Title: The Washington Wine Industry
1The Washington Wine Industry
2Washington Wine Industry
- Ranks second nationally in wine production
- Explosive growth more than doubling in past
decade - More than 300 wine grape growers
- More than 200 Wineries statewide
- Record 2001 harvest 97,600 tons
- Red to white wine grape ratio
- 57 percent red to 43 percent white
3Washington Wine Industry
- Wine Grape Acreage
- 2001 29,000 acres (estimated)
- 1999 24,000 acres
- 1993 11,100 acres
4Washington Wine Industry
- Five Appellations
- 1. Yakima Valley 1983
- 2. Walla Walla Valley 1984
- 3. Columbia Valley 1984
- 4. Puget Sound 1995
- 5. Red Mountain 2001
5Washington Wine Industry
- Winery Growth
- 1981 19 wineries
- 1996 80 wineries
- 1997 - 100 wineries
- 1998 - 129 wineries
- 1999 151 wineries
- 2000 163 wineries
- 2001 170 wineries
- Wine Production Growth
- 1980 2 million gallons
- 1996 7 million gallons
- 1997 7.5 million gallons
- 1998 9 million gallons
- 1999 10 million gallons
- 2000 11 million gallons
- 2001 11.5 million gallons estimated
6Washington Wine Industry
- State Economic Impact is 2.4 billion annually
- Full-time equivalent wine-related jobs 11,250
- Producing 5.3 million cases (63.6 million/750 ml
bottles) - Retail value 628.4 million
- Wine-related wages paid 350.2 million
- Washington State winery revenues 288.7 million
- Total value of Washington State Wine exported out
of state 224.8 million - Taxes paid 72.6 million
- Value of Washington State wine grape crop 63.7
million - Charitable contributions 2.8 million
7(No Transcript)
8Washington Wine A Quality Leader
Wine Spectator Ratings 90 Past Year
Source Wine Spectator, all vintages rated past
12 months
9Wines Scoring 90 and AboveWhite Wine
- Napa 10.0
- Sonoma 25.5
- California 17.5
- Washington 20.8
- Australia 12.6
Source Wine Spectator, all vintages rated past
12 months
10Wines Scoring 90 and AboveRed Wines
- Napa 34.7
- Sonoma 16.2
- California 21.5
- Washington 30.2
- Australia 21.8
Source Wine Spectator, all vintages rated past
12 months
11Quality, diversity, value, innovation and
The results they have achieved in a single
generation is nothing short of astonishing
Wine Enthusiast Magazine
12From the Heart of Washington
- A Statewide campaign launched June 2002 by
Governor Gary Locke - All agricultural producers are participating
wine, apples, seafood, poultry, etc - POS available banners, window clings, stickers,
shelf talkers - Advertising to include radio, newspaper, and
television - All major retailers participating