Title: IEEE 802 Emergency Services Tutorial
1IEEE 802 Emergency Services Tutorial
Authors Scott Henderson Manfred Arndt Richard
Paine Allan Thomson Matthew Gast Chair Stephen
McCann stephen.mccann_at_roke.co.uk
- This submission has been formed from the
individual presentations made during the IEEE 802
Emergency Services Tutorial on 16th July 2007,
San Francisco, California, USA.
3IEEE 802 Emergency Services Tutorial
- 2000 Introduction Stephen McCann
- 2005 Regulations (An Engineers Viewpoint)
Scott Henderson - 2020 802.1AB Location Manfred Arndt
- 2035 802.11v Location Dave Stephenson
- 2050 802.11u Matthew Gast
- 2120 Authority Authority Richard Paine
- Questions/Next Steps Stephen McCann
4- Emergency Services Regulations (An Engineers
Viewpoint) - G. Scott Henderson
- Research In Motion
5Emergency Services Organizations
- Government
- UE Commission (Expert Group on Emergency Access
- US DoT
- Emergency Services Project in Austria
- Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications
Commission (CRTC) - ES
- NENA National Emergency Number Assoc.
- APCO Assoc. of Public Safety Communications
Officials - Standards
- WiMAX Forum
- WiFi Alliance
6Some of the Regulations/Standards
- Wireless Communications and Public Safety Act of
1999, Pub. L. No. 106-81, 113 Stat. 1286, 2(b)
(1999) (911Â Act). - U.S. Senate Bill 2007 S428 (amends The Wireless
Communications and Public Safety Act of 1999 (47
U.S.C. 615 et seq.) to include IP services) - FCC
PROPOSED RULEMAKING - FCC 94-102 Docket no 94-102 including order
numbers 96-264, 99-96, 99-245 - FCC DA 05-2945 November 28, 2005 Interconnected
VoIP 911 Compliance Letters - EIA/J-STD-034-1997, Wireless Enhanced Emergency
Services - TIA-J-STD-036-B Enhanced Wireless 9-1-1 Phase 2,
06/2005 - NENA Interim VoIP Architecture for Enhanced 9-1-1
Services (i2) - EU Requirements (ETSI EMTEL, TISPAN, EGEA)
- ROW requirements
7Distillation Requirements as they affect IEEE
802 Now
- Location (Automatic Location Identifier)
- Initial with MS ES request
- Enhanced upon NSAP request
- Most regulatory domains require, some are opt in
only - Support for callback
- Unauthenticated calls
- Roaming and non roaming
- Multi level priority for calls (not universal)
- Multi level priority for LBS (location based
services) flows (not universal)
8Future Requirements
- Automated emergency calls
- NG911
- Support for non voice ES connections
9Location Issues
- FCC 05-116 indicated multiple times that MS
assisted location was OK for a start but long
term must include a method for determining a
users location without assistance from the user - Further, wireless VoIP should eventually be
equivalent to cellular for 9-1-1 services - NENA has indicated that current cellular
performance is inadequate and are requesting
requirements be tightened - Handover after initiation could affect enhanced
location requests, callback
10Current Location Requirements
- Carriers are required to have the capability to
identify the latitude and longitude of the mobile
units making 911 calls - For network-based
solutions 100 meters for 67 of calls, and 300
meters for 95 of calls For handset-based
solutions 50 meters for 67 of calls, and 150
meters for 95 of calls
11Other Location Interests
- Lawful Intercept (CALEA, RIPA, etc.)
- Communications Asssistance for Law Enforcement
Act, Pub. L. No. 103-414, 108 Stat. 4279 (1994)
(codified as amended in sections of 18 U.S.C. and
47 U.S.C.) - Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement
Act, Report and Order, CC Docket No. 97-213,
released March 15, 1999 (First Report and
Order) - Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement
Act, Report and Order, CC Docket No. 97-213,
released August 31, 1999 (Second Report and
Order) - Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement
Act, Report and Order, CC Docket No. 97-213,
released August 31, 1999 (Third Report and
Order) - Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act
and Broadband Access and Services, ET Doc.
04-295, 19 FCC Rcd 15676 (Aug. 9, 2004) (CALEA
and Broadband Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and
Declaratory Ruling) - Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act
and Broadband Access and Services, ET Doc.
