Title: Commercial Awareness for Project Managers
1Commercial AwarenessforProject Managers
Types of Contract Managing the Client/Contractor
Interface Managing Instructions, Variations and
Claims Payment Contract Completion
2Types of Contract
- Fixed Price
- Time and Materials
- Cost-Reimbursable
- And various hybrids.
3Managing the client/contractor interface
- Roles and responsibilities
- Review meetings
- Document control
4Roles and Responsibilities
- Named in the contract
- Administration and management delegated
- Empowered to make decisions
Probably one on each side
5Review Meetings
- Often at Director Level
- Scheduled within the contract
- Potentially three types, or levels
6Document Control
To control all communications between the two
An authorised decision is made
7Managing instructions, variations and claims
- instructions
- variations
- claims
8Managing instructions and variations
- Must be issued in writing
- By an appropriate authority
- Contractor must acknowledge receipt
- The cost of additional work must be agreed
Should NOT be actioned by the contractor if
- Issued orally
- By the incorrect authority within the client
- By the contractor without authority
9Managing claims
Contractor encounters a problem
Contractor identifies cost implication
Verbal warning to client project mgr.
Contractor presents written details of claim
Client considers
Client disagrees with claim
Client approves claim issues variation
Client/Contractor negotiation
Contractor receives partial settlement
Contractor receives payment
- Against pre-determined milestones
- Against valuations of the work achieved to-date
The Project Manager will authorise or provide
11Contract Completion
- Practical completion
- Sectional completion
- Defects and making good
- Final account
First Final
Completion Certificate Retention Fund Unresolved
Issues Snagging List Defects liability period