 6 parameters of the muons x,y,t,
x, y, ?zE/Pz - tracker in magnetic field, TOF
- 3. Resolution on above quantities must be better
than 10 of rms of beam - at equilibrium emittance to ensure correction
is less than 1. - resolution must be measured
- 4. Detectors must be robust against RF radiation
and field emission -
Design of MICE detectors and beam test results
have satisfied the above requirements
8Aspirational MICE Schedule as of April 2008
Febuary-July 2008
September 2008
November 2008 to summer 2009
Delivery of 1st FC october 2009!
spring 2010
Q4 2010 -2011
MICE Hall R5.2
10THE MICE COLLABORATION -130 collaborators-
- Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
- University of Sofia, Bulgaria
- The Harbin Institute for Super Conducting
Technologies PR China - INFN Milano, INFN Napoli, INFN Pavia, INFN Roma
III, INFN Trieste, Italy - KEK, Kyoto University, Osaka University, Japan
- NIKHEF, The Netherlands
- Geneva University, Paul Scherrer Institut
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12Beam Line Runs at 1 Hz (1/50 of ISIS 50 Hz)
Nominally 600 muons in 1 ms time gate fine
structure of 50 ns width separated by 300 ns
(3MHz ISIS RF) Pmuon 140MeV/c to 240 MeV/c
Dp/p 15 Emittance from 2-3 to 10
pi.m.mrad Purity gt99 muons Range in momentum
could be slightly extended up to 400
MeV/c(purity?) More muons is probably excluded
except by rebuilding the target for higher rep
rate Instrumentation -- 2 Cherenkovs for high
mom. mu/pi separation -- TOF with 50 ps
resolution from Q6 to Q9 (x, y, t coordinates for
each particle) -- Beam profile monitors --
Diffuser with 5 different thicknesses of lead
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two identical trackers with 5 planes of 3-views,
440 ?m point resolution achieved scintillating
fiber detector read-out with VPLCs (7-fold
ganging of 350 ?m diameter fibers) Embedded in
4T solenoid 40cm inner bore with 5 tuneable
coils providing constant B field optical
match. TOF tracker can measure 6D emittance to
sub- precision for MICE eq. emittance.
15Spectrometer solenoids
16KL calorimeter
SW calorimeter
Spectrometer solenoid
TOF and shielding
17MICE DAQ Trigger
Gva, Sofia, UK, IIT, Osaka
data rate 1MHz
- DATE framework (ALICE expt _at_cern)
- Readout by VME
- Trigger signals and run modes established
- Control and monitoring established (Daresbury)
Controls working for beam magnets, March 14
2008 Electronic Logbook, March 15 2008 DAQ
working in MICE Stage 1, 4 April 2008
18software, analysis DATA Challenge
1. Basic simulation and reconstruction of MICE is
complete for the various steps Both G4MICE and
MUCOOL are used. 2. Putting it all together to
do analysis (particle reconstruction, particle ID
algorithms Single particle amplitude and
emittance calculations, etc) 3. Shortage of
hands (general in MICE) is particularly felt here.
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20Cooling infrastructure -- 8 MW of RF power at
201.45 MHz -- 8 RF cavities (40 cm long, pill box
with Be windows, 22 cm radius aperture) -- can
provide 23 MV at room temperature and 8MV/m Or
50 more at Liquid N2 temperature. -- three
Liquid H2 absorbers 35 cm long and 30cm in
diameter -- H2 system -- three focus coil
pairs -- coupling coils
21Beyond PHASEII -- Ideas for Phase III
ONCE PHASEII will be completed, having equipped
the MICE hall with -- spectrometers, TOF and PID
able to measure emittance to 10-3 -- 8 MW of
201MHz RF power -- 23 MV of RF acceleration --
Liquid Hydrogen infrastructure and safety MICE
can become a facility to test new cooling
ideas. Such ideas were proposed
A. with the existing MICE hardware to test optics
beyond the neutrino Factory study II non flip
optics, low-beta optics (down to 5 cm vs 42 cm
nominal) other absorber materials He, Li, LiH,
etc.. LN2 cooled RF cavities
B. with additional hardware -- A. Skrinsky to
test a lithium lense available at Novosibirsk --
Muons Inc. to test a section of helicoidal
channel (MANX) -- B. Palmer proposed a poor
mans concept of 6D cooling
The cooling infrastructure at RAL will represent
a considerable
asset (est. 30M) To which should be added know
how, software etc (unvaluable) In 2001 we
thought this could be made in 3 years! We are
grateful for Muons Inc. help in the present
program and are welcoming discussions and
plans for the future.