04-295, released September 23, 2005 (CALEA and
Broadband First Report and Order) - FCC regulations 47 C.F.R (Subpart U) 64.100
et seq. - J-STD 025B (TIA/ANSI)
- Location Based Commercial Services
- Prevent erroneous AP setup
- Loss of spectrum in Canada, possibly France
12802.1AB-Rev Proposal for Device Specific Location
Delivery over Wireless LANsManfred Arndt -
13Key Emergency Service Location Steps1
- Determination - process used to calculate or
measure the physical location. For wireless,
this involves measurement methods (signal
strength triangulation, time of arrival, etc) - Acquisition - protocol mechanism used to deliver
location info to clients - Conveyance - protocol mechanism use by clients to
deliver location to routing elements and Public
Service Access Point (PSAP). This will be
PIDF-LO2 elements in the SIP header as defined by
IETF Geopriv WG
1. NENA VoIP Location Working Group Background -
Location Requirements 2. Presence Information
Data Format (PIDF) for Location Objects (LO)
14Wireless Location Determination
- Let access network interact with drivers and
physical layer to determine enhanced location
accuracy - Softphone application are user space programs
that do not need to be involved with location
determination and must not require driver
specific knowledge for every access technology on
a given device (e.g. GPRS, 802.11, 802.16, etc.) - Use simple low level frames to exchange signal
level, channel, etc. - Multiple mechanisms are required, to support
clients without 11v capabilities, proprietary
vendor specific solutions, etc. - Must keep unnecessary complexity out of driver,
since this exposes too many security and
buffer-over run vulnerabilities
15Location Acquisition
- Define a mechanism applicable across all IEEE 802
networking technologies for the access network to
deliver location info to clients - Must not require softphone application to use a
unique interfaces for every technology supported
on a given device (e.g. GPRS, 802.11, 802.16,
etc.) - This is a management protocol that does not
belong in a kernel space - Very low interest in 11v 11k from several
radio chipset manufacturers - Must not require any driver modifications
- Must be able to support some level of client
location, via user mode SW only - Drivers updates for embedded devices is
challenging and in practice rarely done - New location formats, if defined, must not
require a new rev of driver (past experience has
shown that new formats are likely) - Must align with IETF ECRIT Emergency Call
Service architecture and IETF Geopriv
location-based services
16802.1AB-Rev Applicability to 802.11
- 802.1AB benefits
- 802.1AB operates above the MAC service layer, and
as such can be easily implemented, without
requiring any driver modifications - Reduced complexity with high interoperability
potential - Added benefit of supporting any type of location
based service (not just ECS) - Applicable to all IEEE 802 networks and would
provide common interface across many networking
technologies for ECS capable software
applications - 802.1AB (LLDP) and ANSI/TIA-1057 (LLDP-MED)
applicability - Industry accepted solution, already deployed in
many wired IP phones and Ethernet bridges - Believed all interfaces required for ECS location
delivery are defined today - Draft IETF Emergency Services Best Practices -
all telephone and mobile devices MUST support
LLDP-MED location (DHCP and yet to be defined L7
method must also be supported) - DHCP snooping and L7 mechanism not well suited
for fine-grain location delivery, since no
interface for interaction with access points and
servers are defined - 802.1AB-Rev applicability
- In the May 2007 Interim, it was decided to allow
sending LLDP to unicast addresses specifically to
support 802.11 stations - As such, LLDP-MED can provide physical location
delivery of the AP (via multicast) as well as
station specific location (via unicast)
17VoWLAN Location Overview
- AP can auto-discover its physical location via
LLDP-MED from wired bridge - Bridges must support LLDP-MED location delivery
anyway, for wired IP phones - Wireless stations would quickly discover new
physical location on roaming - 802.1AB-Rev fast-start provides timely location
discovery on roaming - 802.1AB-Rev rapid transmission provides timely
updates for moving stations with low overhead for
stationary devices (e.g. eliminates client where
am I? polling) - Device location reference point
- All APs must advertise AP specific location
using LLDP multicast (suitable for many cases) - APs capable of higher accuracy can optionally
advertise client specific location via
