Title: Electronic Portfolios
1Electronic Portfolios
- Deborah Romaine, Language Arts Teacher, H.H.
Wells Middle School - Steven Moskowitz, Director of Information Systems
and Instructional Technology - Brewster Central School District
2Electronic Portfolios
- What are they?
- How can they enhance teaching and learning?
- How do schools use them?
- Product review, costs, logistics
3Basic Elements of a Portfolio
- Collection of student work over time
- Samples across disciplines or in one subject area
in a variety of styles to show student progress - Reflections on work completed that focus the
student on his/her own growth - Often presented in the form of a book or binder
4Sample Student Portfolio
5Elements of an Electronic Portfolio
- Collections of student work, including documents,
presentations, and any other media in various
subject areas - Work organized in categories
- Reflections of work completed
- Digital images to represent each file
- Comment window within each document
6Sample Student Portfolio
7(No Transcript)
8The Three Most Common Types of Portfolios
- The working portfolio, which contains
- projects the student is currently
- working on or has recently completed.
- The display portfolio, which showcases
- samples of the students best work.
- The assessment portfolio, which
- presents work demonstrating that
- the student has met specific learning
- goals and requirements.
9The Process of Portfolio Development
Selection The development of criteria for
choosing items to include in the portfolio based
on established learning objectives. Collection
The gathering of items based on the portfolios
purpose, audience, and future use. Reflection
Statements about the significance of each item
and of the collection as a whole. Direction
A review of the reflections that looks ahead and
sets future goals. Connection The creation
of hypertext links and publications, providing
the opportunity for feedback.
10Electronic Portfolio Benefits
- Showcase digital work
- Digitize work over time, possibly a students
total time in a district - Holds considerably more work than paper
portfolios - Share work with others via the web
- Includes area to comment by viewers
- Ability to export work to a CD
11Benefits to the Student
- Students can showcase their work
- Students can view others work within the writing
process - Students can present work to a larger audience
- Students can refine the writing process and
become reflective writers
12Benefits to the Teacher
- Assessment over time vs. high stakes testing
- Integrating technology to develop tech skills
- Kids World using the computer increases
motivation - Web management provides ease of use
13Electronic Portfolio Software Functions
- Student setup and creation
- Features
- Archiving
- Sharing
- Site Management
- Teacher Management
15Electronic Portfolio Elements
- Web based program
- Students can work from school or home
- Students can upload documents and files
- Backup is provided
16Electronic Portfolio Elements
- Security
- Management
- Costs
- Training Issues
17Using Electronic Portfolios in Brewster
- Our Journey
- What went right? What did not go so right...
- Technology Issues
- Teacher/Admin Buy-in to Merits
- Where are we now?
18Implementing in the Classroom
- Where does this fit in curriculum?
- Process
- Assignments
- Classroom management
19Where does this fit in the Curriculum?
- Enhances the writing process
- Provides models of student writing in pre-writing
stage - Provides a venue for revision
- Provides a place to publish and share
- Students write their bios at start of school
- Students are taught how to use program on first
piece - Each quarter students enter 1-2 pieces
- Finalize portfolio for final exam assessment in
- Students create writing pieces in genres
established in the curriculum - Feedback is provided by teacher
- Students use feedback to revise piece
- Final piece is uploaded to portfolio
- Student then reflects on learning
- Work is published for others to review
22English 8 Portfolio
- Personalize Home page with image and welcome
- Write autobiographical sketch for Bio. page
- Create 8th grade English category page
- Include at least 5 documents from year
- Upload image and write reflection for each
23Classroom Management
- Teacher demonstrates program on Smartboard
- Students use portable lab to create documents and
upload to portfolio - Teacher can access passwords
- Teacher can review days work via web
24Sample Portfolios
- Blank Portfolio
- Portfolio in Progress
- End of Year Portfolio
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27Sample Projects
- http//www.brewsterschools.org/pp/Students/Default
.aspx?studentId409 - http//www.brewsterschools.org/pp/Students/Defaul
t.aspx?studentId4809 - http//www.brewsterschools.org/pp/Students/Defaul
28Next Steps in Brewster
- Re-introduce product
- Discover new applications for its use
- Potential in research projects
- TBD..
29Electronic Portfolio Products
- Brewster Product - Pupil Pages
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31(No Transcript)
32(No Transcript)
- Dr. Helen Barretts Electronic Portfolio page
- http//electronicportfolios.org/
- Teacher Tap Electronic Portfolio Page
- http//eduscapes.com/tap/topic82.htm
- Education Word Electronic Portfolio article and
resources - http//www.educationworld.com/a_tech/tech/tech111.
shtml - Mrs. Romaines Electronic Portfolio Rubric
(Brewster) - http//www.brewsterschools.org/site/technology/epr
ubric.pdf -
34Thank You!