802.1AB-Rev unicast mode
- 802.1AB provides several advantages for physical
location delivery - MAC independent, well defined standard, that can
run in user space - Simple and effective with high interoperability
potential - Existing industry accepted solution, already
deployed on wired Ethernet - Supports both client specific location ("where am
I?") and network specific location ("where are
you?") to align with 802.11 requirements - Can provide common ECS interface across all 802
networking technologies - Already agreed on 802.1AB-Rev changes beneficial
to this proposal - Fast-start supports timely location discovery on
roaming - Rapid transmission well suited for timely updates
of moving stations and low overhead for
stationary devices (e.g. station doesnt have to
continuously poll AP) - Unicast address mode for client specific location
Recommend decoupling location determination from
acquisition in wireless and use LLDP-MED
19ANSI/TIA-1057 Location TLV
- Enables Physical Location Services, including
Emergency Call Service (ECS) - Supports NENA E911 and other location services
(for example NENA TID 07-501) - Multiple Location Formats Supported, and easily
extensible - Coordinate-based LCI (Location Configuration
Information) subtype as defined by IETF RFC 3825 - Civic Address LCI subtype defined by IETF RFC
4676 - ELIN (Emergency Location Identification Number)
subtype, for traditional PSAP Emergency Calls - One or more formats may be used simultaneously
for different endpoint requirements - Two ECS methods supported (End-device
Notification based) - Bridge advertises periodic location info for
endpoint to use - Bridge sends notification whenever a new endpoint
is detected or an endpoint moves
20- Wireless location
- Allan Thomson, Cisco
213 Important Presence Requirements
- Capability Advertisement
- The ability for the infrastructure and STAs to
advertisement their capabilities - Location determination
- The ability to control and manage location
determination features of wireless devices - Location determination is necessary for reliable
and accurate location to be distributed - Location distribution
- The ability to distribute location information
between wireless infrastructure and wireless STAs
22Capability Advertisement
- Requirement to provide unique capability exchange
per STA - Not all STAs will require the same information
formatetc - AP must respond to location requests if AP
advertises capability - STAs advertise their location capabilities in
Beacons, Probe Responses, (Re)Association
Requests - Capability information includes
- Format (CIVIC, Geo, Location by Referenceetc)
- Encoding (Binary, XMLetc)
- Resolution
- Capable of providing
- self-location
- remote-location
23Location Determination Requires
- Reliable and timely communication of frames from
a STA - STA frames must be detected close-in-time by
multiple APs - Appropriate presence policy applied by APs for
all associated STAs - Goal To provide measurements necessary for high
accuracy above associated AP accuracy
24Typical Location Determination Messages
25Floor Level Accuracy Requirement
- Determining correct floor is required for
in-building presence and emergency services - Within buildings devices (e.g. phones) can
associate to any AP on any floor - Depends on RF Coverage
- Phone presence announcements seen on multiple
floors - Location determination resolves appropriate floor
based on all measurements
26Building Accuracy Requirement
- Determining correct building is required for
presence and emergency services - Across buildings devices (phones) can associate
to any AP in any building within RF coverage
27Location Determination Requirements
- AP Responsibilities
- Manages setup of STA presence messages for
- Frequency
- Stationary and In Motion parameters
- Interframe Interval
- Timing Measurements
- Channel set
- Channel Numbers and Regulatory Class
- Policy administration
- AP can ensure all STAs in BSS conform to presence
reporting policies - Can disassociate STA if failure to comply
- Additional measurements in 11k such as
Measurement Request/Response help location
- STA Responsibilities
- Sends presence messages based on AP control
- Presence Messages include
- Radio information including
- Antenna gain, Transmit Power, Received RSNI,
Antenna ID for Rx and Tx - Timing Measurements
- Motion Indication
28Location Distribution Requirements
- Secure
- Complies with privacy rules around location
- Scalable
- Enables network to provide accurate location for
large number of clients - Timely
- Enables network to provide location very
close-in-time to emergency events or other
location events - Specific
- Enables network to provide location specific for
a device in the format and options it requires
29Location Distribution Request Based
- Meets all requirements
- Secure
- Sent by either AP or non-AP STA in unicast frame
with 802.11w encryption - Timely
- Options for one-shot On Demand or event-based
subscription - Specific
- STA can request its own location with options
- Format (CIVIC, Geoetc)
- Encoding (Binary, ASCII)
- Resolution (AP, XY, Buildingetc)
- Accuracy Estimate
- STA can request the APs location
- STA can provide its own location if capable of
self-determination - Scalable
- Single message when required
- Avoids continuous transmission of broadcasts or
30Location Distribution Broadcast
- Sent by APs in beacon or probe response
- Does not meet all requirements
- Not secure
- Can be seen by any non-associated STAs, security
risk? - For general location distribution, privacy is
required - For Emergency Services location distribution, no
privacy may be acceptable - Not timely
- Broadcast has to be scheduled very infrequently
- Not scalable
- No way of knowing which clients are using
location or not - Adds load to the infrastructure to provide
location when unclear who and what is using it - Wastes Over-The-Air bandwidth
- Not specific
- Broadcast relates to AP position not STAs
31TGv Meets Requirements
32Final Thoughts
- Location object format is common across TGv and
other protocols - Wireless location requires a protocol that fits a
dynamic physical environment - Supporting one protocol for location
determination and another for distribution
complicates the infrastructure and the client - Location requirements for wireless MAN systems
are equally, if not more, challenging - Location security and privacy critical issues
- TGv meets all requirements for wireless location
and emergency services
33- 802.11u and Emergency Services
- Matthew Gast
- Trapeze Networks
- Note This presentation is based on 802.11u-D1.0
and subject to change by future standards activity
34Major Features of 802.11u
- External network (SSPN) interface for extended
authorization - New QoS features
- Generic Advertising Service (GAS)
- Emergency services recommendations (informative)
- Use case 1 open network
- Use case 2 public credentials
35External Network (SSPN) Interface
- SSPN Subscription Service Provider Network
- SSP holds user credentials
- May build or partner with 802.11 access networks
- The SSPN may direct the STA-AN, for example by
- Requiring that a certain encryption type is used
(e.g. CCMP only) - Setting allowed access rates for different types
of traffic (e.g. 80 kbps voice, no video, and up
to 500 kbps best effort) - Specifying a minimum delay bound on transmitted
frames - Admission Control
- TSPEC processing is subject to authorized data
rates as specified by SSPN
36QoS Signaling in 802.11u
- Expedited Bandwidth Request
- 802.11 has only four categories (voice, video,
best effort, and background) - Many STAs may request high-priority voice service
- EBR allows a STA to describe the reason that it
is requesting service and the network can act
accordingly - Example emergency calls and first-responder
traffic can pre-empt normal voice traffic - QoS Map
- 802.11 QoS settings only affect last-hop access
QoS Map allows APs and STAs to extend
higher-layer QoS settings - Ensures correct QoS treatment of frames even if
destination networks use DSCP differently
37Generic Advertising Services (GAS)
- Interface to external information sources
- Example Carrier of 802.21 data
- Extensible for types beyond 802.21
- Native query mode
- Assists STA with information stored in the 802.11
access network - Example enhances scan for multi-SSID use, so
that a secondary SSID can be used for emergency
services - Operational details (in brief)
- Multicast/unicast operation
- Query size limits administrators can configure
response limit size - Emergency Services native query type of
38Emergency Services Use Case 1 Dedicated SSID
- Uses emergency services only (ESO) bit to
signal that the SSID can support emergency
services without any 802.11-level security - Network must enforce appropriate security (out of
scope for 802.11) - Network is locked down to emergency calls only
- e.g. dedicated VLAN, IP firewall
AP (11u-capable)
STA (11u-capable)
Beacon (w/ESO bit)
Note SSID list is optional used in
multi-SSID deployments
GAS Native Query (SSID list ES info)
GAS Native Query Response
Association Request
Association Response
ADDTS Request (w/Expedited BW Req.)
ADDTS Response
Restricted Network e.g. dedicated VLAN, IP
filtering, etc.
Initiate higher-layer call (e.g. SIP)
39Emergency Services Use Case 2 Public Credentials
- ESO calls have no cryptographic protection
(tampering, injection, forgery) - To provide cryptography, 802.11i security must be
used - Pre-shared key for all emergency networks is not
feasible - 802.11u provides a way for a network to set up an
emergency public credential to use EAP methods - EAP method needs clarification
AP (11u-capable)
STA (11u-capable)
GAS Native Query (emergency public credentials)
GAS Native Query Response (credentials)
Association Request
Association Response
EAPOL/EAP-Identity-Response (credentials)
EAP method authentication
4-Way Handshake
ADDTS Request (w/Expedited BW Request)
ADDTS Response
Initiate higher-layer call (e.g. SIP)
40- Authority and Emergency Services
- Richard Paine
- Boeing
- Police
- Fire
- Rescue
- Emergency Services
- Government Organization
- Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)
- Military
- Airport
- Airplane
- Ship
- Bus
- http//psc.wi.gov/apps5Cvia5Cdocument5C5TI1076
.pdf - E911 Authority" means a municipality or other
State or Local government unit, or an authorized
agent of one or more municipalities or other
State or Local government units to whom authority
has been lawfully as the administrative entity to
manage a public emergency telephone system for
emergency police, fire, and emergency medical
services through the use of one telephone number,
43PSTN Provider 911
- PSTN Wireless Service Providers offer physical
locations - PSTN Providers have agreements with 911
44Ethernet Provider 911
- Ethernet (802.3) Wired Service Providers offer
physical locations - Ethernet (802.3) Wired Service Providers have
agreements with 911 authorities
45Cellular Service Provider E911
- Cellular Wireless Service Providers offer GPS and
Cellular location - GPS location not generally avbl in-building
- Cellular location accuracy must be within 100m
- Providers have agreements with FCC
46802.11 Service Provider E911
- 802.11 Service Providers need to have 11k
location (any source) - 802.11 VOIP providers will have 11k or 11v
location - GPS location not generally avbl in-building
- WLAN RTLS location accuracy will be within 10m
- Enterprises with 802.11 have agreements with E911
47Large Enterprise E911
- Boeing has 60,000 seats of VOIP
- Awarded contract to supply E911 services via GW
- Future is VOIP over the WLAN
- Need to provide E911 locations via WLAN
- Labels on portable and mobile computing devices
48IEEE 802.11 E911 Issues
- Guns and hoses security
- Business Locations (mobile equipment and people)
- Assurances that identities are authentic
- Dumbing down technology to fit switched telephony
49Enterprise VOIP E911
- Caution911 service using this device may be
limited or unavailable.
50Use Case Boeing 1
MP Sensor
MP Sensor
Infrastructure Network
MP Sensor
MP Sensor
MP Sensor
MP Sensor
MP Sensor
MP Sensor
MP Sensor
MP Sensor
Primary Route Secondary Route
MP Sensor
51Use Case Boeing 2
52Use Case Boeing 3 Guns and Hoses Offices
Mesh Points
Mesh Points
53Use Case Boeing 4 Guns and Hoses Factory
Mesh Points
Access Points
54Large Enterprise E911
55Authority Issues
- Governmental Organizations (GOs)
- Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs)
- Legitimacy and Establishment of ES Organizations
- Management of Authorities
- Policy Creation
- Policy Decision
- Policy Enforcement
58802.11 Emergency Services Objectives
- Why have this tutorial?
- What is the problem?
- What do we want to achieve in 802.11?
59What does 802.11 Want to Achieve?
- 11k Location - Measurement Request/Response
- 11u Interworking E911 using either RRM or NM
(non-AP uses AP location if available to SSPN) - 11v Location - Management Request/Response
60Next Generation 802.11 Wireless Security
- Policy Development
- Policy Decision Points
- Policy Enforcement Points
- Privacy
- Security
61Policy Wiki Definition
- A policy is a deliberate plan of action to guide
decisions and achieve rationale outcome(s). The
term may apply to government, private sector
organizations and groups, and individuals.
Examples of policies include presidential
executive orders, corporate privacy policies, or
even Wikipedia's policies. - Policy may also refer to the process of making
important organizational decisions, including the
identification of different alternatives such as
programs or spending priorities, and choosing
among them on the basis of the impact they will
have. Policies can be understood as political,
management, financial, and administrative
mechanisms arranged to reach explicit goals.
- 11k and 11v providing E911 location for WLAN
devices and 11u their interworking - Future Requirements
- Policy
- Next generation of WLAN security
- Identity
- IEEE 802.11 Device Security
63SMA Elements PKI
TempCert Provisioning Process
Badge cert
Temp cert
Boeing PKI
- Badge used for Client Auth TempCert request sent
to RA - RA issues TempCert
- Client has TempCert available for up to 8 hours
64SMA Elements NDS
Directory Information Flow
- Support for real-time endpoint mobility
location data - Future integration with Boeing DNS and directory
(CED, NAMS-ng) infrastructure
Policy Decision Daemon
Location Server
DNS Proxy
Virtual Directory
Security Perimeter
65Concluding Straw Poll
- Would you like to see these issues discussed more
in November 2007? - 802 Ad Hoc (32)
- 802 Architecture Group (8)
- Something Else (4)
- Nothing (0)